#4 Stuffies

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Calum had randomly called you wondering what you were doing today, saying that he had found the must amazing place. You couldn't say no, this is what led you to being blindfolded in the passenger seat of Calums car. You felt the car slow to a stop and knew you were there, he stepped out of the car. The door opened as you stepped out with the help of Calum "Okay take the blindfold off", he said. Looking up you see a giant lemur head, you squeal "Calum, is this a lemur rescue?" You ask, he only nods as you kiss him full of excitement. You walk in and have one of the best days of your life, looking at lemurs all day and loving that Cal thought of this. As your leaving you use the restroom, when you come back Calum is holding a lemur stuffie "Cal I love it!", you say full of joy. The whole ride home you hold onto your lemur, knowing you will never forget this day.




Today you and Ashton decided to become children for the day and go to the zoo together. You have always loved the zoo ever since you were a child. "Y/N what do u want to see next?",Ashton asks you, you guys have seen everything except for the elephants which are your favorites "ELEPHANTS!" You shout which excitement. Ashton laughed at your excitement as you guys walk hand and hand to the elephants. When you were done seeing the pretty animals you and Ashton visited the gifts shop as a last stop. You had your eyes on the cutest stuffed elephant but you had enough at home. You told Ashton you would wait outside because you knew any more time in the gift shops and you would have bought the elephant. When Ashton came out of shop he has his hands behind his back. "Y/N. I have a surprise for you" he says with a smile,"What?" You ask. He moves his hands forms his back and has the elephant in his hands. "OMG Ashton how did you know?" "I just know my girl that well" "Thank you so much" you say then you kiss him on the cheek. You guys walked out of the zoo hand and hand, holding on to your new addition to the family.




"Luke",you say "Let's go". You had decided to go to the aquarium today because they were having their annual Sharkfest this week and you loved sharks. But instead of being able to look at all the awesome sharks they had in the nearby tanks you had been standing at the penguin exhibit for the past hour and a half. "Come on" you repeat your patience running low after being forced to watch the small birds waddle around on the fake rocks and occasionally plunge into the water. "Just five more minutes" he says his eyes leaving the black and white birds for a few seconds to meet yours. "Ugh, you know I can't say no to you", you say, sitting down on a nearby bench. Five minutes later and Luke still wouldn't leave "Okay Luke, I'm gonna go but I'll be back in 20 minuets", he nodded without making eye contact. You left and watched the sharks for a while, when 15 minutes was up you decided to make your way back to the penguins. While walking back you couldn't help but buy like a penguin stuffie, quickly you picked your favorite and bought it. You ran up behind him and gave the penguin, he squealed as you saw the excitement in his eyes. "Y/N I love it" he said right before kissing you. On the ride home he couldn't stop talking about his penguin, you know how much he loved it and couldn't help but be proud of yourself for thinking of it.



You and Michael were on a long road trip to visit your parents, you were barely on your 3rd hour and already were feeling like you needed to get out of the car. "Mikey I really need to stretch my legs or something ", you told him, practically begging him to stop with your eyes alone. "Babe I know but there's not another town for 2 hours" he paused "maybe there will be a farm or something that's opens to the public" he stated after. You simply nodded willing something to appear as an excuse to get out of the car. About 30 minutes later you saw sign for a llama farm, "Mikey can we please check it out?" you questioned. "Sure I guess", you guys pulled into a parking lot and were instantly happy. You got out of the car and looked at llamas for a while, when you were done you steeped into the car. "Um babe I'm gonna use the restroom before we leave", he said, you simply nodded in response. A few minutes later he was approaching the car holding a llama stuffie. You smiled "So who's your little friend?" You asked, "Well I was gonna keep him for myself but then I remembered my amazing girlfriend and though maybe she would like him" he replied. "I'm sure she would" you said kissing him. You spent the rest of the ride holding lama while you and Michael bickered over what he would be named.

Xx Cammie

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