I Wish (Part 2) - Sabriel

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So this is part two for the last one-shot that I wrote. Requested by KC-Mojoe and starlight00001. Enjoy!

The gun slipped from Sam's fingers, clattering on the floor beside him.

"G-Gabriel." Sam stuttered in a whisper. "I-is it r-really...you?"

"It's me, kiddo." Gabriel said with a small smile, tears still falling over his flushed cheeks. Sam slumped to the ground, hiding his face in his hands as he hoped this wasn't just his imagination and more tears flooded from his eyes. "I'm real, Sammy, it's not your imagination." Sam felt arms around his shoulders and Gabriel's soft voice whispering in his ear.

"Y-you were...d-dead." Sam sobbed and dropped his hands from his face, to look into Gabriel's eyes.

"Not anymore, but I can explain that later." Gabriel whispered as he pulled Sam closer to him, brushing Sam's hair from his face. "All that matters is that I'm here now and I'm not going to leave again. I promise."

Sam broke eye contact with Gabriel and looked down at the gun that was by his feet

"Please, don't tell Dean." Sam said so quietly that Gabriel only just heard what he said.

"I won't, Sammy," Gabriel spoke softly, tears welling up in his eyes again. "It'll be our little secret, Sammy." Sam looked back at up from the floor and at Gabriel. "Did you mean what you said, Sammy?"

"I need you, Gabe," Sam said slowly. "I want you. I love you, Gabriel."

"I love you too, Sammy." Gabriel said as he lifted up Sam's chin with his finger, bringing their faces closer. Sam closed the gap between them, smashing their lips together and moving in sync with each other. Gabriel broke away first wiping the tears of joy from his eyes. "So, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Of course I do!" Sam exclaimed with a grin. "Shall we tell Dean that you're back?"

"Yeah, let's go make out in front of him!" Gabriel smirked with a devilish grin.

"He might be with Cas at the moment," Sam said as they both stood up, Sam towering over the smaller angel. "They've been spending a lot of time together lately."

"Maybe us getting together will inspire them to give Destiel a try?" Gabriel suggested with a laugh.

"Destiel?" Sam questioned.

"Destiel, their ship name. Like ours would be...Sabriel." Gabriel explained as he took Sam's hand in his, in his other hand he popped into existence a lollipop. Sam unlocked his bedroom door and they walked towards the bunker's library hand in hand.

Dean was sat at a table in the library with Cas next to him, sat closer than normal, closer than Dean would normally have minded.

"Hello Dean-o and Cassie!" Gabriel announced as they walked into the library.

"Gabriel?" Dean said as his jaw hit the ground. "You were dead!"

"I was, I'm back now. Long story." Gabriel informed the pair. "Also I came back for Sammy. We're dating now."

"What? Sam, what the hell is he talking about, you two dating? You're not even gay, are you?" Dean babbled on.

"Gabriel is my boyfriend, Dean!" Sam smiled and brought his and Gabriel's hands up to his face and kissed Gabriel's hand. Gabriel pulled Sam's face down to his, crashing their lips together in a heated kiss.

"Ugh...get a room you two!" Dean exclaimed in disgust. "Actually scratch that, I'm off out. Cas, you coming?" Castiel nodded in response, still a little shocked from his brother's reappearance and stood up, following Dean out of the bunker but not quick enough as they heard Gabriel's extremely loud remark.

"I'm going to do unholy things to you, Sammy-boy!" Sam blushed at Gabriel's comment as they heard a loud gagging noise from the door of the bunker. Gabriel pulled Sam into a long, needy kiss before he guided Sam back to their bedroom.

I was thinking of doing a part 3 for this, carrying on in the bedroom *wink wink*? What do you think?

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