Part Two

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I felt bad leaving Moo on her own as Daniel and I moved through the dance floor, but she kept a smile on her face the entire time. I knew she understood and didn’t have a problem with it, but still, I felt mean. I looked into Daniel’s eyes and couldn’t help but smile. I first met Daniel when Moo and I were out on a shopping spree. He was sitting at a table in the food court looking really upset when we saw him so Moo ran over to talk to him, with me slowly following behind. His girlfriend of a year had just broken up with him and he was really cut up; so Moo and I took him around the shops running mad to take his mind off it, and had him smiling in no time. Over time I began to develop strong feelings for him, and for some reason got pretty shy whenever I was around him; which is strange for me.

A slower song began to play and Daniel pulled me close, placing his hands on my hips as I placed mine around his neck; the two of us swaying to the music. I glanced over at Moo and saw she was dancing with a guy I’d never seen before. I must admit he was pretty cute, his chubby cheeks really showed as he smiled at her. I looked back at Daniel and stared into his eyes, as did he to me. Our little moment came to an end all too quickly when the lights were dimed and everyone began to sing.

“Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Daniel, happy birthday to you!”

we all sung as my friends Amelia and Emily walked into the room with a candle lit cake. We all cheered and clapped as he blew out the candles with a smile on his face and thanked everyone. I looked around for Moo but I couldn’t see her anywhere, so I went to the kitchen and grabbed a can of jim beam and cola from the fridge. When I walked back out of the kitchen I ran over to Amelia and Emily and jumped on the two, while attempting to not spill my drink. I hadn’t seen any of my friends since I got back besides Moo and Daniel and I seriously missed them.

“KATTY!” They both screamed with excitement. We talked for ages catching up on everything that happened since we hadn’t seen each other; before going back onto that dance floor completely intoxicated.


Slowly I opened my eyes, where was I? I couldn’t remember seeing this room before. I sat up from the bed and looked around; I could see Amelia and Emily on the floor of the room, and Mia next to me in the bed.

“Moo?” I said quietly as I shook her,

“Ehhhh what?” She mumbled. I looked down at my watch and noticed the time; it was pretty early for my liking! But we had to leave early anyway because of the long drive back.

“Babe we have to head off soon.” I said, continuing to shake her. She sat up and rubbed her head, looking pretty hung over. I didn’t even see her drinking the night before, although I didn’t actually see her much that night at all. I was surprised with the amount of alcohol I’d had I was completely fine. We got up from the bed and I left a note on Amelia and Emily reading:

‘Had to leave early :( Drop by mine for a visit some time!! Xx Kitty’

  I still had my heels on and my feet were killing me as I walked, and they were making loud noise on the wooden floor. I took them off and held them in my hands as Moo and I snuck through the house to the front door. While we made our way to the car I scrambled around my handbag for the keys, but I couldn’t find them.

“Looking for something?” Moo said, shaking the keys in her hand. I laughed and she threw them to me just before the two of us got in the car. While I drove my stomach began to rumble, only then did I realise I was pretty hungry. We were on a red light and I noticed a McDonalds up head.

“Morning stop in?” I said gesturing toward McDonalds.

“Oh my god yes!” Moo said like she was dying for food. 

When the light turned green I accelerated the car and rushed to the fast food place. We picked up our wallets and went inside, Moo going straight over to the McAfee side for some sort of caffeine, while I went and got us food. I went and sat over at the table she saved for us and noticed that guy she was dancing with walk in through the front doors.

“Hey Moo, look” I said and pointed toward him. Her face lit up and she smiled almost straight away, leaving me at the table to go say hi to him. When she came back over she brought him with her,

“Hi there.” I said as he sat down.

“Hey” He smiled,

“Oh I’m sorry, Kitty, this is Bradie. Bradie, this is my friend Kitty.” Moo said introducing us.

“Kitty?” He said as he shook my hand,

“Kathryn, Kitty is just her nickname for me. And I call her Moo.” I explained.

“Why Kitty and Moo?” he asked the two of us looking confused.

“Well I call her Kitty because when we first became friends, pretty much everything she owned was Hello Kitty stuff, so I thought it fit. And she calls me Moo because..” Moo explained, but couldn’t finish her sentence;

“Because she’s a cow” I joked. Moo dropped her mouth and Bradie laughed along with me.

“I’m joking babe, calm down! I can’t remember why I call you Moo..” I said,

“So what brings you here mister Bradie?” I asked, attempting to make conversation.

“Well it seems like the place to go when you’re hung over” He laughed. “And I have to meet my brother here. Well, step brother.” He added.

“Step brother, aye? What’s his name?” Moo said,


“You called?” We heard from behind us. I turned my head to see a man around the same age as Bradie by his looks, with blonde hair all spiked up the top and back, and a long fringe dangling over his wayfarer sunnies. He was dressed similar to Bradie too, skinny jeans and a white tank top with a black jacket, that by the looks of it had a cat on the side of the hood.

“Hey Andy, this is Kathryn and Mia.” Bradie said pointing at Moo and I. He sat down next to Bradie and half waved at us with a smile. Moo went to speak but was interrupted when a girl around 14 or so walked over to our table near the boys,

“Uhm..hi.” She said to Andy, looking quite shy. “Do you mind if I get a photo with you guys?” She added as she pulled out her camera from her pocket.

“Sure.” Bradie smiled. She handed me the camera and I snapped a picture of the three of them; still confused at what just happened,

“What was that..?” Moo asked when the girl left.

“A fan” Andy said with a smile. I gave him a strange look,

“We’re in a band.” Bradie added.

“Oh nice, what kind of band?” I said.

“Well we use to be like punk rock, but now we’re more on the alternative side.” Andy said.

“Wow that’s awesome. “ Moo smiled. I got the feeling she kind of liked Bradie; but then again she gave Andy a look or two as well. When we finished our food and coffees, Moo and I had to head off to try and be home on time.

“What way are you heading?” Andy asked us.

“Central coast.” Moo answered.

“Huh, no kidding. Where in the central coast?” Bradie asked.

“I’m in Doyalson, Kitty lives over in Gorokan.” Moo said. 

“Small world.” I heard Andy say under his breath.

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

“We live in Gorokan too.”

“I guess I might see you around sometime.” I said with a laugh and got into my car. The two waved to us and we drove away.

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