Part Nine

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I continued to sit in my car, not bothered to turn it on. I could understand why Daniel was upset with me, but really I think he was over-reacting a little. My phone started to buzz in my pocket and scared me. As I pulled it out I noticed it was a message from Kitty.

‘Get your butt back in here babe I haven’t even given you your present yet!’

Present? Oh right, she was still in London when I had my birthday last month. I smiled and got out of the car, I didn’t expect to get a present off her. When I reached her room her sister and mother were gone, as was Daniel.

“Where is everyone?” I asked,

“They went to get some drinks and stuff. What was all that yelling about with you and Daniel? He won’t tell me anything..” She said, sounding confused.

“He’s just mad because  I was invited to Andy and Bradie’s party that they threw for that guy who hit you with his car to distract him; and that I told him this wasn’t his fault” I explained.

“Ugh, I’ve told him so many times to drop it. I got pushed, he saw that”

“Yeah, but you know what he’s like” I smiled. She nodded and sat up a little more, pulling out an envelope from under her pillow.

“I know it’s mega late, but happy birthday” She smiled back. I laughed and little and thanked her while I opened it. It had the cutest card in it, and as I opened it, something fell out. I picked it up from the ground and looked at it. A ticket to Good Charlotte at the entertainment centre in Sydney.

“Oh my god no way!” I said with the biggest smile I’ve ever shown.

“I know how much you love them and I just had to” She said. I wrapped my arms around her neck and gave her a big hug; she had no idea how happy I was. 

“It’s tomorrow so you better go get your stuff sorted; knowing you you’ll probably stay up all night looking for something to wear” She laughed. I laughed as well and thanked her again with another hug, before leaving her to do what she told me. She wasn’t wrong; I can never decide what to wear to concerts. When I got home I ran straight to my room and searched through my clothes, I was just seriously clueless on what to wear.

I searched through every draw in my room, throughout my whole wardrobe, unsatisfied with every outfit I laid eyes on.

After a long while I finally decided on an outfit, possibly not the best I could’ve come up with but it was good enough for the time. With that in mind I called it a night and hopped into my warm, cosy bed, awaiting for the dark dreamy sleep to overtake me for the night.

My alarm began to blast that annoying beeping sound I awoke to every morning. I groaned as I reached my hand out from the blankets, the morning chill shooting to my skin and making me shiver. I ran from my bed and straight into a hot shower, feeling the hot water run over my goose bumps and warm my body up made me smile. I dreaded getting out of the shower, as I stepped onto the tiled floor I felt the cold shoot through me; not being a morning person is one thing, but not being a fan of cold mornings makes times like these suck. I stood in front of my mirror and pulled my long damp hair into a pony tail, drying off my face to begin getting ready.

Once my makeup was finished and my hair was dried and straight, I walked into my room and threw on the outfit I’d put together last night. My outfit consisted of the silver and black circular beaded dress my sister had gotten for me, along with a multilayered red shirt, and a plain black jacket. I threw on some stockings and black ankle boots as the finishing touches and made my way out to my car. It was still pretty early but I wanted to get an alright spot considering I was in the mosh pit; not to mention I saw people on Twitter say they had been waiting there since 7 in the morning!  I drove for a while until I came across an old train station I decided to go to; driving all the way wouldn’t be very smart in my opinion.

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