Part 10

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I smiled as I watched Mia rush out of the room, clutching her ticket in her hand. I loved seeing her happy the way she was, and after missing her 18th birthday because I was in London I really owed her something special. Although I was a little upset I couldn’t go with her, I was still happy for her; I knew no matter what she’d have a great time. My sister and mother came back into my room, but only for a short time, they had to get going to get my sister ready for some party she was going to. After they left, Daniel came in and sat next to my bed with a blank expression on his face.

“Daniel, why did you yell at Mia like that? She was only doing what she thought was right” I said,

“As was I” he replied, staring off into space.

“You and I both know that’s a lie. Yelling at your best friend? You two have never argued your whole friendship!”

“Yeah well she should realise it’s not a good thing to make friends with the guy that could have killed you.”

“I WAS PUSHED!” I screamed, “What do I have to do to get that into your head, you were standing right there!”

“He could’ve stopped!” He retaliated,

“He tried! I could hear the screeching of the brakes; obviously he didn’t have much time!” I rolled my eyes and leaned back on my pillows, looking at the opposite side of the room. I heard him sigh and stand, and make his way around to where I was looking.

“Look, you can’t blame me for being upset, I mean look at you.” He finally said after silence.

“If anyone should be as upset as you’re being it should be ME, not you. I understand why, but you have to face facts; it happened, what’s done is done, and how it happened can’t be changed.”

He rested his head beside me on the bed with another sigh, keeping quiet. I pulled his head up so his face was in front of mine, and placed my dry lips onto his. He sat back in his chair and kept an eye on me while I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

“Kat, Baby? Kat, wake up” I heard Daniel’s soft sweet voice talk to me. I fluttered my eyes and looked up at him, standing over me with his big blue eyes looking right into mine. I smiled at him,

“You can be discharged now sweetie” I heard my mother say from the other side of the room. Thank god, I was in there for three days and was eager to go home to my own bed. Daniel helped me to my feet and we were out of there in no time. I got in Daniel’s car with him and he took me home, while mum went to her car to pick up my sister from the party she went to. The two of us walked inside, I made my way straight for the bathroom. I looked at my half swollen cheek and sighed, I looked like someone who belonged in a horror movie. I had small cuts around my face, some of them with stitches, and on my arm and chest too. I was going to have to go back and get the stitches removed after about two weeks, though some probably needed a little longer to heal. I saw Daniel walk up behind me in the mirror and I smiled, I couldn’t believe after how long I liked him, he was finally mine. He placed his hands on my hips and kissed my neck, causing me to blush. I turned to him and placed my arms around his neck, feeling a bit of pain in my right rib from the reach comparing our heights, so I raised myself on my toes before I kissed him intensively. He placed his hands on my lower back and pulled me a little closer. Then we pulled away when we heard Summer come through the front door, talking away loudly on her mobile about last night. We awkwardly walked out into the lounge room and talked with mum for a while. I got pretty bored and decided to go with Daniel back to his house for the night. He lived with his older brother who was out for the night because he had a business trip he was in the middle of, so we had the house to ourselves. Yeah I know, boyfriend and girlfriend alone for the night in a big house, the things that could happen, but that wasn’t going to go down. Two broken ribs aren’t exactly a great mix with that, and it was going to stay that way for around 10 or so weeks, according to the nurse who informed me of my condition. I sat down on the couch in his room while he walked over to his large book shelf filled with movie after movie. He put a movie into the DVD player and joined me on the couch. When I saw that it was A Nightmare Before Christmas I smiled; this was definitely one of my all time favourite movies. I got called emo and gothic all the time for liking it, and looking at Tim Burton’s genre I guess that’s understandable; but I liked this movie ever since I could remember the day my mum brought it for my 5th birthday.  I lay myself out on the couch and rested my head on Daniel’s lap, singing along to the introducing song. I became more and more relaxed as Daniel continuously ran his fingers through my hair, soothing my mood. Eventually I started to doze off, but tried my hardest to keep my eyes open.  At this point, Sally was fixing up that deadly nightshade soup so she could sneak out, that always made me laugh for some reason. I mean really, when she tried the soup with a spoon that had holes in it; how could he not notice that? My eyes started to feel heavy as Daniel continued stroking through my hair, until my phone loudly started ringing in my pocket.

“Who would be calling me at 11 o’clock?” I quietly said to myself, then laughed when I saw who it was.

“Hey babe! How was the concert?” I said as I answered,

“Oh my fucking god it was beyond amazing! Remember how Andy and Bradie said they were in a band? Well, their band was the second support band, and they fucking rock! But holy shit, oh my god, just..dear god I had the time of my life!!” I could hardly even understand her words; she rushed through her sentences without breathing, obviously still excited.

“So it was good I take it?” I laughed, knowing exactly what she would say.

“FUCKING OATH!” she exclaimed.

“I’ll come see you in the morning and you can tell me all about it.” I said with a laugh before hanging up. I looked at Daniel, he looked like he too was struggling to stay awake.

I grabbed the remote from his hands and turned the TV off, before pulling him up to his feet and going over to his bed. He lay down and pulled me with him, holding me in his arms as we both quickly drifted into deep sleep.

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