Be Quiet - Sabriel

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So this was a request by xXveveXx. Enjoy! If anyone has any other request, all you have to do is ask :)

"Gabe, we have to be quiet, Dean's only in the next room!" Sam whispered loudly before Gabriel kissed him again and he moaned loudly into the kiss.

"Is everything alright in there, Sammy?" Dean's voice called from another room.

"Yeah. Yeah everything is fine, the pan was a little too hot but I'm okay." Sam scrambled to put his words together as Gabriel squeezed his ass.

Gabriel was sat on the table in the counter, his legs wrapped Sam's waist, his hands on Sam's butt and his mouth was currently sucking at Sam's collarbone. Sam gave out a quiet moan.

"Please don't leave any marks, Dean might see them." Sam breathed as Gabriel continued to suck and nibble at his skin.

"Too late." Gabriel grinned and looked up at the hunter in front of him. "Can't we just tell him already? It has been a couple of months now."

Gabriel had appeared out of no-where in the middle of April and both he and Sam had confessed their love for each other by the end of May and became boyfriends. Now it was November and they had been keeping their relationship a secret from Dean for over five months. Dean seemed to be oblivious to Sam and Gabriel's little make-out sessions and loving looks from across the room but then again why would he, he knew Sam could never be gay and he'd made that quiet clear.

After a hunt one day, Sam and Dean decided to grab a drink at a local bar, once they had patched themselves up back at the motel, of course. Dean ordered him and Sam several beers and a tray of shots. Dean polished off his beer and started on his shots. He'd got three down when he realised Sam was talking to someone. Someone who had their face stuck to his little brother's. It took Dean a few moments to realise that is was a guy that was making out with Sam, then he angrily tore them away from each other and started to shout,

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? You're a dude! My brother doesn't like dudes! He's not gay! Are you, Sammy?"

"Well..." Sam began but Dean interrupted him with another slur of words.

"See! He's straight! Straight as a bean pole! You shouldn't go around kissing random straight guys, okay?"

"Actually, he kissed me." The guy said matter-of-factly

"Whatever you want to believe but my little baby brother isn't gay and he never will be, right Sammy? I'm going to the bathroom."

"Sorry about my brother, I've never seen him act like that before," Sam apologised and stood up to leave. "I'm going to have to take him home. Bye."

"Bye." The mystery man said. "Here's my number, Sam." He gave Sam a quick kiss before he glanced behind him and noticed that his brother was on his way back over.

Sam had helped Dean back to the motel that night, while Dean still mumbling homophobic slurs about Sam not being gay.

Since then Sam thought Dean would hate him if he ever told him he was gay. He had told Gabriel this story and asked him if they could keep their relationship a secret, Gabriel had agreed to it but they had almost been caught on several occasions. Like when Dean had gone to get supplies, Gabriel had attacked Sam with a make-out session on the couch and Gabriel just popped away when he heard the door of the bunker open and Dean's voice shout through, leaving Sam a dishevelled mess on the sofa. Another time, Dean had decided to go to a bar, Sam had stayed home for 'research', and the next morning Dean was asking who Sam had had in his room the night before because they were being very loud, loud enough to wake the dead, as Dean put it.

But right now Sam was supposed to be making dinner for himself, Gabriel and Dean. Gabriel was supposed to be helping him but all he was doing was distracting him.

Sam's hands were tugging at Gabriel's shirt as they kissed again and Gabriel's hands were exploring every muscle in Sam's back. Sam pushed himself closer to Gabriel becoming completely lost in the passion of the moment.

"How's everything going in..." Dean's voice trailed off as he saw Sam with his tongue stuck down Gabriel's throat. "What the fuck is going on?"

Sam turned around quickly and stared at Dean, his face bright red and Gabriel still hanging round his waist.

"Erm...well...err...we..." Sam stumbled over his words.

"Well, I don't know about Sammy, but I was having a hot make-out with my boyfriend." Gabriel clarified with a shit-eating grin.

"Boyfriend?" Dean asked his jaw slack with surprise. "But Sammy's not..."

"I am gay, Dean." Sam said as he recovered from the shock of being discovered. "And Gabriel's my boyfriend."

"Since when?"

"About five months ago."


"Yeah and I've been screwing him all this time." Gabriel mumbled with a smug grin. Sam put Gabriel down on the floor next to him. Dean took a few steps closer to Sam and Gabriel.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dean asked.

"Remember that time at the bar and you saw me kissing that dude and you had a massive homophobic freak out and almost got kicked out. That's why I didn't tell you."

"Oh, I didn't mean it, I was drunk, Sammy, I'm sorry." Dean said this and hugged his little brother, and then he turned to Gabriel. "And you! If you ever hurt my little brother emotionally or physically, I will hunt you down and kill you!"

"Well, that's a little late, Sammy could hardly walk the other day after..." Gabriel started but both Sam and Dean gave him their best bitchfaces and he stopped. Sam quickly kissed Gabriel, making sure he would shut up.

"I don't need to see this." Dean exclaimed and walked towards the door quickly.

"Shut it jerk!" Sam shouted as Dean left.

"Ugh, bitch." Dean's voice rang through the bunker as Gabriel wrapped himself around Sam once again.

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