#20 The Proposal

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Calum wanted you guys to go have a picnic at the first place you said I love you. It was your 2 year anniversary and it was going to be great. At the lake you guys talked and talked and ate all the yummy food Calum made. It was desert time and you watched Calum take out the cake he made. Of course it was ti dyed, your favorite. He served you a plate and you started eating as Calum just watched you kind of creepily you may add. When you reached the bottom you saw something sparkle. You picked it up and saw that it was a ring. "Calum. Why is there a ring in my cake?" When you look up you see Calum kneeling on one knee he took the ring from your hand. "I love you so much and I was-" "Calum hood yes you don't need to dedicate or say anything I want you and only you." You interrupt. He chuckles "I know babe but I want to....as I was saying I love you so much and I was scared to ask you to marry me. But the scariest part was asking your dad for his blessing. And I might have peed my pants.....but it's worth it for you. You are my everything and I love you. So will you do me the honer of becoming my wife. And let me make you tidied cake till the day we die" you had tears at this point. "Hell yea" you say. Calum put the ring on our finger and you guys spend the rest of the day eating the rest of the cake and already planing your wedding.    


You have been on tour with Ashton and the guys for about a month and it was cool being there to support him, right now they are playing in Amsterdam. They’re playing 'amnesia' and because there isn't a lot of drums you see Ashton kind of looking at little jumpy but you don't think much of it. When they are done singing that. Luke goes up to the mic and says "Amsterdam you guys are very lucky, Ashton wants to sing a song and you guys will be able to witness it" you were shocked because no one told you about this. Ashton walks up to the mic "I would like my beautiful girlfriend Y/N to come up here" Ashton says while pulling up a stool right next to him. You sit on the stool and watch as Ashton played your favorite song. You liked that song but only when Ashton sung it. When he was done Ashton turns to you and gets down on one knee "Y/N Y/L/N, I love you so much that there are no words to describe it. You stole my heart and it would be my honor if you stole my last name as well. Y/N will you do me the honer of becoming Y/N Irwin" by then you were crying and you just nodded and tackled him to the ground kissing him. "I love you Ashton.” "I love you more.” " I love you most."


It was yours and Luke's 3 year anniversary and you guys were going out to dinner to celebrate the great 3 years you guys have spent together. You guys were eating your desserts when you hear everyone else in the restaurant whispering and pointing at you and Luke. "Luke why is everyone looking at us?” you ask looking across the table at him. He had one of he's cute smirks on his face. "Baby there not looking at us. Just look down." You do what you boyfriend says and look down to see a.....PENGUIN looking up at you. You were utterly shocked then you saw that it had a bow with a ring rapped around it's neck. "Luke???" You finally take your eyes away from the cute penguin and find Luke kneeling next to the penguin on one knee. "Y/N you are the love of my life. I can't forget the day we met on a train and god I am so lucky that you were the one to sit next to me for 9 hours. I love you too the moon and back and please please say yes" he says with tears in his eyes "Luke baby you haven't asked me anything" you say with a smile. "Ohhh. Right.  Will you be my nothing because nothing last forever, will you be my wife?" He says with a blush "Yes. A thousand times yes" with that Luke took the ring off the penguin and put it on the finger. Once the penguin knew the ring was gone it waddled off and the restaurant erupted into cheers.


You and Michael where staying at home because it was raining and there was nothing to do. "Let's watch Pokemon" Michael says pulling you towards the couch. You decided not to tell him again that you know nothing about this show because he looked so excited and happy for some strange reason, it was just a show. You guys are cuddling on the couch and you keep feeling Michael pat his pocket. You were going to ask him about that but he started talking "Y/N I always thought that I would love no one but misty on Pokemon until I met you. You are my misty. You are hotter then charmander in full evolution. Basically what am saying is that I don't want to continue on this journey with out you by my side. Will you please be my pikachu and be with me on this journey and even shock me a bit when I get out of place because I will always pikachoose you over any other pokemon" when he was done he made his way to the floor and getting down on one knee pulling out a ring. "Will you Y/N Y/L/N be my loving wife and become Y/N Clifford" you nodded your head and pulled his lips towards yours. First kiss with your fiancé.  




I also just realized I was in caps lock this whole time oops

So to get more comments or try to I'm gonna do that annoying QOTD thing people do...

so here goes: What is your favorite color and why?

and my AOTD would be- Orange because my rooms bright orange and it makes me happy

So pls answer that and stuff because interacting with readers would be cool

Xx Cammie & Maya

Oh and also this is the #20 preference *yay* but oops there are two #8s so technically its the 21st's idk how that happened

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