#8 You're On Your Period

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"Calum!" you yelled from the bathroom. "Yes babe", he said I'm a somewhat questioning tone. "I need you to go grab a pad from the other bathroom" you said feeling a little embarrassed. "I'm on it" he replied, you could hear his loud footprints scurrying throughout the house "okay", he said cracking open the door and throwing a pad inside. You chuckled and got situated. When you were done you walked out the door going into the bedroom and putting on pjs. When you walked into the living room you saw Calum sitting on the couch with multiple blankets next to him, there were 4 of you favorite movies and a cup of tea on the coffee table. You smiled and cuddled up with the blankets pointing at a movie, he got up and put it in, pressing play on the remote. When he sat back down you kissed his forehead and grabbed onto his hand, smiling

Xx Cammie


Today was the day you would get visited by Mother Nature and you did not want to go through that. "Ugh. My stomach hurts soo freaking bad." You whined. You were curled up in a ball on the couch. "Babe i'm home. Where are you?" Ashton asks "in the living room" you yell back. He went out for some errons but didn't tell you for what. "I got you something" he says putting a bag in front of you. You look in and find tampons, pads, chocolate chip ice cream, and a ton of movies. "How did you know?" You ask "well I remembered the time from last time and you weren't happy in the morning" he says with one of his cute smiles. "Your to good to me Irwin. Way to good" you smile kissing him on the cheek. The rest of the day you guys talked, cuddled and pigged out. Best time you have ever been on your period



"How are you feeling sweetie?", your boyfriend asked, he was always so caring towards you when it was that time of the month. "I'm okay, cramps suck", you replied curling into a ball, you were lying in bed as you had been all morning. "Cramps... Okay I can help with that" he mumbled to himself, then ran out the door. He was too sweet, way to good for you. A few minuets later he hurried into the room with two Advil and a big glass of water, you smiled as you popped the pills in you mouth and took a big gulp of water. "Thank you" you said looking at like as he sat down on the bed. "No problem, anything else you want?", he said. "Um, I'm kinda craving hot chocolate" you said looking at him, "yah just give me a few minuets" he said. Five to ten minuets later he came back with a mug full of hot chocolate and whipped cream, you pecked his lips and curled up with him drinking your hot chocolate.

Xx Cammie


"Wait babe" you say, Michael was walking out the door. "Ya?" He said "um I kinda need more pads and tampons", you say somewhat blushing. You had been in your period for 3 days now and it still was pretty bad "Okie Dokie", he replied walking out the door, he needed to go to the studio today but would be back soonish. This was something you loved about your boyfriend, when you had your period and needed things or had really bad cramps he was always there for you, never making a big deal out of it. You say on the couch all day watching movies, this is what you found to be the best thing it do when it was that time of the month. "Honey, I'm home", you heard Mikey say in a sing songy tone as he walked in carrying a bag, you got up giving him a kiss on the cheek an looking to see what was in it. He had bought a tub of cookie dough ice cream (your favorite), a few bars of chocolate, some Advil and what else you needed. You then grabbed two spoons and the ice cream sitting on the couch, a few minutes later Mikey came and cuddled with you, pigging out on ice cream and watching movies together.

Xx Cammie

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Xx Cammie, Maya, Barbara, Tati

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