Chapter 16

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(Annabeth's point of view)
They are all sitting in the church, all over the benches.
One the one side, in the first line my dad, my stepmother and her sons, on the other side in the first line Percy.
He's sitting alone and allowed no one to get near him.
He's all in black, like everyone.
He has barely slept or eaten through the last days, he also didn't talk.
After the time on the bridge he stopped crying.
He just sits there, looking into the nothing, his face free of any emotions.
Absolutely empty.
It's breaking my heart to see him like this.
And it's breaking my heart that it's my fault.
And that I can't help him.
Right behind him sits Sally, crying into a white, wet handkerchief.
Later she's doing a beautiful speech.
About me, and the time we had.
Most of the people in the church are people from my school, people that haven't talked to me in weeks.
People that have been my friends, and then left the sinking ship.
I'm not angry at them.
Not for leaving me, not for being here, not for making pointless speeches about a girl I haven't been anymore.
I don't know if the people who made me jump are here too, maybe, maybe not.
Maybe they're feeling bad know, probably they'll just tell them self it wasn't their fault. Maybe they don't care at all.
I could say that I want them to be sorry and desperate, that I want them to jump too, but that wouldn't be true.
That's not how it works, an eye for an eye, a life for a life.
But there, in the second line, around Sally, there are sitting the people that I care to be here. The ones who really have the right to sit here and look sad, the ones that knew me.
Right from Sally Hazel and Frank, shyly holding hands, both with red eyes.
They just got everything clear between them before they got the call about my death the next day.
Left from Sally Jason, Leo and Piper. Piper sits between the two boys, sobbing and crying through the whole ceremony.
I wish I could help her, but I can't.
At least she got Leo back, who does his best to hold her and be there for her, just like Jason.
Jason also tried to talk to Percy, but he couldn't reach him.
In the line behind my dad Reyna, Bianca, Nico and Will.
They are holding their hands too, just like Hazel and Frank.
Will on Nico's left, Bianca on his right side, Reyna next to Bianca.
Will is, even he's obviously very sad, looking at Nico all the time, with a light I never saw in his eyes before.
I'm happy for the two of them, I barely know anyone who would deserve it more than these two to be happy.
Reyna and Bianca are really close now, and there going to get even closer. An amazing friendship.
Also, Frank gave Reyna Drew's number, and they may not know now, and surely no one would expect this, but they are going to be happy together, finally find someone who loves them, and respects them.
Life will move on, for all of them, even for Percy.
I know he won't forget. He'll never be really over it. But he'll move on.
Because he got amazing friends, an amazing family around him.
Because that's what we have been, what we still are in the end, even we may be all so different, even some of us wouldn't even admit that they like each other, even we got a lot of trouble.
A family.

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