We Are The Champions - Sabriel

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"Come on, Sammy!" Gabriel whined. "Come play with me!"

Gabriel tugged at Sam's sleeve as he typed away at his laptop.

"Gabe, I've got research to do!" Sam answered.

"But, Dean and Cas are setting the games up now!" Gabriel continued to whine. "And you promised!"

"I don't remember promising anything!" Sam said stubbornly but looked up from his computer to Gabriel, who was stood there with the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"Well, last night, after we got in from the bar, you promised you would play games with me whenever I wanted, that was before you f-" Gabriel was interrupted by Sam's hand over his mouth.

"I was totally out of it last night, Gabe, I don't remember a thing. Although I'm sure you'd love to tell me what happened, not now!" Sam added and Gabriel frowned and crossed his arms. "But if you say I made you a promise, then I'll keep it."

"You also promised that you would-" Gabriel started but Sam interrupted him again.

"Let's go play!" Sam exclaimed as he grabbed Gabriel's hand and let Gabriel pull him into the Bunker's library.

"What are we playing?" Sam asked as he sat down, Gabriel following to sit on his lap.

"Well, we thought we could start with a couple of board games and maybe a card game or two?" Cas said as he set up Pictionary.

"Teams?" Dean suggested as he appeared at the door to the library, carrying all the snacks he could find in the Bunker.

"What?" Sam looked up at his older brother in confusion.

"Do you want to play in teams?" Dean said, as if he was talking to a three year old. Sam nodded. "Me and Cas? You and Gabe?" Sam nodded again and looked down at the angel in his lap.

"Ugh, why am I stuck with him?" Gabriel joked with a grin but Sam just frowned at him. Gabriel leaned up a kissed Sam's cheek but Sam was still frowning. "I didn't mean it, Sammich!" Sam grinned at him and kissed him.

"Are we gonna play or are you two gonna keep making out?" Dean mumbled and with that Sam pulled away from Gabriel.

"Let's play!" Sam exclaimed taking his eyes off the angel and focusing on the game at hand.

//Several hours later//

"We are the champions!" Gabriel sang as loud as he could. He and Sam had won 5-3. "Sammy, come here a sec." Gabriel said as he walked out of the library and into the kitchen.

"What do you want, Gabe?" Sam asked as he entered the kitchen and kissed Gabriel.

"I have." Kiss. "Another game." Kiss. "For us." Kiss. "To play" Gabriel said as he laid soft kisses onto Sam's lips, he stepped back and stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out two dice with words written across each of them.

"Okay, let's go!" Sam said quickly as he dragged Gabriel and the dice back to his bedroom.

Sabriel / Destiel One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang