Part 11

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As I awoke from my sleeping trance I kept my eyes shut, just smiling as I felt my beautiful girlfriend stir in my arms, cuddling up to my chest. I kissed her hair and opened my eyes, another smile over taking me at the sight of her. Her hair all muffled and messy, although the sight of the cuts wasn’t the best, it didn’t change her adorableness. She twitched and moved her head, facing me properly so I was able to see her face. I brushed her hair behind her ear and ran my thumb along her cheek, lost in thought about how much she meant to me. Suddenly I heard my brother come inside downstairs and decided I’d go say hi. He left for his business about two weeks ago and I missed having him around. I slowly pulled my arm out from under Kathryn and quietly made my way out of the room. As I crept down the stairs I saw my older brother Justin,

“Hey man!” I smiled.

“Hey Dan! Long time no see!” He said with a chuckle. We spent the morning catching up, I told him about my 18th, and how great the party was, while he told me about how boring his trip was, and what they did when they were meant to be setting up for early meetings, aka shots and beers. My brother was so much like a teenager, always out at parties and what not. That’s one thing I loved about living with him, he always threw the most wildest parties, and even though it was a major bitch to clean up the next day, it was so worth it. Kat walked into the room and looked at us, standing at the bench laughing, coffees in hand. Justin gave me a bit of a weird look when he saw her, even though Kat and I had originally been friends for a long time before we recently got together, she had never met Justin before. He quickly stepped forward and introduced himself.

“Hey, I’m Dan’s brother Justin” He said and held out his hand.

“Nice to finally meet you! I’m his girlfriend Kathryn” she smiled, and took his hand.

“Girlfriend, huh?” He said, giving me once again another weird look. I nodded and watched the two talk, listening to her tell him how we got together. He questioned her cuts and bruises, probably thinking I had something to do with it considering I haven’t got the best control with my anger. He looked quite sympathetic when she told him the story, and said he was happy she got away with just those injuries. After a little while Kathryn wanted me to go over to Mia’s house with her to talk about the concert she went to and stuff. I wasn’t sure if Mia would want me over after I went off at her, but knowing her I didn’t think she’d be mad at Kathryn for taking me with her. We got into my car and drove through sanremo, heading toward Doyalson where Mia lived. She ran out the front door with a large smile, and wrapped her arms around Kat’s neck. She looked at me for a split second before throwing her arms around me.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you..” I began to say,

“Don’t even worry about it” She said with a laugh.

We followed her back into her house and sat on the couch with her while she told us every detail. And I’m not just saying that, she told us EVERY SINGLE detail; from the moment she got in line and started talking with that Jade girl, to going inside and dancing around to The Ballad Of Mona Lisa, all the way to the train trip home. I’d never seen her so excited; it was pretty obvious she’d had a lot of fun. Her mum Sara came out and joined in our conversation, laughing along with us as Mia told us about some drunk guy at the train station, telling her that he use to be a boxer, and that he’s a legend, and that she was rude because she wouldn’t talk to him. She said he continued to blabber on about his misses smashing everyone without him even telling her to, and that he was going to fight someone in a blue vest..

She even began to impersonate him and stuff he was saying, and I’ll be honest I almost fell off the couch laughing; she’s hilarious when she impersonates people, especially drunk people.

Eventually when we had all calmed down from laughter we got up and went out the back, laying out around the pool area in the warm sun. I looked at Kat as she sat on the sun bed in one of Mia’s bikinis she borrowed, watching her lay with a smile on her face. She was really an angle in my eyes, her smile was the light in my night, her eyes were the sunset to my day; I couldn’t imagine life without her anymore. It’s always been like that, ever since the day I met her, I needed to talk to her to get through the day. Mia got up at random and bombed into the pool, splashing water all over Kat and me. I got up and leaped toward the water, aiming to get her back. As I landed near her I got her in my arms, and threw her in the air. With a squeal she kicked and waved her arms for the few seconds she was air-born, until she landed in the deeper end of the pool, shooting straight to the bottom. I laughed and swam over to her, but when I got near she grabbed at my foot and pulled me underwater, my blurry vision through the water didn’t stop me noticing her evil grin as she pushed my chest, pushing me right to the bottom of the pool where she ended up before. The two of us surfaced inhaling as much air as our lungs would allow at the time, we must’ve been under the water for quite awhile. Kat watched us being idiots with a smile, just like old times.

We both got out and laid out our towels on the stoned floor surrounding the pool. As I lay under the suns heat I felt relaxed, and didn’t want to move for anything. We all talked about everything, about what we missed from school, about what new music we’d heard lately; just anything. Mia grabbed her phone after a while and didn’t look too happy with what she saw,

“I have to start getting ready for work” She said with a frown.

“Oh that’s right, you’re off holidays now aren’t you?” Kat asked. Mia nodded and kept the frown on her face, she wasn’t really a fan of her work.

  “I guess we should head off then” I said and looked at Kat. She stood up and went inside with Mia to get changed, unlike me; I lived in my board shorts. I waited at my car out the front until Kat came out, Mia following her to say goodbye to us both. We gave her a hug and left her to start getting ready.

“So, where are we going?” I asked, clueless where to drive.

“Back to my place if you want? Though mum probably won’t shut up knowing her” She said with a laugh.

“Better than nothing.” I laughed. As I got close to her house I noticed something in the distance, it didn’t look good.

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