Part 12

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As Kitty and Daniel left I walked inside and put on my uniform for work. I worked part-time in the cafe inside borders at Tuggerah, which was a pretty good job with a decent pay, but the girls I worked with were so annoying and rude. After they served a customer they’d talk about them and laugh with each other, which I think is just rude and not very nice. I grabbed my wallet and phone and threw them in my handbag just before I picked up my keys and walked out to my car.

When I got to work I was around 10 minutes early, so I decided to go pick up a Boost Juice before I went up to work. When I was on the escalator going up to the next level I noticed a guy I went to school with, standing alone.

“Chris?” I asked as I approached him.

“Oh my god, is that Mia?” He asked with a smile. I laughed and nodded.

“Wow, you look so different since I last saw you!” He exclaimed and hugged me.

“Is that good or bad?” I asked with a laugh as I hugged him back.

“Good. Not that there was anything wrong with the way you looked before.” He said, adding that last bit a little awkwardly.

“I gotta head into work, but we should catch up some time!” I said as I slowly made my way back to boarders.

“Definitely!” He said when I was in the store. I walked to the back and went behind the counter, and through the back door to where my boss was sitting. I put my bag away and started to get to work, serving customer after customer, listening to Ashley and Jenny bitch about every single one of them. I walked over to one of the tables and started cleaning it off, when I noticed Chris inside with some friends. I walked up behind the counter again and took all of their orders; one of them kept giving me a weird look.

“Can I get you something?” I asked him as everyone else moved over to where Ashley was putting their coffees as Jenny made them.

“Your number” he said with a smirk.

“Sorry buddy, I’m not that easy” i laughed and walked away toward the door to get to the back, watching him stare at me as he went to join everyone else. When I came back out Chris came over to me holding some flyer,

“Hey M’s, remember my band?” He asked as he handed it to me. I nodded and let him continue, “Well we’ve got a gig this weekend, and I was hoping you’d come see us. We’re a lot better than we were last time you saw us at school” he chuckled.

“What was wrong with the way you guys were last time?” I asked, thinking back to the last day of school when they performed in the hall at recess.

“Everything!” He exclaimed, both of us laughing.

“I’d love to come see youse play. I’ll bring some friends” I said looking over the flyer.

“Code word that Kathryn’s coming, right?” He said as he joined his friends who were making their way out of the store. I laughed and nodded, waving as he left. The rest of the day was pretty quiet, the usual daily customers, and little number of noisy teenagers. The hours seemed to pass quickly, and before I knew it, it was knock off time. I walked out with my bag over my shoulder and went around to Jay Jays; I was in serious need of some new skinny jeans. I ended up leaving with a new pair of black skinny jeans, wool leg warmers, fingerless gloves and a few new shirts that were on special. When I began to walk through the car park to find my car, rain began to pelt down soaking me with its presence.  I sat in my car freezing in my drenched clothes as I started the engine; clueless on what I was going to do for the rest of the night.

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