#15 Catching Eachother Reading Smut

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"Y/N" you heard Calum yell, dragging the last syllable to add emphasis. "Yes dear?" you questioned mockingly, sitting up from your prior resting position. "I'm gonna go out with the boys for a little" he said popping his head in the door "you feeling any better?" He asked very sympathetically. You hadn't been feeling great recently and Cal being Cal hadn't left the house in days because of it. "Yes I'm okay just need a little rest, go, please" you said not wanting him to miss out on anything because of you. "If you say so" he replied giving you a quick peck on the lips before walking out. Now what to do, you thought knowing exactly what would be a great distraction. You grabbed your laptop and quickly typed in what seemed to he a forbidden term 'calum hood smut' within seconds you had clicked on a link and was sucked into the story. Your eyes were glued to the the page as you read countless fanfics. No doubtably an hour had passed, "love, what's that?" you heard a certain Australian ask and let out a chuckle. Shit! "Nothing nothing" you said hoping he hadn't read anything. "Your such a liar" he said smiling "was it a good one?" He asked. You didn't reply but smiled as that was the only response you could fathom. "Good, now I think I deserve something. I mean you can't have all the fun" he said causing a blush to creep across your face just as he grabbed your waist pulling you into him.


You had just come home from a long night shift at work and you couldn't wait to see Ashton. When you entered the house all the lights were off 'huh maybe ashton went out with the guys' you thought to yourself. You decided you would feed the dogs and go straight to bed. After feeding the dogs you went up stairs into you and Ashton's shared bed room. Walking in you see Aston with his lap top and headphone on under the covers. He still didn't know you were there so you decided to go and scare him so you walk around the bed and pulled the covers off him. "Ahhh.... Oh Y/N what..what are you doing home so early" Ashton says trying to hide he's laptop from you "umm ashton this isn't early and im home at the time I told you I would be.. What were you doing under the covers?" You asked but you had a feeling you knew "nu...nothing I..I..I was just looking on twitter" "yea sure let me see the laptop Irwin" you said as Ashton shook he's head. "Ashton am going to count to 3, by 3 I expect that laptop in my hand. 1......2..." "okay okay here" Ashton says handing over he's laptop. You couldn't help but giggle. You caught your boyfriend reading a very Mature fanfic about himself "it's not funny" he says with a pout, "of course not baby" you say kissing him on he's pouted lips. "Let's read this last line together and go to bed. What do you say?" You ask him hopefully making him feel better for being caught "okay" he said acting like a little kid and curling up in a little ball cuddling next to you as you read.

:):):):):):):) Maya


"Lukey!" you screamed entering your shared apartment, only to hear a muffled 'here' as a response. You assumed here meant your bedroom so you quickly grabbed a galss of water amd set down your bag, walking back to the bedroom. You pushed the slightly ajar door upen to reveal Luke sitting criss-cross-apple-saced with his laptop infront of him and a notebook and pencil out. "Lukey what in the world are you doing?' you questioned hoping for the best. "um this is kinda hard to explain..." he trailed off "but im taking notes on a story to two". You laughed to yourslef finally understaing what kind of stories that he was implying, "well, do scoot over" you said nudging him. "love, im not sure these are appropriate for you" he said letting out a laugh. "god Lucas you such a boy" you playfully slapped his arm and took the laptop starting to read allowed, smiling when you saw a blush creep across his face. After a while you were both tired and it hurt you eyes to look at the screen, "okay babe i think im done" you said dramatically falling onto the bed and grabbing the notebook he had been so actively taking notes with. You couldnt help but laugh at what he had written down, you leaned in to kiss him whispeing "well your the expert what first". He smiled deepeniing the kiss, you had a great night. 

Thank god you thought, letting out a sigh as you dropped your bag on the floor and carelessly fell onto the couch. It had been a long day and you were ready to curl up in a ball and wait for Michael to get home, now a days it seems like you guys never spent time together, with him having band practice and recording and you working part time and school spending time together was impossible. 'Cuddle?' you texted him hoping for a reply like 'I'll be right there' or 'I'm heading home right now', but with your luck you were stuck with nothing. You reached into your pocket pulling up your Twitter feed, the fans always knew where he was so u figured why not stalk some updating accounts. Scrolling through your feed you yet again had no such luck, but you did come across a fan wanting you to read their Michael fanfic. I shouldn't, you thought to yourself, you always felt guilty reading them. The main reason was probably because once you started you couldn't stop. You mentally told yourself that it would only be one short chapter knowing how much of a lie that was, you cringed clicking on the neon blue link as you were redirected to safari. Your eyes scanned the page at lightening speed, within what seemed to be only minutes you were deeply invested in the storyline. Your eyes lit up when you realized what direction the story was heading in, you faintly heard the sound of the door opening but wrote it off as Michael hadn't texted you. Suddenly your phone was snatched away from you, you looked up to see a smiling Michael as he read where you had left off, your face getting redder every second that he looked at the phone. "Babe did you really miss me this much?" He questioned. You laughed "No it's just a fan wanted me to read it so I was just doing her a favor I guess..." your word trailed off as you tried to think of an explanation. "Okay okay if you say so" he said leaning in to kiss you "but you do have the real Michael Clifford right here" he mumbled to your lips. You smiled deepening the kiss and pulling him into your wing where this was headed.

Omg finally an update!! im soooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry this took so long! hopefully next update will be faster

Thankyou for getting us to 3k! thats like crazy 

To everyone who has been voting and reading thanks, please keep doing so

if anyone had and topics at all i would love to hear them! thnks so much to @itsmejocelynn for this idea- proabably woudlnt be updating if it wasnt for her

Sorry if the Luke and Cal ones suck, i ran out of inspiration after mikey and still had those two to do

So thanks pls read commoent and vote!

Xx Cammie

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