Part Four

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I looked over at Kitty and Daniel, seeing him kiss her. I knew how much Kitty liked him and I was really happy for her.

“Hm, I didn’t know they were together” Andy laughed.

“I think that was making it official” I laughed too.

While they continued to talk I made conversation with Andy, learning more about him and this band he was in.

“So what’s the name of your band?” I asked.

“Short Stack. Although a lot of haters call us Shit Stack” he said with a laugh.

“Shit Stack?” I laughed, “Nice.”

Then out of nowhere, a man dressed in full black wearing sunnies and a hood ran past Kitty and Daniel, pushing Kitty as he grabbed her handbag off her. She stumbled backwards from his push right in front of a moving car! She jumped and landed into the windscreen, and rolled off onto the road covered in cuts and blood.

“KAT!” Daniel screamed. Andy and I rushed to our feet and ran over to her, lying on the road looking lifeless. Tears streamed down my face as I sat next to her trying to talk to her while Andy called an ambulance. The driver of the car got out in shock, continuously apologising and offering any kind of help. I know I probably should have, but I didn’t blame him for the hit. I mean it wasn’t his fault Kitty got pushed right in front of his car.

“Shaun you fuckwit, look what you’ve done!” Andy exclaimed at the man. Okay, so the driver’s name was Shaun, and I guessed he and Andy must’ve known each other,

“I-I didn’t see her, she came out of nowhere!” he said, holding his hands to his head with complete shock still covering his face. He turned to his car, looking at the blood-covered windscreen, a tear making its way to his eye, “What’ve I done?” I heard him say quietly to himself as he assessed the damage.

“Kat, sweetie, come on wake up” I said through tears holding her hand as I looked at her, she looked so lifeless and it was scaring me. Not long passed before the ambulance pulled up. The paramedics pushed me away as they got to work, putting a brace around her neck before placing her on the bed to take her in the van. Daniel and I got in the back of the van while Andy said he’d follow us in his car. Through the drive I held Daniel’s hand tightly; worried my best friend was going to die. He squeezed my hand just as tight, obviously thinking the same thing I was. I couldn’t watch the paramedics and what they were doing, I could barely even stand to look at Kitty in the state she was in; I just sat my head on Daniel’s shoulder with tears continuously dripping onto his arm. He rested his head on mine and sat there in silence, watching Kitty for any sign on life. As we arrived at the hospital, Daniel and I followed the paramedics pushing Kitty through corridors until we were stopped and asked to go to the waiting room. I sat there as the hours passed with anxiety, continuously pacing or bitting my nails. I saw Andy walk through the doorway and signal for me to walk out.

“I’ll be right back” I said to Daniel with confusion. As I walked out I saw that Shaun guy standing against the wall.

“Is she okay?” He asked the second he saw me.

“I-I don’t know..I haven’t heard anything” I said, looking at my feet. He sighed and walked back to the wall, leaning his arm against it and burying his face in his jacket sleeve.

“I’m sorry I brought him, I know you probably don’t want to see the person who caused this whole mess. He just wanted to say sorry personally.” Andy explained.

“It’s okay. I can’t imagine how he feels..” I said glancing over to him. I noticed a nurse walk into the waiting room and I rushed back in.

“How is she?!” Daniel asked as he shot up from his seat.

“She’s stable. She’s suffered a minor head injury from the hit and the impact broke two of her ribs. She’s awake if you’d like to see her.” I nodded and she led us to the room Kitty was in, Andy and Shaun keeping a distance behind us. When Daniel and I walked through the door Kitty smiled. She had bruises and cuts all over her, and tiny tubes sticking in her arm connected to bags of liquid.

“How are you feeling, hun?” I asked as a tear of happiness came to my eye. I was so glad she was okay.

“I’ve been better” she smiled. Daniel sat on the chair next to her bed but said nothing; he just sat there looking at her.

“I’m gonna give you two some time” I whispered to her as I gave her a light hug. I left the room with a smile, hoping I made the right choice by letting them be alone.

“Shaun, is it?” I said to the man as I approached him and Andy.

“Yeah” He said with an expecting look,

“I think now wouldn’t be the best time for you to see her, and I’m not sure how her boyfriend would react to that, so if you’re here to apologize; best wait a few days” I told him. He nodded with his eyes glued to the floor and his sad expression staying on his face.

“Do you need a ride home?” Andy asked me.

“Uh yeah.. do you mind?”

“Come on” he smiled and lightly pushed me to walk with him as the three of us headed toward the door. I wanted to smile at him but I just couldn’t manage to. I knew Kitty was okay now and she’d be out in no time; but for some reason I still couldn’t smile. I sat in the back seat of Andy’s car as he and Shaun sat in the front seats, eager to get home and try to get this off my mind for just a while. I just wanted to relax for a minute, I was burnt and my skin was stinging, I had waited for hours to see Kitty and it was around midnight before we’d heard back from the nurses and I was really tired after having a late night before, not to mention the constant worry and stress I went through waiting to hear about Kitty; just five minutes of relaxing was all I wanted. It took us a while before we all realized Andy had no idea where abouts in Doyalson I lived. I chuckled at our sillyness and told him where to go, it wasn’t that hard to find my place if you knew where the R.S.L club was. I sat back in my seat and slowly dozed off into a deep sleep.

“She’s alright Shaun, I’m sure she won’t be too mad at you.” I heard as I awoke. I opened my eyes and noticed I was still in Andy’s car, laid out on the back seat. I looked up at the windscreen and saw Andy and Shaun sitting on the bonnet of the car.

“Andy, I hit her with my car! How will she not be mad at me?! I’m surprised her friend hasn’t yelled at me..” Shaun said to him.

“It wasn’t your fault, you know that!”

I sat up and they turned to me, the both of them shutting up quickly. I stepped out of the car and looked at them, a little confused at their silence.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you so we thought we’d let you sleep in the car” Andy explained.

“That’s fine” I said with a faint smile, “Shaun, don’t blame yourself. Like Andy said, it wasn’t your fault” I reassured him. I looked down my street and noticed the sun beginning to rise.

“I don’t know about you two, but I think some redbulls are needed.” I said with a little chuckle.

“Agreed” The boys said in sync, followed by laughter.  I ran into my house to grab my wallet, noticing on the way as I passed a mirror how horrid I looked. My eyes had bags under them with dark circles, not to mention my smudged makeup. Even though I was at the beach, I still wore makeup; I just made sure I had waterproof eyeliner on and didn’t go underwater. I rubbed off the makeup and threw my big hoodie on to cover up my messy hair before I walked back out and joined the boys again. We walked the short distance to the metro station up the road from my house, all getting large cans of redbull. On the way back Shaun’s phone started to go off, and the look on his face said he wasn’t looking forward to it.

“Hey babe” He said into the phone with what could only be a fake cheery voice.

“The misses, I’m guessing” I said as I looked at Andy. He laughed and nodded while he took another sip from his can. We continued to walk to my house, where the boys joined me inside for a while longer; we planned on going to see Kitty after a few hours together.

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