Part Seven

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My head spun as Bradie drove me home, my stomach was churning and my legs felt weak. It was a pretty stupid idea to drink so much, only then did I realise that. When we arrived to my house Bradie got out of the car and walked over to the seat I was sitting in and helped me out. He walked me inside holding my waist so I wouldn’t fall, laughing at me slightly when I tripped on the step at the door.  As soon as he took his arm away from my waist I ran into the bathroom, once again emptying my stomach of all the intoxicating alcohol I’d drunken. I used the sink for full support as I washed out the disgusting taste, my knees felt weak and all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep but my pounding headache wouldn’t allow that. I stumbled out of the bathroom and over to the couch, crashing down on it as soon as I got close enough. Bradie came over with a glass of water and handed it to me; even though I shook my head he made me sit up and drink it. I hardly even knew this guy, but he was being so nice to me. While we had a short conversation Bradie began to look tired and continuously yawned through his words. I looked over at the clock and saw the time was 3 in the morning.

“You can crash here if you want” I offered.

“Thanks” He smiled. My head was feeling less painful now and I was starting to sober up a bit more, able to walk in a bit of a straight line. I walked him upstairs and showed him the spare bedroom where he could sleep. He thanked me again and went over to the bed, while I walked to the next door down and into my room. I smiled when I crawled into bed and curled up in my blanket, and quickly drifted into a deep sleep.

I could hear a ringtone going off, I was guessing from the direction of the sound it was Bradie’s phone.

“Hello?” I heard, “Oh shit! Yeah I’ll be there soon, I have to go pick up some drumsticks and stuff though. ..Alright, see you in a bit” He spoke. I got out of bed and stretched out, and to my surprise I was actually feeling a lot less sick. I looked into my mirror and wiped away the smudged eyeliner under my eyes, and then I noticed Bradie in the doorway. I turned to him and smiled,

“Feel like going shopping?” he asked.

“Sure. What are we shopping for?” I smiled,

“Drumsticks” He said with a laugh, “Andy, Shaun and I are going to be touring soon so I need to pick up a couple of extras”

I giggled and picked up my wallet, not bothered to change from what I was wearing.  We hoped into the car and started heading towards Tuggerah. When we arrived Bradie pulled his hood on and we walked inside, I was guessing he was avoiding attention like that morning in McDonalds.

After Bradie purchased his drum sticks, we decided to go grab something to eat in the food court. Just the thought of food made me feel sick after the morning I’d had, so I just got a coffee while Bradie ate. We talked about the party and everyone I’d met there, and he told me stuff about them and how he knew them. The majority of them he went to school with, like Shannon, who owns a clothing line with Shaun and that Jumpnow guy. He also said that Andy had his own clothing line, I was a little curious as to why he didn’t have one if they did, but I didn’t bother asking.

He also told me a bit about life on tour, and how much he adored having such dedicated and amazing fans. I was almost in tears laughing when he told me about a girl Andy was legally married to after an incident at a meet and greet. Apparently she walked up with a marriage certificate folded up and asked him to sign the line at the bottom, only then did she show him what it was. I found that pretty funny, I mean how many kids would actually do that? I noticed a girl walk into the centre from the cinema, wearing a shirt saying ‘Short Stack Sux’ with a vampire skull and cross-bones. The thought came to my mind, Short Stack, wasn’t that the name of Bradie’s band?

“Fan alert” I whispered as she got closer. The two of us left our table and walked in a different direction to her, toward the doors between McDonalds and KFC. Going out these doors meant we had a bit of a walk to get back to the car, and to make it go a little quicker I decided to steal the red hat Bradie was wearing and run away with it. He caught up with me pretty quickly and took it back, man that guy is fast! I pulled out my phone and decided I’d check my twitter while we made our way to the car. I loved my phone; it was similar to the iPhone, yet very different.

@WaBAMitsMia: Chillin at Tuggerah with some random :P What’s everyone else up to?

Bradie glanced over at my phone for a moment, before pulling out his iPhone. After a while I decided to check my replies, and noticed a familiar name,

@bradiewebb: @WaBAMitsMia :O ‘some random?’ =.=

I started laughing and he smiled as he noticed what I was laughing about. We finally reached the car after a 5 or so minute walk (it seemed like much longer) and got in. I plugged my iPod into his dock and started playing Good Charlotte’s song Counting The Days. As Bradie listened to the song he chuckled,

“What’s funny?” I asked him confused.

“This is the band we’re about to tour with” He laughed.

“You’re supporting Good Charlotte? Take me with you!!” I demanded while laughing. Good Charlotte was definitely one of my favourite bands, and to hear my new friend here was about to tour with them was a bit of a shock. I did plan on going to their concert in Sydney, but I didn’t have the money before the tickets I wanted were sold.

After a while we finally arrived at my house, I thanked Bradie before running inside. I came back to reality, my best friend was in hospital, and eventually these distractions were going to wear off, and now was the time. I ran out to my car and drove to the hospital she was in; all this time in cars was slowly beginning to annoy me. When I got there I saw Daniel standing at the side of her bed, along with her sister Maddie and her mother Summer. I walked through the door and gave them all a hug one by one, her mother and sister were practically like my second family, as was Daniel like a brother to me. She looked better then when I first saw her, less tired for one. The four of us talked with her, sharing a few light laughs. We had to avoid the laughing tough, I mean she did have broken ribs after all, and I don’t imagine that would feel too great.

I stayed there pretty much for the rest of the day, catching up with her mother and sister half the time. Daniel looked a little annoyed with me, and that made me feel bad. I hate when people seem annoyed with me and usually tend to leave to try and make them happy, but I didn’t want to leave Kitty.  I decided I’d talk with him and see what his problem was,

“Daniel, will you come out here for a second?” I asked as I stepped out the door. He followed me and we walked a little down the hallway before I spoke.

“Is there something wrong? You look pissed off at me..” I said,

“Why are you hanging out with the guy that did this to her?” He said bluntly.

“I’m not. I said I was with his friend that was with us on the beach, I don’t control who he hangs out with so sue me if we happen to be in the same room” I snapped. I didn’t mean to be rude with him, but I mean seriously, he’s annoyed because I was asked to go to the party Bradie threw for Shaun? He knows what I’m like and if I think something I’ll just say it.

“Don’t start with me; you’re the one in the wrong”

“HOW AM I IN THE WRONG! It’s my choice who I hang around and talk with, and I’m sorry if reassuring him this situation isn’t his fault is a crime, but you have no idea what he’s going through compared to you!”

“What about compared to her?!” He yelled, pointing toward Kitty’s room. I noticed nurses giving us looks for yelling and thought it was best if I left, I knew if I stayed the argument would only get worse.

I sat back in my car with fury, slamming the door shut and banging on the steering wheel. How could he be going off at me for this?! Honestly, ever since we’ve been friends we haven’t had a single fight 

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