Samshine - Sabriel

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**Samshine is my favourite nickname that I think that Gabriel would call Sam by the way, it's one that doesn't make fun of Sam, like Samwich or Samsquatch does, and it makes me think of the song 'You are my sunshine'. Anyway, enjoy this song themed one-shot.**

Sam was thrown across the room, hitting the wall with a loud thud and his gun clattering onto the floor beside him. The hellhound pounced on Sam, clawing into his chest and stomach and ripping flesh and skin away with its teeth.

Dean burst onto the warehouse floor and shot aimlessly at the beast that was tearing his brother apart.

"Get away from him." He yelled and moved closer to his brother and that was the last thing Sam saw as a bright white light filled the room. Then there was only black.

Then Sam heard singing, only faint but it was there and it was beautiful.

You are my Samshine, my only Samshine,

You make me happy when skies are grey,

You'll never know dear how much I love you,

Please don't take my Samshine away.

Sam slowly opened his eyes. There was a golden light surrounding him now and someone was still singing the same verse over and over. Sam looked up to see a honey eyes looking down at him amongst a mess of long, golden brown hair.


"Hiya, Samshine."

Sam noticed the tears that stained Gabriel's cheeks as he looked up at the archangel. Gabriel wiped the tears from his face and gave the hunter a small smile as he sat him up in his lap.

"What happened?"

"You were attack by a hellhound and Dean wasn't gonna kill it on his own, so I gave him a hand."

Sam looked around him, seeing walls of gold that surrounded him and suddenly he realised.

"Are these...your wings?"

Gabriel nodded and Sam reached his fingers out to touch the golden feathers that enclosed the both of them. Gabriel shivered as Sam touched his wings, making the feathers flutter under his touch.

"That doesn't hurt does it?"

" one's ever touched my wings before. It's quite nice actually."

Sam dragged his fingers through the feathers again.

"They're so soft and beautiful."

Gabriel blushed at the hunter's words and his wings twitch. Sam turned in the angel's lap until they were face to face.

"Was that you singing as well?"

"You heard that?"

"That was all I could hear. Did you mean it, Gabe?"

"I couldn't live without you Samshine. I love you."

Sam leaned forward and pushed his lips against the archangel's. Gabriel quickly kissed back, melting into the unexpected moment. Gabriel's wings flutter around them. Sam pulled back a few seconds later.

"I love you too, angel."

Sam crashed his lips against Gabriel's again, more forcefully though this time, sliding his tongue into Gabriel's mouth as he gasped at the sudden contact, making the archangel moan as their tongues battled for dominance. Sam broke away and grinned at Gabriel.

"Wow! What was that for, Sammy?"

"Just a thank you for saving my life."

"No problem, Samshine. I might have to save you more often if I get things like that."

"Oh, you will get so much more than a kiss when we get back to the bunker, angel."

Sam gave the archangel a wink and a quick kiss before Gabriel quickly snapped his fingers.

**Also let me know if you want a part 2 to this, I have a couple of ideas already.**

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