#2 He Invites You to His House

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Your sitting out sitting outside blasting heartbreak girl, when the verse 'you call me up' happens you phone starts ringing. Looking over you see its Calum trying to FaceTime you, you immediately answer asking "whats up?" To which he replies "I'm be at you house in 10 minuets, ready to get wet?" "Um I guess". He hangs up and you go inside, grabbing your bag. When the doorbell rings you run to the door, practically jumping on him. You guys get in the car and you ask what you are doing today, he answers "I'm gonna get you wet" you laugh but are somewhat scared. When you get to the house he runs to the bushes and returns with two water guns, "this is war" he says, handing you a gun. You spend the rest of the day chasing each other. Once your done you guys decide to watch animal planet, cuddling on the couch. When he drops you off at your house he kisses you, you the walk inside, unable to process what an amazing day you had.



You have been having a pretty uneventful week, you had to take time off to help with your dog and couldn't stop thinking about Ashton. You were sitting on the couch watching your favorite Pokemon episode when your phone rang. You looked at your caller ID and saw Ashton's name, letting out a squeal but not want to seem desperate you let it ring a few times, then answering. "Hello?", you say "Hey, um Y/N. I was wondering if maybe you want to come over today?" "Sure I would love to, text me the time and address" "sure bye I guess". You waited a few minutes until your phone buzzed, then decided to head over. When you got to his house you nock on the door, he immediately answers showing you inside. You guys decided to do a scary movie marathon, you went to the couch while he went and made popcorn and ordered pizza. Once you picked your movies you cuddled on the couch together,you couldn't help but think how lucky you were to have him. When the really scary part of the movie came on you started to squeal, he could tell you were scared. Slowly he wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace and whispered that's everything was gonna be okay to your ear. You looked up at him as your lips connected, sending warmth through your body. You guys stayed in similar positions all night, loving every second.



Your driving over to Luke's house, he called you yesterday and asked you to come over saying a had awesome day planned. When you approached the door it swung open, your eyes immediately meeting Luke's. He was wearing a grin the size of the Cheshire Cat, you couldn't help but question what he had planned. He led you to the living room where he had two nerf guns layed on the table,"Winner gets to pick takeout and the movie" he said. You grabbed a gun as fast as you could and ran into the backyard, hiding behind a bush. You waited for what seemed like eternity until you heard him, you saw his head and ran out, shooting him in the stomach. He simply looked over at you and started pouting, you felt bad so you let him choose the takeout. And hour later you yours were cuddling on the couch watching mean girls and eating pizza. When the movie ended Luke walked you outside, kissing you right before you stepped into the car.



You were hoping for a lazy day, one full of sleeping and netflix, but when Michael had called you you couldn't resist coming over for a game night. He had asked you to bring your favorite board game but you preferred a good game of Egyptian Ratscrew over any game of monopoly. You nocked on the door then simply walked in, you had a bad habit of doing this but didn't really care. "Michael I'm here!" You called into the house, seconds later he was running down the stairs and pulling you into a warm embrace. He looked you up and down,"Y/N, I told you to bring a game". You held up the pack of cards and he nodded, leading you into the living room. "So what game do you have planed?", he said."Egyptian Ratscrew", you replied, he looked at you with a puzzled expression. "Don't worry I'll teach you", you said. You guys spent the whole night playing, pulling an awesome all-nighter you would never forget. You had a great time even thought your hand was hurting for days.

xx Cammie

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