Part 13

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"Alright, we're not playing this next song until every single person is out of their chairs. Come on, get up" I said into my microphone, wanting everyone in the crowd to get into the music instead of just sitting there bored waiting for the main act. Andy even pointed out few people that were still sitting and told them to stand up.  As I started to play the cords of an all time favourite song of ours, Shimmy A Go Go, the dancing started.

 "Oh, can I catch your ride tonight? I'm so beside myself tonight I'm so beside myself tonight" I sang into my microphone as the crowd got wild.

"We can live forever, one line at a time"

Hearing people in the crowd singing words back at me made me smile as I jumped around; even though they were here for Good Charlotte, enough of them knew the words well enough for me to hear them through my ear plugs.

To these people I looked like the happiest guy around, care free as I ran around the stage singing, and that's exactly how I felt. But when it came to being out of the spot light I wasn't the same. I was still a little troubled being haunted with flash backs, not to mention Brooke was mad at me because we had a bit of an argument before I left to stay at Andy's place the night before we left.

 "Thank you Perth! We've been Short Stack! Good night" I spoke into the microphone before I ran off the stage with Andy and Bradie behind me. Bradie and I joined Craig and Joel in the green room while Andy went to go change out of his sweaty clothes, the boys from Good Charlotte filming for GC tv. I sat around for a little while quite tired and watched everyone else fool about while good Charlotte were out performing. I pulled out my phone and logged into twitter, and began to reply to some fans. I didn't even realize I was beginning to nod off, and thought it best to get up and do something so I would wake up a bit. Suddenly I heard a bang, the sound of metal and breaking glass shooting to my ears, causing my legs to go weak to which I was then laying on the ground.

"wow, you alright?" Andy asked me, concern filling his voice as he stepped over to me. I sat up and glanced over at Bradie, picking up broken glass, suddenly I felt a little better. I couldn't take much more of what this accident was doing to me, I couldn't even bear the sound of glass breaking without nearly passing out.

"Well?" Andy added. I nodded and tried to get up, using his support to lift myself up.

"Shit!" Bradie exclaimed. I turned back to see blood dripping from his hand, pain plastered on his face. Andy and I grabbed the first aid kit and helped him clean up the blood, before wrapping a bandage around it. The blood made me cringe, I don't know how he managed to cut himself so deep, and I couldn't image it felt great when we put anti-bacteria on it. As I handed him a bottle of water my phone started ringing in my pocket, causing me to jump a little.

"Hello?" I said, not bothered to see who was calling.

"Hey Shaun" I heard Brooke answer.

"Oh, hey babe." I said, a smile now on my face.

"I just wanted to quickly tell you that, I miss you, and I'm sorry about the stupid fight we had before you left" she blurted.

"Hey, I forgave you the second I walked out of that door; and I miss you too."

I heard her sigh of relief,

"Thank god, I was worried you were still mad at me" she confessed.

"I was never mad at you, just the situation" I reassured her.

"I'm glad. Well I better go, I'll see you when you get back."

"Alright, see you then" I said before hanging up. I wad glad to know she wasn't mad with me or anything. At one point when Good Charlotte were on stage, both support bands were out on the stage dancing around like mad. Bradie looked a little stiff with his dancing, while Andy just jumped and ran around everywhere as if no one was watching. When the night ended all too soon I was reminded I'd be going back home. I know I wasn't gone for too long, but I was looking forward to seeing everyone again; but then again I was going to miss touring with this group. When all our gear was packed up and we were ready to leave I took one last step out on the stage, by now the entire venue was well and truely empty, and glanced around through the amount of seats that were only just full of singing fans, the empty floor in front of me that was just filled with hundreds of dancing screaming people. This was definitely something I was looking forward to experiencing again when we went on our own tour. Andy called for me to hurry up, and to that I ran out through the back, to our van to go back to the hotel. The moment we were in our room I ran to my bedroom and crashed straight onto my bed, wanting nothing more than to go to sleep; but as tired as I was for some reason I couldn't keep my eyes shut. The thought of seeing Brooke kept running through my mind, and all I could think was how much I wanted to wrap my arms around her and not let go. After a good hour of trying to sleep with no luck I got up and stumbled out to the kitchen for some water, to which I noticed Andy had the same idea when I saw him standing at the sink with a cup of water in his hand.

“Can’t sleep?” I asked him; he just shook his head.

“What’s got you up?” He asked back,

“Thinking ‘bout Brooke” I admitted. I walked to the fridge and grabbed out my bottle of water I’d left in there earlier that morning, wasting no time to drink as much as I could in one go.

“What’s keeping you awake?”

“..Mia” he trailed off. A girl? Keeping Andy from sleeping? That was news to me!  I gave him a bit of a weird look and he walked away, probably avoiding possible questions from me. When I finished my water I threw the bottle into the bin and walked back to my room, where I soon found sleep with ease.

“Shaun! Wake up!” Andy yelled at me. I scrunched up my face and rubbed my eyes, the sun’s bright light shining through the window into my eyes wasn’t exactly a great feeling.

“Come on we have to get ready to go home” Andy continued. ‘Get ready to go home’? At that thought I shot up from my bed and went for a shower, letting the warm heat of the water clear my mind.

 After I came out of the shower I went back to my room and started to put my things together to go home. When I was packed and ready to go I sat around inpatient for Andy and Bradie to finish getting ready to leave. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket causing me to jump a little, before grabbing it to see who was texting me. I smiled when I saw the name ‘Brooke’ was shinning on my screen, and opening up the message eager to read.

‘Can’t wait to see you today! xx’

I hit reply and let my fingers fly over the screen typing out the words running through my mind,

‘Missing you more than you know! <3’

As soon as I hit ‘send’ Bradie and Andy were standing in the hallway with their bags in their hands,

“Ready?” I asked them.

“Sure am” Andy smiled, Bradie nodding beside him. We all left the hotel and got in our van, driving toward the airport for the last time on this trip.

Illuminate The Sky, Ignite The Breathingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن