#21 New Years Kiss

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Right now you and Calum should be with the rest of the band waiting around for the New Years ball to drop in New York but no, Calum knew a short cut which led to you guys being lost in freaking New York City. "Calum can we please just ask some one for directions" you begged for what felt like the 100th time. "No, I know where we're going" Calum was persistent and it pissed you off. Another 30 minutes later and it was 11:50. You were beyond mad so you told Calum to pull over. He did as he was told and turned to you "babe am sorry I couldn't make this new year as special as you wanted it I know I screwed up and am sorry I didn't want you to think that you had to spend another year with a guy who gets lost am so sor-" he was cut off by u kissing him. He pulled back "is that your way of saying you forgive me?" He questions with a smirk. "No. It's New Years I wanted my New Years kiss, am still pissed at you." You say, trying to hide your smile. Calum finally got the balls to ask someone for directions and you guys went to go party with the guys.


It was New Years and it was only you and Ashton in the flat you guys share. "So babe what are your New Years resolutions?" Ashton asked as u guys cuddled on the couch watching the news "for our wedding to be perfect," you said with a smile, you couldn't wait till your guises wedding. "Sounds like a good resolution to me," Ashton says leaning down to give you a kiss "nopperz Ash no kisses till midnight" you say turning you head so he could only kiss your cheek. "But babe we only have......" He looks at the tv "BABE WE ONLY HAVE 10.....9....8....7...6.....5...4" Ashton started counting down "3.....2....1" you pulled Ashton into a kiss filled with so much love and happiness that you guys made it another year. When you pulled back Ashton whispers a "happy new year baby" and pulled you in for another amazing kiss.


"Happy New Year sweetie!" Luke exclaims through the screen, you smiled blowing a kiss to the camera. Sadly the boys were on tour and couldn't make it home for New Years, but Luke had promised to video chat which made it a little better. You sighed looking at the time on your computer, '11:50'. Luke, seeing your expression asked what was wrong to which you replied "I'm just sad we don't get a New Years kiss this year." "I know sweets but we always have next year. Hey its pretty late I'm gonna go to sleep, love ya!" "oh ok-" you were interrupted by him ending the call. You slowly checked the time, seeing it was just two minuets before midnight now, just as you were getting up your phone started ringing. You saw it was Luke and smiled answering it, "Hey I forget to tell you, open the door." his voice said through the phone as you went to the door of your shared flat. You opened it and dropped the phone, wrapping your arms around him and giving him a deep kiss. He smiled and picked you up, carrying you into the flat bridal style.


"Babe, what are you doing?" you pleadingly ask Michael as he and Calum exchange weird looks and then go back to making complete fools of themselves singing 'Stacy's Mom'. You couldn't help but wonder how much alcohol the pair had taken in that night, sighing you sat down looking at you watch. It read '11:55', it sounded stupid but you really wanted a New Years kiss from Michael to start off the year. "Mikey!" you exclaimed, him looking over and saying "Yes dear?" "Its almost midnight..." you trailed off as he walked over, wrapping his arms around you waist and giving you a slight kiss on the cheek. Only a few seconds later people started to count down, "10... 9... 8...7...6...5...4...3..." you started to lean in "2...1!" you attempted to kiss Michael but found nothing except the sound of a muffled exclaim of 'pizza!' Looking over you saw Michael standing there indulging himself with a slice, you gave him a death glare which he returned with a slight smile, more of a 'please don't kill me I'm too young to die' smile. After finishing his pizza he slowly walked over saying "babe I'm sooo sorry its just who could resist it and and and-" you cut him off "Just shut-up and kiss me you idiot" you said pulling him in with a smirk. 


Im sorry this took soooooooo long to update

Just wondering what you guys as readers want next, we could either do a wedding series or go straight to the wedding itself... please comment what you would want

If you guys vote or comments I will love you forever! 

Again sorry for not updating

Xx Cammie


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