#9 You Go To The Beach

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"Hey cal, wanna go to the beach?" You ask him, "Of course! Just let me get my tiger striped speedo!" He says jokingly. "Oh come on cal.." You say, he cuts you off "ok fine, fine". You smile and start to get your things, you felt a tap on your shoulder "ready to go?" Calum said "yeah...just a second." You fumble around with the umbrella "I got it Y/N." Calum says as he kissing your cheek. In a flash your at the beach, "Come on Calum! Stop messing with that Sea gull!" You say to him. You hear him mumbling baby talk to the bird, you giggle. He turns to you "he loves me!".Just then a second bird arrives then another, and in an instant there's a ton of sea gulls. "Calum... I suggest you don't move" you say, you see him smirk "Run!!!" He yells at you. You both start to and all the sea gulls start to fly towards you. You can see your blue beach umbrella and you and Calum both hide underneath, he smiles at you "that was so fun!!" You say while giggling, he pecks your lips and wraps both his arms around your waist, "This officially got even more fun.." He tells you. As the sun started to set you both lay on the sand and watch until the sun is completely gone.



You and Ashton were in California for a vacation to get away. "Were in California and we haven't gone to the beach yet. Let's go today." Ashton says you guys were chilling in your hotel laying on the bed cuddling. "yeah that would be awesome." You agree. When you guys get to the beach no one was there which was good. You put all your stuff down an lay down on your towel enjoying the sun. "Y/N come in the water it's feels so good" Ashton yells from the water. You didn't say anything just enjoying your sun. Next thing you know Ashton is carrying over his shoulder running towards the water "Ashton irwin put me down right now" you yell pounding your fists on his back "If you say so" he says and drops you in the water. Throughout the whole day you spent it chasing each other and getting each other wet. At the end u guys cuddled together on the beach and listened to the waves wash up on the beach. "Best vacation ever" Ashton whispers in your ear before kissing your cheek.

:):):):):):):):):):):):):):) Maya


"OMG are those what I think they are?" You hear Luke exclaim, you were having a beach day and loved laying in the sun. Exasperated you sat up and looked at him "what are they..." You trail off as you see dolphins jumping out in the ocean and your eyes widen, "I suddenly feel the urge to get in the water" you say. Luke looks at you and winks as you lock hands and run to the water, one you step foot in the water you realize that it's not that cold. Looking into the deeper water you see more dolphins, "Luke look!" You say tapping his shoulder. Together you wade into the water "I love you so much he says", kissing you deeply. You guys spend a while in the water, when you get out you run to your towels, drying off. You walk to the car, Luke hanging back fir a little. Once he meanders his way to the car he gives you a bracelet, it has a dolphin on it and on his wrist is a matching one. You look I to his eyes a kiss him, getting into the car together and going home to lay on the couch together.

Xx Cammie


"Babe get off the couch!" you yelled at Michael, you were with Michael visiting family in California and he didn't want to go outside. You should have figured it would take a while to get him to go outside. "Okay fine" he said, you were astonished that he was saying yes. You let out a small squeal and ran to go get your swimsuit on, dragging him with you. You guys got in your swim suits and grabbed two towels, a water bottle, and sunscreen. You walked to the beach together hand in hand, when you got to the beach you guys put down your towels. Michael bolted to the water "You need to put on sunscreen" you yelled, but he didn't hear you. You sunscreened yourself and went into the waves with him, spending the whole day in the water and only pausing for lunch. On your way back you wrapped your arm around Michaels back, he winced causing you to retract your arm. "Babe turn around for a sec" you said, he obeyed and you let out a laugh, his back was redder than a tomato. "Ouch that's gotta hurt" you said chuckling, you guys got home and you slipped on some clothes to go to the drug store for aloe. You both needed up staying up all night, Michael because of his burning back and you to keep him company.

Xx Cammie

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