I Wish - Sabriel

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I've always felt alone in this world. Even with my brother always by my side, I've always felt alone. Everyone I ever cared about left me, my mum died when I was 6 months old, Jess died, dad died, Bobby died, Adam got locked up in the cage and Gabriel died. Gabriel died. The angel that killed my brother over a hundred times. The angel, that literally step on my heart, died. He was the Trickster. I wish he wasn't dead. I wish he was here with me, in the bunker. But that can never be, because he's dead and nothing will ever be the same. I wish that he could play a trick on Dean and me again. I wish I could stare into his whiskey coloured eyes again. I wish I could have told him. Told him how I really felt, no how i still feel about him but I will never be able to. I wish that I could tell him that I love him. But he's dead now, nothing I can do about but get over him. But I can't just get over him just like that. I need to see him one last time. One last time.

Sam finished writing, tears streaming down his face, he looked up at his ceiling and whispered, "I need you, Gabriel, I can't live without you!"

Then, Sam heard a flutter of wings behind him. "Go away, Cas!" Sam shouted, tears still streaming over his cheeks. "Leave me alone." Sam turned round and came face to face with a short golden haired, whiskey eyed angel, tears falling down his face, too.

"Hiya, Sammy, miss me?"The whiskey eyed angel asked.

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