Just Say It... (Sabriel)

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Dean and Castiel have been together for a few months and recently Gabriel has been popping up everywhere and it's starting to piss Dean off.

"Dean-o! Cassie!" Gabriel's voice filled the bunker.

"Go away, Gabriel!" Dean yelled.

"But I've come to see my favourite Winchesters and their angel!" Gabriel protested. "Where's gigantor?"

"Oh, Sammy, he's in his bedroom I think." Dean replied. "Why do ya want to know?"

"Just wondering." Gabriel said.

"Go annoy him, instead of us!" Dean shouted.

Gabriel fluttered into Sam's room. Sam was on his laptop with his headphones on, so he didn't see or hear the angel arrive.

"Hey, Samsquatch, what ya doin'?" Gabriel shouted.

"Holy shit, Gabriel! Don't sneak up on people like that!" Sam exclaimed, going red in the face. Gabriel grinned.

"What are you doing?" Gabriel asked again.

"Just research." Sam said with a rather irritated look on his face. "I couldn't do any in the library not with those two in there, they never stop!" Sam slammed his laptop shut, not letting Gabriel see the screen.

"What were you actually doing?" Gabriel asked again. "I can read your mind you know!"

"Research." Sam repeated, he was thinking about the colour of Gabriel's eyes, a perfect caramel colour. "Don't you dare!" Sam went a deeper red colour as he tried to think of something else. Gabriel didn't read Sam's mind as he could see that he was already embarrassed enough.

Meanwhile, Dean and Castiel were sat in the library of the bunker.

"Cas, do you think Gabriel likes my brother?" Dean asked his angel. Castiel tilted his head.

"Yes, Gabriel is very fond of Sam." Castiel replied.

"No, I mean like, like-like him." Dean rephrased his sentence.

"There is a possibility." Castiel said calmly.

"But Sam definitely doesn't like Gabriel that way." Dean reassured himself. "I would know."

"Do you think that that is why Gabriel has been in the bunker a lot recently?" Castiel asked Dean.

"Maybe." Dean answered. "Have you noticed he always asks about Sam or where he is?" Castiel nodded in agreement. Then Sam walked into the room.

"Did Gabriel find you?" Dean asked his brother.

"What! Oh yeah. He's gone now though." Sam said this with a slight frown and a shrug of his shoulders. Dean looked at Castiel, his eyes wide. Sam walked through into the kitchen.

"Shit. Cas, did you see that?" Dean exclaimed.

"Your brother likes Gabriel." Castiel stated calmly. "I read his mind. He was thinking about the colour of Gabriel's eyes and how small and cute he is."

"You did what? Really!" Dean exclaimed. "Gabriel get your feathery ass down here, right now!" Gabriel appeared in front of them.

"Dean-o! What do you want?" Gabriel exclaimed.

"We know why you keep coming to the bunker! The real reason!" Dean said matter-of-factly. Gabriel stared at Dean.

"I don't know what you mean!" Gabriel pouted and went red in the face.

"Sam, get in here!" Dean shouted and his brother rushed out of the kitchen. "Gabriel's back and he has something to tell you!"

"NO! No, I don't!" Gabriel protested.

"I can make them speak their minds if you want, Dean." Castiel offered. Dean shook his head.

"What is it Gabriel?" Sam asked nervously.

"He wants to tell you why he's been hanging round here so much!" Dean started and looked at Gabriel. "He actually does, Gabriel, we know. Now, just say it."

"Fine!" Gabriel hesitated. "Sam, I...I like you! More than just a friend..." Sam stepped closer to the short angel.

"I...I like you, too!" Sam said and moved closer to the angel. Sam used a finger to lift up Gabriel's chin and pressed his lips against Gabriel's. Gabriel returned the kiss, passionately.

"Oh, yuck!" Dean cried out. "Great, this is all we'll see now, ain't it?" Dean sighed and looked at the blue eyed angel that sat next to him.

"That is most probable, Dean." Castiel replied. Sam pulled away from Gabriel.

"And I haven't had to put up with you two for several months?" Sam said. 

"Suck it up, Dean!" Gabriel yelled and leaned up to Sam's lips again.

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