#10 You Go to a Sports Game

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"Cal do we really have to?" you questioned, you were supposed to go to a soccer game but you didn't really like soccer. "Come on babe, it's just one game" he said elbowing you shoulder playfully. "Okay let's go I guess" you replied standing up and wrapping your arms around him. You got in the car and drove to the game, getting out of the car slowly. Cal grabbed onto your hand and was practically dragging you to the entrance, you laughed at your eager boyfriend as he presented his tickets to the man checking them. Once you found your seats you looked over at your boyfriend, his eyes were glued to the game practically, following every movement. You were about to say something but thought better of it, seeing the pure joy in Cals face you kissed his cheek and snuggled into his arm, enjoying every second of being with him.

Xx Cammie


"Okay so what are we going to?" Ashton asks while driving while you give him directions. "I told you this morning ashton, my brothers dance competition" "that's right", your older brother was professional dancer and you always loved going to his performances, you thought it was time for Ashton to come. You and Ashton found some good seats and waited for the performance to start. When the show started and your brother came on lots of girls started to scream. You were so used to it but Ashton wasn't. "Why are all these girls screaming for him?" Ashton whispers to you "because his that good" you say giving him a wink. At the end of the performance you and Ashton went to go find your brother to tell him how good of a job he did. "Hey Y/N did u like my performance?" Y/B/N asked "you were awesome like always. Ohh Y/B/N this is Ashton, Ashton this is my brother Y/B/N" the guys shook hands, you were so happy Ashton liked what your brother did.

:):):):):):):):):):):):):):) maya


Luke had never been to a football game and you felt like you should be the one to take him to his first. "Y/N were are we going?" Luke asks for what seams like the hundredth time in only 10 minutes "I told you Luke it's a surprise" when you guys got to the stadium you took the blind fold. "Tada your fist ever football game" you said with a huge smile on you face. "Thank you babe" he says pulling you in for a kiss you couldn't help but have a smile spread across your face. "come on let's go in" you say pulling his hand. Once you guys were inside you went and found your seats. Before the game started Luke kept asking you questions so he would know what is happening. It was really fun being able to teach him something. When the game was over and you guys were in you car on your away home you guys kept talking about the next new things you guys would do together and you couldn't wait.



"Wait so what happens if the pitcher hits the guy again?" Michael asked for what seemed like the thousandth time. "I told you, he walks" you said in a somewhat annoyed tone. You were starting to regret taking him to a baseball game, you knew that he was having fun pestering you with questions that he probably knew the answers to. "Okay" you say fed up, "either you shut up for the rest of the game or we leave now to 'beat the traffic'" you said with air quotations and a wink. "I'll take the later option" he says, grabbing your hand and pulling you up the stands. You guys walk to the car, getting in and blasting music. "Thank you so much for getting me out of there" he says with a sigh of relief, pulling you in for a deep kiss which probably could've turned into more but you thought better of that, waiting until you got home. You slightly pull away "lest just go home" you say, giving him one quick peck of the lips before he pulls out of your parking spot with a large grin on his face.

Xx Cammie

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