Not So Bad (Chapter Two)

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Olivia was lost in her thoughts, she had just lost everything. She was running away from an abusive relationship. She had all of her stuff packed up in her suitcase. She planned on moving across the country to start a new life. She was worried that her boyfriend would have found her, she didn't want to live in an abusive relationship anymore. Not only did she go through verbal abuse, but also physical abuse. Her boyfriend was a drinker and he had anger issues so when things didn't go his way he would get violent. He told her over and over that he would change, but he never did and she wasn't going to put up with it anymore. She finally got the courage to leave him when he went to work. She had to make sure that she would go somewhere where he wouldn't think to look for her. Other times when she tried to break up with him, he would cuss at her and beat her so she put up with it until she had enough.

If he loved her so much like he said, why would he beat her? There was still worry in the back of her mind. If he found her, he would beat her for sure, maybe even kill her, whether he meant to or not. So Olivia happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The guy that robbed the store tried to steal her car so when she tried to fight back he pulled a knife out on her. She managed to fight him off long enough to make him drop the knife, but he pinned her up against a wall, hit her in the face, and started choking her. At the time she thought she was about to die, but the next thing she knew the guy ran off because someone else was chasing after him.

All of her stuff was in her car and the guy got away in her car. She didn't really think about it, but she still somehow managed to look on the bright side. At least she had escaped with her life. She had Seth Rollins to thank for that. He showed up and saved her. Sure he just showed up and ran the guy off, but she was thankful to him. When he introduced himself and they shook hands she looked at him in his eyes and felt this weird connection. She should have known better, she shouldn't fall for the first guy she saw. That was the problem she was running from to begin with. The first moment she saw him she was a bit scared of him, but he sat there and waited with her until the police and medics showed up.

She didn't hear everything he said before he left, but she could have thought that he said he would be right behind her, but she wasn't sure. Maybe that was what her mind wanted her to think. Now that she lay in a hospital bed she thought to herself again. She probably wouldn't ever see him again. She was told by the doctor that they would keep her there over night just to be safe. She had stitches in her shoulder and she still felt the pain in her neck and face from where the guy attacked her. She was stressed, she didn't know what she would do once she got out of the hospital. She had so much on her mind and she broke down in tears. She didn't think anyone would come to see her and she especially didn't think she would see Seth again. She was in for the surprise of her life when she saw him walk through her doorway. He even brought her flowers. She was kind of confused, but happy to see him. She tried to wipe the tears out of her eyes, but he had already seen her crying.

"Seth Rollins? What are you doing here?"

"Didn't you hear what I said before you left Olivia? I said I was going to be right behind you. I wanted to make sure you were ok. Here take these."

He smiles at her and hands her the flowers he bought for her. She smiles back at him and gladly accepts them.

"Thank you Seth. It was really nice of you. You really didn't have to do this. I thought you might have said you would follow me, but I was thinking I heard you wrong. I really didn't expect to see you again so this was a nice surprise."

"I thought it was the least I could do. I thought I would try to surprise you to help take your mind off what happened."

She almost gets tears in her eyes again.

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