Part Three

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I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings; I was in a bathroom? I sat up, noticing I’d slept in the bathtub. Ugh my neck was killing me,

“Never again..” I said quietly to myself. With a struggle and a few failed attempts I slowly made my way out of the tub and to the living room. There were people passed out EVERYWHERE! I didn’t want to go anywhere near a bedroom after last night! I stumbled back to the bathroom just as quickly when I began to feel my dinner leaving my stomach, rising through my oesophagus and to my mouth, soon going into the toilet bowl. When I came back out from the bathroom I stumbled around in search for my car keys. My head was pounding and my stomach wasn’t feeling all that great. When I finally found my keys I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water before making my way outside. I cringed as the sun’s bright light shone upon me; bright lights are not a good mix with a hangover!  I walked to my car and got in, driving away from my mate’s summer house and heading back home. When I reached Charmhaven, my phone went off in my pocket with a message.

‘We’re beaching it, wanna join? (: –M x’

‘We’re’, meaning Kathryn would be with her. With that in mind I looked forward to going to the beach with them. I was surprised at the thought of Mia going to the beach, she was someone who was into winter and rain, not summer and beaches. I however, loved the beach, practically lived there in the summer. I pulled up in my driveway and replied to her message.

‘Which beach? :D’

I ran into my house and jumped in the shower, feeling better already as the cool water hit my face. When I got out I threw on a pair of blue and white board shorts with a white tank top. I grabbed the necklace that Kathryn got for me and placed it on my neck, before grabbing some sunnies and heading to my car. When I got back in the car my phone went off with Mia’s reply,

‘Soldiers. We’re already there, see you soon (: x’

To that I put my phone away and drove toward the beach I was meeting the girls at. When I got there I placed my towel in my bag with my phone and other things, and walked out onto the sand. The hot weather made it hard to stand on the sand for long but I was use to it and kept walking toward the spot I knew the girls would be at. As I saw them I smiled, this was the first time I’d seen Mia and Kathryn at a beach I will admit; they were sitting on their towels with a large umbrella shading their heads, both of them in large singlets with their bathing suits underneath. I ran over to the two as they waved me over.

“Hey stranger, nice necklace” Kathryn smiled.

“I thought so too.” I said smiling back and gave her a hug. I gave Mia and hug as well and sat next o the two with my towel spread out on the sand.

“I don’t know about you two, but I’m dying to get in the water!” Mia said standing up as she pulled her singlet off and ran toward the water.

“Coming?” I asked Kathryn as I stood up. She nodded and held out her hand for me to help her up. The two of us ditched our tops and ran to Mia; boy did Kathryn look amazing in her bathing suit. Kathryn started to run a lot quicker and got ahead of me over to Mia. When I reached the two I kept running, picking Kathryn up over my shoulder and dunked her under the cold water as I dived. The two of us surfaced to see Mia laughing like she’d never see tomorrow.

“You are so dead!” Kathryn warned me, jumping onto my back. Mia soon joined in and the three of us started dunking one another and splashing around for what seemed like ages.

When we started to get tired we all made our way back to our towels, lying down in the hot sun.

“You two again?” I heard from beside us. Mia and Kathryn Shot up with smiles and greeted the man, asking him to join us.

“Hey, I’m Andy.” He said waving to me.

“Daniel.” I said back.  He got up and dragged Mia back down to the water, leaving me alone with Kathryn; perfect.

“So, you like the necklace?” She asked me.

“I love it. Plus it reminds me of you all the time so that’s a bonus.” I smiled. She giggled as her cheeks flushed bright red.

“What’s so good about being reminded of me so much?”

“You’re something worth having on my mind.” I said with a smile, moving over closer to her. She giggled again and playfully pushed me a little. I wanted her to know that I liked her, but I wasn’t sure if she felt the same. Mia yelled to us to go back to the water, and to that we both rushed to our feet to join her and Andy. The four of us swam around for a while, Kathryn looked quite tense. I swam over in front of her and she smiled at me.

“Everything okay?” I asked her.

“mhmm” she mumbled nodding. I swam closer to her and took a deep breath, before joining my lips with hers.

When I pulled away she was bright red, wearing her adorable smile.

“Babe! We’re going for food. You two coming?” Mia called out, ruining the moment.

“Yeah we’re coming” Kathryn called out as she grabbed my hand, the two of us swimming back to shore.

“I don’t think they saw us” I whispered to her. She nodded but said nothing, as if she was confused about something. I walked up to my towel and shook of the sand, drying myself off. I threw my singlet back on, as did Kathryn and Mia along with some shorts, and put my towel back in my bag. Andy stayed as he was, shirtless and board shorts. The four of us collected all our things and left our spot, heading toward a fish and chip shop.

As we sat and ate I looked at Mia, laughing and having a great time. It was great to see her like that; she was usually pretty down whenever I saw her. I started to wonder how someone like me managed to become such a close friend of someone like her. She was so different to what you’d expect when you first see her. I thought back to the day I met her at school

I was at a new school and was hanging out with some new mates during a lunch break. I looked over near the art block and noticed a girl sitting on a table, all alone. She had her elbows resting on her knees holding her head in her hands, looking really down. The guys I was with were laughing at her, calling her ‘emo’ and ‘an attention seeker’; they were even throwing stuff at her. I left them and walked over to her, and sat next to her on the table.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

“Leave me alone. Your friends are mocking me enough” she said, not taking her eyes from the ground.

“I’m not here to mock you. I’m sorry about them too, what they’re doing is wrong.”

She looked up at me and half smiled.


After that day I went to see her during every break to make sure she was okay, and we became close friends pretty quick. My friends never understood what I saw in her, sometimes I questioned what I saw in them.

Then I looked over at Kathryn; she seemed to be deep in thought. She looked up at me and noticed I was looking at her,

“Can we talk?” She said as she stood up. I nodded and excused myself from Mia and Andy, walking over to the side of the road with her.

“Where does that kiss put us?” She asked after a minute or two of thinking.

“Well, I guess at the moment it puts us nowhere, but I was hoping it would put us somewhere else.”

“And where exactly would that be?”

“Right here” I said as I place her hands in mine; joining our lips together again.

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