Sweet Dreams - Sabriel

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Sam tossed in his bed, pushing the covers off the bed. The memories from the cage haunted his sleep and every moment he was awake.

Gabriel looked down onto Sam, his restless form in his bed. He leant down and brushed a loose strand of hair from Sam's face. Sam's face twitched at Gabriel's touch and his eyes slowly opened. Gabriel stood still in shock, his hand still hovering close to Sam's face and he slowly moved it away. Sam's eyes opened sleepily and he grabbed Gabriel's retracting hand and pulled Gabriel onto his bed.

"What...what are you doing?" Gabriel asked as Sam wrapped his arms around Gabriel's waist, pulling him closer.

"Shhh...Gabe, just stay here and go to sleep." Sam said sleepily.

"But I don't sleep, I'm an angel." Gabriel whispered.

"Well, I can sleep." Sam stated quietly. "But only when you're here. So, you are staying. Okay?"

"Okay." Gabriel agreed. "I love you, Sammy." He whispered.

"Love you, too, Gabe." Sam yawned and tightened his grip around the angel. He shut his eyes and fell asleep listening to Gabriel humming along to one of the songs he loved so much. Gabriel heard Sam start to snore softly.

"Sweet dreams, Sammy." Gabriel whispered, raising a hand and stroking it through Sam's long hair.

Sabriel / Destiel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now