Part 15

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“Andy.....Andy! ANDY” My mother yelled for me to wake up. I stirred on the uncomfortable couch I lay on, letting out a big yawn.

“What time did you boys get home?” She asked us. I crunched up my face at the sight of sunlight, continuously opening and closing my eyes for a moment until they adjusted. I saw Bradie laying on the floor, barely wrapped up in his spider-man blanket.

“I don’t even know..” I finally said. She rolled her eyes and walked out to the kitchen where Bradie’s dad was cooking what smelt like bacon. With a bit of a struggle I got to my feet and stretched out, feeling aches and pains in my back and neck from the couch. Walking over to Bradie sleeping peacefully I pushed him a tad with my foot, but he didn’t wake, so with a small amount of force I kicked his arm, a few times until he finally woke up.

“Breakfast!” Bradie’s dad called out. Bradie shot up from where he lay and made his way to the kitchen, with me following close behind. I sat in front of a plate covered in eggs, bacon and toast, steaming away, and without a second thought devoured the meal until my stomach could hold no more.

“So boys, what are the plans for the day?” Mum asked as she sat at the table.

“I think we have to go round to Shaun’s place to talk about our next video clip and sort out some stuff for touring” Bradie mumbled through eating a slice of toast. I looked at the time and decided to jump in the shower, dying to freshen up.

When I was cleaned up and dressed I threw on my sunglasses and walked out to see Bradie waiting for me so we could leave. When we got to Shaun’s place we talked over ideas for our new video clip, even tweeted trying to get some ideas from fans, until we finally decided on what it was we wanted.

After a few short hours I left with Bradie to head back to our place; but I didn’t really want to go home. As soon as we pulled up in the driveway I got out and walked up the driveway, plugging my ear phones into my iPhone and walked down my street. ‘Memories’ by Panic! At The Disco began to play and suddenly I found myself thinking about Mia. Just the word ‘memory’ put her face in my head. I knew she wasn't interested in me, I mean a girl as good as her would want nothing to do with me, but the way she acted around me, my heart raced even at the thought. I needed to get over her though; I was only going to be disappointed. It was easy to see she had her eyes on Bradie, just the way she talked about him, always involving him, and I knew he liked her as well. The perfect little couple I guess. I didn't want to hurt him; he was after all one of my best friends, and my brother, so I wasn't going to try anything. I continued walking in no particular direction, for ages as each tune blasted in my ears. When I finally got back home I heard Bradie call out to me to grab his phone he'd left in my car. I searched and searched but I couldn't seem to find it anywhere in the front, so I started searching through the back seats when something caught my eye. There was a familiar looking jacket in the floor in front if the back seats, and stockings on the other side. Stockings? Why the hell would I have them in my car? I thought back to the night of the party, having fun carelessly dancing around with Kat, the way I felt when Mia had been dancing around with Bradie, causing me to quietly storm inside for another drink, and another. I remember her finding me in there eventually, asking if I was okay. After that was a blur. I think it was obvious I had someone in my car last night, but I just couldn't think of it. Many thoughts ran through my mind. It could have been nothing; I could have taken my stress out through getting with some other girl, who knows. I guess it was better that way, I was just hoping it wasn't with someone it shouldn't have been. I finally spotted Bradie's phone under the passenger’s seat right at the back; how'd he manage that? I took it in to him and placed it on the bench, seeing him sitting on the couch with our baby sister Ashley sitting on his lap, before going to Christopher's room and sitting with him for a while whilst he played around with his toys and such, as he usually did.

"Andy?" Bradie called out from the other side of the bedroom door.


"She's here.."

Just the way he said it told me who he was talking about straight away. As if my day could get any more stressful, why couldn't I just have a break? I sighed as I stood to my feet and walked out to the front door.

"Hey" she said cheerfully as she smiled.


"How've you been?"

"Better.." I mumbled and stepped outside, closing the door behind me. We walked up the driveway until I was at my car and I leaned my back against it, eager to hear why she randomly showed up.

“I know you probably weren't expecting to see me again with how we left off.. But, I miss you." She moved closer to me and placed her hand in mine, like she used to once upon a time. I looked down at our hands, memories flashing through my mind, and as I looked back up at her she kissed me, the soft lips I was so used to having on mine when she was mine. But she hurt me; I didn't want to fall for her seduction like I always did. I lightly pushed her off me, looking at the ground as I caught my breath after such a long kiss.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Do you really expect me to just kiss and forgive you for what you did? It's not that simple Amanda" I said with a sigh, removing my hand from hers. As I looked in her eyes all I could see was hurt, and I couldn't bare it, but then again, she did worse to me.

"Andy, I wasn't thinking straight, it was just a one-off, don't hate me for it" she pleaded.

"I don't hate you, I just can't forgive you. It hurt, a lot, to come see you on your birthday and catch you in bed with someone else. And then you think after some time later everything between us is just fine and we can get back together?"

“Well I was hoping you’d be a little more reasonable about this.”

“More reasonable? You cheated on me!” I was becoming frustrated; another thing she was good at making me do.

“I was drunk off my head, I thought it was you!” She defended.

“Sure..” I mumbled, hoping she didn’t hear it, but slightly hoping she did at the same time.

“You know what, fine. When you’ve come to your senses and realized the mistake you’re making, call me.” And just like that she was gone quicker than she came. I turned to my car and pressed my head against the window, when I noticed something else was left in there from last night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2011 ⏰

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