Holiday - Sabriel

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"Hey, Sammy." Gabriel whined. "Wanna go on holiday with me?"

"What?" Sam looked up from his laptop to meet the gaze of the small angel.

"A holiday. White sand beaches. Crystal blue seas." Gabriel elaborated. "Sex on the..."

"Gabe! Stop it. I know what a holiday is." Sam interrupted. "I've got a tonne of research to finish for this case. Maybe later."

"But I want to go now!" Gabriel whined and pouted his lips.

"Where would we even go, Gabe?" Sam asked not letting his gaze move from the laptop screen.

"I don't know. I'm sure I could find us a small secluded island somewhere." Gabriel winked at Sam.

"Why don't we bring Dean and Cas with us, when we go?" Sam asked cautiously.

"No way, Sammy boy. Those two are not coming with us." Gabriel protested. "They'll ruin everything with their sexual tension."

"I suppose so." Sam said frowning slightly. Gabriel popped a lollipop into his mouth and stared at Sam. "Stop staring at me." Sam told Gabriel sternly.

"But I'm bored Sammy!" Gabriel complained. Sam looked up for the computer screen at Gabriel.

"Why don't you go find my beach stuff, then?" Sam suggested and a wild grin spread across Gabriel's face. He loved to look through Sam's stuff and try on his clothes, without Sam knowing a thing. So Gabriel gladly went through to Sam's bedroom to look for Sam's holiday clothes.

Gabriel took his time to find and pack Sam's stuff, even though he could have used his angel powers to do it in seconds, but he slowly filled Sam's duffle bag with clothes and a few other things from Sam's nightstand. He pulled on Sam's favourite plaid shirt over his t-shirt and took a deep breath of the fabric, absorbing Sam's smell. Gabriel gave a little smile at the comfort the shirt gave him. He picked up Sam's duffle bag and walked back to the library, where he had left Sam.

"Here you go, Sammy. All packed." Gabriel said triumphantly as he dumped Sam's bag down between Sam and his laptop. "You ready to go?"

"Almost, Gabe." Sam said as he shoved the bag to the side of him and began to type again. "I just have to do one more thing." Sam hit the enter key on the keyboard and shut the lid as he looked around to Gabriel, who had his head on his shoulder. Sam brushed his lips over Gabriel's cheek. Gabriel stood up grabbing Sam's bag.

"Let's go then." Gabriel pulled at Sam's arm and heaved him out of his chair, onto his feet right in front of him. Sam closed his eyes as Gabriel leaned up and planted an impatient kiss on his lips and then Gabriel clicked his fingers.

Sam could feel a warm breeze blow through his hair as he opened his eyes to see turquoise waves lapping at a white sand beach. Sam's eyes widened as he took in his surroundings.

"Welcome to paradise, Samshine!" Gabriel exclaimed running across the beach.

"Gabe, come here." Sam asked and Gabriel ran back over to Sam. Sam cupped his hand around Gabriel's cheek and crashed his lips against the angel's, passionately. Sam pulled away after several moments. "Are you wearing my shirt?" Sam asked with a smile and Gabriel nodded, his face turning slightly red. "It looks cute on you." Sam winked at Gabriel before he kissed him again. Gabriel moved away and looked at Sam with adoring eyes.

"Where are we, Gabe?" Sam questioned.

"Some island in the pacific." Gabriel answered with a shrug.

"What are we going to eat and where are we going to stay?" Sam continued to question Gabriel. Gabriel quickly clicked his fingers again.

"That's where we are going to stay. I can just magic us some food when we're hungry. Okay?" Gabriel was pointing behind Sam. Sam turned around to find a little beach shack with a couple of surf boards leaning against one wall of the porch. Sam nodded in response to Gabriel and began to walk towards the little shack. As he walked inside he saw a petite kitchen and a small door, to the bedroom, Sam guessed. Sam looked around the first room. There was a small sofa opposite a tiny TV, a round table with two chairs sat in the kitchen area near the cabinets and drawers. Sam ventured further into the little house, into the bedroom; there was a double bed with two bedside tables, a dresser and a wooden wardrobe. Sam let himself fall backwards onto the bed and he let out a sigh of content. Sam heard footsteps enter the room but he didn't look up, he only patted the space by his side, then Gabriel slumped into the space beside Sam and wrapped his arms around Sam's waist, trying to pull him closer. Sam turned onto his side, to face Gabriel, and softly pushed his lips against the angel's and Gabriel wrapped a leg around Sam's thigh. Sam pulled away from the angel.

"Why don't we go swimming?" Sam asked and a smirk covered his face.

"Ugh. But I don't want to get up!" Gabriel huffed.

Sam leant close to Gabriel's ear and whispered, "How about skinny dipping then?" Gabriel sat bolt upright and looked at Sam.

"What are you waiting for, Sammy?" Gabriel said as he quickly jumped up, pulled off the plaid shirt and his t-shirt and began to fiddle with his belt. "Come on!"

Sam stood up and slowly unbuttoned his plaid shirt, then pulled off his undershirt as he walked through the front door of the undersized shack. He began to walk towards the edge of the sea, while tugging his trousers off, leaving them lying on the sand. Gabriel followed behind; he had stripped down to his boxers. Sam walked cautiously into the water, letting himself fall backwards into the warm sea. Gabriel clicked his fingers and ended up on Sam's shoulders, pushing Sam under the water.

"Why, Gabe?" Sam asked as he raised his head from the water and threw Gabriel backwards.

"I didn't mean to, Sammy." Gabriel said with a mischievous grin spreading across his face. Then Sam swung his arms around, spraying Gabriel with salt water. Gabriel gave Sam his best bitchface.

"What? I didn't mean to." Sam chuckled and moved closer to Gabriel, crashing his lips into Gabriel's, letting his fingers twirl through the angel's golden locks. Gabriel pulled himself closer to Sam, wrapping his legs around Sam's waist, their bodies melting into each other's. Sam moved his head away and leant his forehead against Gabriel's.

"We're actually going to do this, here?" Sam whispered, looking deep into Gabriel's whiskey coloured eyes.

"Well, this is our lives on holiday, Sammy." Gabriel sang softly as he pushed his lips onto his hunter's.

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