Chapter 2

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A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this up, it was a busy week for me and I just saw 5SOS in concert on Thursday and I'm currently a mess of feels cause one of my favorite fics just ended and it was super cute...

but you guys don't care about that stuff lol so lets get to business. Here is the second chapter. It's from Harry's POV, and I'm thinking of having the chapters switch off every other or something like that. Tell me what you think! All the love, as always xx



Harry POV

It was always like this for me. Every single day. Different place, but the same thing, no matter what. Maybe they did it in a different place because they didn't want to get caught by some goody goody, but that didn't matter. That didn't stop the bruises from forming all over my body. It didn't stop my mum from wanting to pull me out of school. But I always begged her not to. I didn't want to leave. I had friends here...well, one friend, Liam, but I didn't want to leave him. If I moved, I'd have to start all over, and that sounded worse than getting beat up every day.

I don't even know why they did it, to be completely honest. They never really said why, they just showed up one day and decided that it would be fun to kick the shit out of me. And since I never protested or tried to stop them, it became a regular thing. Other kids had clubs and sports that they did every day. I had a daily beating up.

But today had been different. Never in my life had someone stopped them from hurting me. There was always a crowd to watch, but none of them bothered to help me. But today, someone had. Someone I recognized very well, though it was only because of his reputation. Louis Tomlinson, the bad boy of the school. Of all people, he was the last person I had expected to see when I turned around. But my blurry vision had been met with the most piercing blue stare I had ever seen, and I had been rendered absolutely speechless.

I was quite used to seeing the brooding look he always had on his face when he walked around school. People parted ways for him, like he was some sort of god or something, and I had always steered clear of him. He seemed like the type to punch anyone who got in his way. But his face didn't look so brooding now. In fact, he looked concerned, and maybe even a bit surprised as he looked down at me, one of his hands resting lightly on my shoulder.

"You're alright, yeah?" He asked me, and I could have melted on the spot. His voice was so soft, a bit higher than I had imagined, but it had a gravelly quality to it as well. I didn't know what to say so I just didn't say anything. I stared at him, which was probably weird for him, but he didn't look away at first. I'll admit, I was slightly afraid that he was going to hurt me, but he had stopped the others, so why would he hurt me, if he could have just joined them?

Just as fast as he had been nice, he stood up, his face smoothing over into the look I recognized, and he shouted, "Well, what are you crying for? Get up and get to class!"

I flinched and didn't move, just watching him as he stalked off, a few girls hurrying to get out of his way. I looked back down at the floor, and this was the first time that I noticed that someone else was there. He took a seat next to me and smiled, his lighter blue eyes and blonde hair giving him a permanently happy appearance.

"Hey, you alright?" he asked, and my eyes widened at his thick Irish accent. Not many people around here sounded like that. I merely nodded, fiddling with the bottom of my shirt and trying to avoid eye contact. No one spoke directly to me except for Liam, and I didn'treally know what to say.

"Sorry about him, by the way. Louis is...different. I'm Niall, by the way. Wanna tell me your name?" the blonde, Niall, prompted, and I bit my lip before answering.

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