#17 Halloween

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"Cal help me carry these knives" you yelled walking out of the kitchen and starting to trip. Calum came running around the corner just in time to catch you before you fell, "I thought we agreed you weren't allowed to have knives anymore" he said laughing and causing you to give him a death glare. "Its Halloween, we need to carve pumpkins!" you said with way to much enthusiasm. You then got up and walked into the backyard where you had set up the pumpkins on the table.  Calum walked out a few minutes later holding a sharpie, "This is going to be amazing." he said slightly. He then sat down and started drawing his pattern, refusing any of your attempts to see it. You both took time drawing you patterns and the started to hollow out the pumpkins. "Hey babe look at this" you heard Calum say, causing you to turn toward his only to be greeted with pumpkin guts. "You didn't" you said grabbing a fist full of pumpkin guts and throwing the back at Calum, somewhat declaring war. You spent the rest of the day 'carving' pumpkins which meant throwing peices of pumkin at eachother until it got dark.  


It's was a cold October evening. You were laying on your bed with the dogs going through Facebook seeing all your friends and their boyfriends with their matching costumes. You couldn't stand it and after awhile you turned your phone off and laid there. Halloween wasn't your most favorite holiday. "Y/N am, home where are you?" You hear Ashton shout while he walks into the house "am in the bedroom babe." You shout back. You hear Ashton run up the stairs "I picked something up on the way home today I think you might like it" Ashton says while pulling something out of a paper bag. You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw the worst costume in your life "Ashton Fletcher Irwin what is that?" You asked afraid of the answer. "It's a custume. You know for Halloween. I was thinking we could be matching and go to the Halloween party Michael and his girlfriend are throwing" he says you could see the hope in he's eyes. "Babe you know I don't like Halloween" "I know but I was kind of hoping. Please baby just this one time I already told Michael we will be going." You couldn't take it anymore "okay fine we can go" you say with a small smile "Are you serious yay. Ohh and I also got the dogs matching costumes as well" he says with his oh so famous dimple smiles "you always seam to amaze me Irwin, all the time." "I do it to keep you on your toes, now go get in your costume cutie" he says kissing you and shooing you into the bathroom.


"Babe hurry up we need to get there early so the kids get the good candy!"You and Luke had to take your sisters twin daughters trick or treating and you could tell Luke was excited to spend time with the girls. He always volunteer when she needs a baby sitter. "Luke Hemings hold on am fixing Alexis's tutu" you yell back as you puff up her cute little ballerina tutu and make her look so cute. Her and her sister were going to be ballerinas. When you were finally done getting Alexis to look the way she wanted you and her went downstairs to find her sister and Luke cuddling on the couch "uncle Luke let's go you lazy bum" she yells at him. "Am up am up". You guys are out for 3 hours. When you finally got home you had one girl in your arms and so did Luke "I will put them in our bed while you call your sister and tell her they are spending the nigh" "okay sounds like a plan" you say handing the other twin to Luke. You called your sister and told her your and Luke's plan and she was fine with it. You wondered where Luke was he hasn't come down since he put the girls to sleep. Wondering where Luke was you went upstairs to your room. Walking in you find Luke singing amnesia to the fully asleep girls. You couldn't help but climbed in to bed with them. "Your going to make a wonderful father someday" you tell him before drifting off to sleep but before you were fully asleep you here Luke say "only with you by my side" you fell asleep with a smile on you face-


You woke up to an orange haired Michael staring at you, "Um babe i love you and everything but why the staring?" you idly asked. "Because its the lovely month of October" he said causing you to remember it was the 1st of the month, "And that means costumes and decoration and best of all Pumpkins!" he said reminding you of a 5 year old. "Okay, i'm guessing you want to go to a pumpkin patch then," you said starting to get up and giving him a quick kiss. "Yes, I can think of nothing better than going to a pumpkin patch with the love of my life" he replied pulling you in for a deeper kiss. You guys both got ready and piled into the car, blasting the radio and singing as loud as you could. You pulled into the parking lot and looked over at you orange haired boyfreind, getting out of the car you saw the hundreds, practically thousands of pumpkins. "I want a really big one" you said causing Michael to laugh. "Okay but I'm not carrying it" he smiled and then got out of the car. After looking for a while you found exactly the pumpkin you were looking for, you picked it up and brought it to the front only to realize you had lost you boyfreind. You looked around for him for a while, geting annoyed that his hair was orange as he was no doubtingly blending in, you laughed at this thought. You walked the pumpkin patch three times and still had no sign of Michael, until you finally came to a little group of pumpkins with none the less than Michael sitting in the middle, most likely tweeting about how funny this was. "Alright alright you had your fun are you ready to go yet?" you questioned causing him to look up and smile, giving you that adorable smirk he has. "Sorry babe the fans asked how long it would take you to find me to I figured I'd test it out" he replied laughing. "Yah sure, your never dying your hair orange around Halloween again" you laughed slightly as Michael leaned in for a kiss. It turned out Michael had spent all his time hiding, so you guys had to find him a pumpkin. You spent the day laughing, sealing the day with a perfect kiss.  

Okay so all credit for this one goes to Maya's Mom

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