Part Six

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I watched Brooke walk out the front door of Shaun’s house while I drove away. She’d most likely be wanting an explanation and I felt sorry for Shaun, I’d hate to continuously have something like that on my mind. When I got home I walked inside and crashed on the couch, I was pretty wrecked after the little sleep I’d had.

“Where’ve you been?” I heard from behind me. With a small jump of fright I shot my head in the direction of the voice, to see Bradie standing at the end of the couch.

“I went to the beach and hung out with those girls we met at McDonalds, and Shaun hit one of them with his car.” I sighed,

“He what?! Which one? Is she alright??” He snapped.

“Calm down, she’s okay just a few injuries, couple of broken ribs. Uhm Kathryn I think it was”

“How’s Shaun holding up?” He asked,

“Not good” I said as I shook my head.

He sighed and sat next to me on the couch, “What about Mia, is she okay?” He asked.

“Yeah she’s fine, I think she’s still a bit upset but she’s not really showing it”

“I’d be upset too if I were her..” He mumbled. I don’t know what it was with him, but whenever I mentioned Mia’s name after I met her and Kathryn he had a different look. I stood up and walked over to my little brother Christopher who was getting frustrated that he couldn’t reach some toy he wanted. I picked him up so he could reach the toy and played around with him for a while, forgetting how tired I was and why I had been out for so long; just forgetting everything and having fun with my little brother. He threw a few of the hard plastic toys at my head and found it quite amusing; though I laughed along with him I found it a bit painful to be honest. Bradie left the room after a bit and made a phone call, barely able to hear him I decided to go down the hallway and listen in a little. I know it’s rude to listen to peoples phone conversations but I was just interested in who he’d be calling.

“Yeah my parents are out for the night so we can throw it here………Just invite anyone, and youse can bring whatever…..alright, see you all soon” I heard from his room.

“Having a party are we?” I asked when he walked out his door.

“Uh yeah kinda, I just thought I’d try something to distract Shaun” He said as he started to clean up Christopher’s toys and organise a few things around the place. A party to distract Shaun? That’s actually not a bad idea if I say so myself; I know that would distract me from a fair few things. Then I thought about Mia..Maybe it would be a good idea for her to be there, I mean she did watch her best friend get hit. I told Bradie I’d be back soon and went out to my car I’d only just got out of less than an hour ago. When I pulled up in front of Mia’s house I noticed through the door her sitting on her couch watching tv. She looked pretty adorable, in short shorts with an over-sized shirt and a baggy jacket, the type of clothes to wear when you plan on doing nothing but hanging around the house all day. She glanced over at my car and half smiled as she jumped up from her spot. I stepped out of my car and walked over to her, standing at the door with a curious, yet happy look.

“To what do I owe the pleasure?” She asked with a grin.

“Thought you’d want to come over and join me at a small party Bradie is throwing to distract Shaun” I smiled.

“Wouldn’t me being there interrupt with the distraction?”

“I don’t really think so, besides you can always hang with me out of his sight” I said, smiling more. She thought about it for a second, and then nodded. We walked back to my car and headed back to my house, and I noticed there were a few cars there already. As I opened the front door I saw some familiar faces, looking around and seeing Lewis, Luke, Shannon, Josh, Shaun (Jumpnow) Jennings, Brooke, Shaun and Liam. I introduced Mia to the majority of them, keeping her at a bit of a distance of Shaun to make sure he wouldn’t start thinking about Kathryn again. More and more people began to show up as the time went by, all of us chatting and moving around to the music that was filling the house with drinks in our hands. I noticed Mia drinking a little quicker than she should; especially since she was drinking spirits (Jack Daniels and Vodka mostly),

“Slow down there” I laughed. She looked at the cup she was just about to take another sip from and lowered it to her side. I took another sip of the red cruiser I had in my hand and looked around at my full house, noticing Shaun on the other side of the room finally smiling. It was good to see him happy for after moping around all morning; I was really glad Bradie thought to throw this little party for him. My cat Knuckles jumped on my lap when I sat on the couch with Mia by my side. I smiled at her; she was such an adorable cat. Mia patted her soft fur and smiled at her purring; it was pretty cute. As I watched Mia smile I couldn’t help but smile, she was really pretty and her smile just made her irresistible. The two of us continued to drink and talk, laughing at almost everything we talked about. The more alcohol we consumed the closer we became; the hours passed and the fun continued. I walked into my bedroom after a while to grab my phone, when all of the sudden I heard the door close behind me. All the alcohol I’d consumed making it difficult for me to keep up with what was happening I turned confused, only to feel soft lips join onto mine. As a reaction I pushed her up against a wall, kissing her passionately. After a while I realised exactly who it was; Mia. I pulled away from her, she looked extremely drunk and this was just wrong for me to do that to her, even though it was only a kiss. She went and sat over on my bed, looking a bit sick. I went and sat next to her to make sure she wouldn’t fall off the bed with the way she was leaning. She rested her head on my shoulder, then suddenly someone was knocking at the door. Mia sat up properly and I walked over to see who it was at the door. It was Shaun. I decided I’d walk out and close the door behind me,

“Hey uh I just wanted to say thanks for this, it really helped” he smiled.

“Nyo problemo” I drunkly mumbled. He laughed and made his way over to Brooke to leave, while everyone else was still having a good time. I walked backed into my room and saw her, my thoughts were becoming more clear as I looked at her. I practically only just met her, what was I doing? I could tell she was way too drunk to realize it was me just by looking at her; she could barely even sit up properly.  She got up and quickly made her way to the bathroom, all the alcohol she’d consumed made everything leave her stomach. I followed her and held her hair back while she continued to throw up. She stood up and rinsed out her mouth, not looking really well at all.

“Yoouh okay?” I asked her. She held her hand to her face and shook her head slightly. We walked out of the bathroom and I went to find Bradie, knowing he’d be the responsible one and not drink. Usually he would but I knew he wouldn’t that night because there were people who’d need a ride home. Bradie took one look at Mia before he spoke,

“Are you alright?” he asked with concern.

“Could you take me home?” She asked him, half leaning on me for support. Bradie nodded his head and went to find his keys, while I took Mia out to his car. As I waved the two off while they drove away, I started to wonder if she’ll remember anything that just happened.

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