Chapter 25

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Dinah pulled the covers off Lauren. "Get the fuck up, Jauregui."

Lauren's eyes fluttered open and she groaned. "In case you forgot, I can't get up." Lauren gestured to her legs.

Dinah laughed. "Oh shit, right. Well tumble. Stop, drop, and roll. Do something, but wake the fuck up. We're going out."

"I fucking hate you sometimes, I swear." Lauren glared at her as she reached for her glasses and put them on. She adjusted her cannula in her nose and gestured to Dinah with her eyes to help change her oxygen tank.

"Love you too, four eyes." Dinah smirked, helping Lauren change her oxygen tank without a thought.

Lauren pushed herself up. "Vaffanculo." (Translation: Fuck you)

"Oh so we're going back to Italian? Well fule'i to you too, asshole." (Translation: fuck you) Dinah smirked as she looked through Lauren's closet. "Okay, do you have anything remotely fancy?"

Lauren laughed. "Why do I need something fancy?" she asked.

"It's a surprise, I'm not telling you." Dinah replied with a smug smile.

"Now how do I know this isn't a trap and you plan for me to die sooner?" Lauren raised an eyebrow.

"You're taking me to Italy, I'm not killing you yet."


"I'll kill you once you sign over everything you own to me in your will." Dinah joked, taking out a simple black dress Lauren had. "This makes me puke less. Jesus, do you have anything not black?"

"Who says I'm writing a will and who says I'm adding you in it?"

"Because you love me."

"È una stronzata." (That's such bullshit.)

"And what does that mean?" Dinah laughed, enjoying the banter between the two.

"I don't love you." Lauren scowled for a few seconds before smiling cheekily. "I lah you." She cooed.

Dinah laughed. "Wow that was so lame. Go back to being a bitch, Lauser."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Last time I try being nice to you, bitch." She chuckled.

Dinah laughed. "Good, the idea of you being nice to me sounds repulsive." She smiled.

Lauren smirked. "I wouldn't treat you any other way, Dinah Jane."

Dinah chuckled, looking at Lauren with a smile. The idea that she wouldn't be able to have bickering sessions like these with Lauren truly saddened her. She grew very close with Lauren and the thought of losing her made her wish time could slow down and she'd have more time with Lauren.

Everyone was wishing more time with Lauren, she wasn't the only one.

Dinah helped Lauren get ready while Lauren kept being an asshole and playfully insulting Dinah in Italian and Spanish while Dinah returned the words in Tongan. This quickly became their thing.

Once Dinah finished helping Lauren get ready, she put on the fancy red dress she brought over to take.

"Dinah, tell me right this a date? Are you finally admitting how extraordinarily gay you are for me?" Lauren teased as she sat in her wheelchair.

Dinah laughed. "I would never." She gasped. "But it's not, you'll see. You'll like it. Camila planned it out for you."

Lauren smiled widely at the mention of Camila. "Really?"

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