#8 You Go To The Movies

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"Are you ready?!" Calum yells the second you wake up, you sigh as you remember promising to go see yah TMNT movie today. Sitting up you look over at him, "okay I guess" you say sighing to yourself. You were excited for the movie but kind of wanted to just stay home all day. You get ready, at a quick pace because of Calum constantly yelling at you that your gonna be late. You guys arrive at the theatre 30 minuets early, "Cal, you know the time listed isn't till the previews start right?" He nods as you laugh casually. You guys buy tickets and walk into the theater lobby, Calum begging you for a specific candy. As you approach your theater Calum squeals, you silently giggle loving how much of a fangirl your boyfriend can be.

Xx Cammie


You and ashton were sitting at the table in the kitchen trying to figure out what to do today. "What's about the movies.?" Ashton asks "sure. What movie?" You ask "let's do into the storm it looks like a horrible movie" Ashton says with a smile "okay sure" you guys get dressed and hop in the car. When you got to the movie theaters he bought the tickets and you got the snakes getting everything you guys like. In the movie theater you guys go all the way to the top because you loved how you could see everything. When the movie start you and ashton were the only ones laughing threw the movie. In the middle of the movie. An usher asked you guy ps to leave because you were disturbing everyone else. You and ashton left the theater hand in hand. " I love you so much. Do u know that?" Ashton asks you "of course I do. Especially when you tell me every second" you kissed his cheek and you guys decided to have you own movie night at home.



"But I'll cry so much" you say, your boyfriend Luke is trying to convince you to go see The Fault In Our Stars but you just can't, it will be way to emotional for you. "Come on I've been waiting sooo long", he says giving you his best puppy dog face. "Okay fine lets go", you say grabbing a box of tissues and keys. Walking in you hold Luke's hand, approaching the concession stand and buying a popcorn with a large coke to share. When you walk in you take seats in the middle of the theater, as the opening credits roll you start to tear up remembering what it was like when you read the book. Luke looks at you and smiles kissing your cheek, you guys cried together throughout the movie handing each other tissues periodically.

Xx Cammie


"Mikey baby can we please got to the movies today?" You begged for what seemed to be the hundredth time but in actuality was only the seventh, it was a cloudy day that seemed perfect for a movie. "Okay I guess", he said with a sight "let me go get my keys". You silently squealed knowing that by showing to much excitement he would say no just to watch you squirm, he could be annoying in that way. You guys got into the car, "What movie are we even going to see?" He asked, clearly he hadn't been listen to your earlier attempts of persuasion, "I told you, planet of the apes". He looked over smiling, he'd been want to see that for quite a while now. You guys parked amd walked up to the ticket line, "um two for planet of the apes", you said buying your tickets. As you walked in Mikey told you to go get seats and that he would handle popcorn and candy, you walked into the theater securing two seat in the center of the back row knowing that was both your and Michaels favorite seats. You watched the opening credits making mental notes of movies to see once they were out. You then saw a purple haired boy walking up the stairs holing a large popcorn, one cherry slushy(your favorite), a soft drink, and a few boxes of sour patch kids, loving that your boyfriend knew you so well. You whispered thanks pecking his lips, then directing your attention back to the screen. You both loved the movie, well you didn't love it but knowing how much Michael was enjoying it made you happy, you guys finished all you snacks and walked out of the theater holding hands. You had to put this in the top of the list of favorite dates.

Xx Cammie

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