Him Teaching You His Instrument #22

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"Cal why are you standing in the way of the TV?" you said looking up at him, it was a rainy day and you were binge watching Supernatural. "Well you know how I was telling you that me and the band were going to record she's kinda hot tutorials?" he asked, "Well I need to record that but we were thinking it'd be cool if we were actually teaching someone in the video" he said as you nodded "and long story short I volunteered you because we all know you can't play any instrument for shit." Well that stung a bit for you, "Well thanks babe that really made me feel special," you said knowing that would make him feel bad even though you know you royally suck at playing anything. "Aww babe I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it sound like that," he said pulling you into him, you pouted knowing when you pout it always gets him. "Aww babe don't pout," he said squishing your face with his hands  and trying to prevent the pouting effect. Instead he made you're face do weird things, he couldn't help but laugh and seeing him laugh just made you laugh just as hard. "God you're such a geek you know that?" You asked him. "Yea but I'm a hot sexy geek...OH and I'm you're geek so get over it," he said kissing your lips. "Now don't forget cutie tomorrow I expect you to come with me so we can teach you." " Yeah yeah I think thats going to be easy because I'm the one who gets you're lazy butt up," you said smirking. "Yeah, maybe you can start waking me up in sexier ways? Please, you're starting to bore me" he said smirking back. "Oh of course you royal pain," you said bowing down at Calum. "Thank you, finally someone takes my needs into consideration," he says walking back upstairs and to leave you back to you're supernatural marathon.


"Babe I wanna bang"  you said, dying of laughter. You'd always wanted to learn to play drums but Ash being Ash told you he wouldn't teach you unless you phrased it like that. "Oh I'm definitely not against that," Ash responded with that knowing grin on his face, leaning in for a kiss. "Okay okay okay not like that" you exclaimed walking over to his drum kit, that thing was like a child to him and he barley let anyone touch it. "So where do we start?" you asked as he slowly walked over to you, "Well usually in the bedroom but the kitchen counter works too" he said completely serious. "My god I'm dating a fuckboy," you muttered under your breath. "Okay lets get serious," he said, "We'll start with the basics and then maybe ill teach you part of Don't Stop, how does that sound?" he asked. "Awesomesauce" you replied as Ash started talking about the basics and telling you what was what. Eventually you could play the intro to Don't Stop, you we're entirely to excited and kept playing it over and over. Eventually you looked up to see Ashton videotaping you. "Y/N, how are you liking drumming?" Ash asked, "It's awesome but hard" you replied laughing a little. "So are you done for today at least? Because maybe I wanna bang" Ash said raising his eyebrows a little. "I think I can do that" you replied getting up to kiss him. 


"Y/N! I told you to get out of bed 20 minutes ago!" you groaned as you rolled over, Luke had booked the boys some studio time today because he had just finished writing you a song, he wanted you to be there when they recorded it. You we're flattered sure, but waking up before 12 on a Sunday was not your cup of tea. "Okay okay, but I expect coffee when I get out of the shower," you said chuckling slightly. You were slightly confused when you pulled up to the studio and didn't see any of the other boys's cars but decided not to mention it since the whole band was notoriously late. You walked inside and checked in, Luke immediately went into the recording booth, puling you after him. "Okay so here's the thing, this song is kinda only gonna be me but the thing is since its about you and I love you and all I want you to play it," Luke said really quickly. "Wait I'm playing it? But I don't know how to play any instruments, you're the talented one in this relationship remember" you asked, slightly doubting Luke's reasoning. "It's okay you got this," He said handing you the guitar and placing your fingers in the right places. After an hour or so you had the song down, it sounded great and you were so proud of yourself and how sweet your boyfriend is. When you finally heard Luke sing the song your heart melted, his voice always got you but the lyrics were so thoughtful. You couldn't help but think how much you lucked out finding him.


You walked downstairs to see your blond crazy haired boyfriend chilling on the couch with his guitar just strumming away. "Hey babe," you say sitting down next to him. "Oh hey cutie, just the girl I wanted to see," he said smiling. "Oh really?" "Yep I wanted to teach you how to play one of my favorite songs," he said with a smirk. "Oh cool yea that sounds awesome. What song?" You asked him confused. "Its a secret," he said handing you his guitar. He taught you the basic chords at first then he advanced on, once you started getting better he started teaching you the more complex chords to the song. "Hey babe what are the lyrics to this song anyways?" you asked, the curiosity starting to eat you on the inside. "Babe once you get all the cords down I will sing it. Okay?" He said still focusing on the guitar and where you're fingers should be. "Yes sir Mr. Micheal sir" you say mocking his serious tone. Once you finally finished learning the cords Micheal sang you the song, you knew it wasn't one of their songs so you asked him who sang it. "Oh yea well Christofer drew sings it." "Who?" Never heard of him especially not from Michaels lips and you would know because I mean who doesn't love those perfect cute lips. While day dreaming about Michaels lips you weren't paying attention to him talking to you about the song. "Babe?" he says waving his hands in front of you're face, "what?" You asked. "Did you hear anything I just said or were you to busy staring at my lips?" He asked with his oh so famous smirk. "For you're information I wasn't just staring at your lips I  was..... appreciating?..... yeah.... yeah.. lets go with appreciating them," You say trying to save you're butt. "Fine, well since you were 'appreciating' my lips while I was talking I was saying how this song reminds me of you and how I thought it would be special, we could both be a part of it," he says with a blush starting to creep up on his face. "Awww babe" you says smiling and leaning over the guitar to kiss those lips that you love 'appreciating' oh so much. 

Hey guys I'm soooooooo sorry for not updating for forever, It's been really crazy and hectic for me recently.

But here's an update so yay!

Hope you love it:)

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 Ill try to update soon 

Xx Cammie&Maya

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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