Fix You - Destiel

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Dean's POV

He was totally surrounded. The creatures of purgatory circling him like their next meal. He lashed out and stabbed one of them. It squealed and fell to the ground. Another creature took its place, it looked more menacing than the last.

"Cas! Cas!" Dean cried out. "I need you Cas! Cas!"

Cas's POV

Cas was already awake when he heard Dean cry out for him in his sleep. Another nightmare, Cas thought.
Dean sat upright, looking aroung the room, he was shaking and beads of sweat dripped down over his forehead. Cas began to run his hand over Dean's back.

"It's alright, Dean, you're safe." Cas reassured him. "It was only a dream, you're safe, Dean."

Dean pulled Cas into a tight hug, never want to let his angel go.

"Lights will guide you home," Cas began to sing, he knew it would calm Dean down. "And ignite your bones," Cas continued and slowly stoped shaking as Cas's soothing voice clamed him. "I will try to fix you." Cas whispered into Dean's ear.

"I love you, Cas."
"I love you too, Dean."

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