Chapter 2

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Bill's pov

I sit hidden in the mindscape watching my little Pine Tree and his Gruncles. I smile as I watch old man Ford yell at him for going outside. 'No one will take him when he already belongs to me.'
I remember the day he presented. His sister was a beta which worried me. Twins always share the same status. I wanted Pine Tree to carry my pups but I could handle just having him belong to me. The second the smell of his heat hit my nose I smiled and began to purr. 'My precious little Pine Tree is an omega.'
Now I watch and wait for his next heat to start. When he stands up and starts yelling back I laugh. 'You may not want to be an omega but you are, and you will become my mate and the mother of my pups.'
I watch him storm up to his room and lock himself inside. A purr begins deep inside as I smell his heat beginning. 'You're mine now Pine Tree.'

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