Fanfiction - Sabriel

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Sam was sat on his bed with his laptop on his knee, researching something for a new case, when a email popped up on his screen. It was from an unknown address and it was titled 'For Sam', so he opened it. It was a link to a website and there was a little message underneath the link,

Hi Samsquatch. Have a look at this. G

It was from Gabriel, so he clicked the link, cautiously. The link lead him to a fanfiction website and to a user called 'Mr G Winchester', and all their works. Sam read through tha list of them and their descriptions. They all involve him and Gabriel in some kind of relationship.

"WHAT THE HELL! GABRIEL GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW." Sam yelled through the bunker. Then there was a flutter of wings and Gabriel appeared, grin and all, at the end of Sam's bed. "What is this, Gabe? Whyd' you send me this stuff?" Sam asked, his voice load and almost yelling.

"Do you not like it?" Gabriel asked, looking slightly hurt but still smiling. "I wrote them myself." Gabriel looked at Sam proudly.

"Why would you write something like that, unless..." Sam trailed off as everything suddenly came together. Mr G Winchester, Gabriel Winchester. He wrote all of those fanfictions about us, in a relationship. Holy shit, Gabriel likes me. Sam thought.

Gabriel stood and watched Sam's reation after he told him that he'd written all the fanfiction. He watched the different emotions spread across Sam's face as he waited for a response.

Sam looked at Gabriel with his eyes wide in shock.

"" Sam stuttered eventually. Gabriel clapped his hands slowly.

"Finally! You got it." Gabriel said and opened his mouth to say something but Sam stopped him by crashing his lips into Gabriel's. Sam pulled away after a second and look down at the lightly shocked angel.

"I like you, too, Gabe." Sam said and Gabriel pushed his lips against Sam's.

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