Not So Bad (Chapter Four)

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Chapter Four

Olivia didn't care if she cried in front of him anymore. She had told Seth about how her ex boyfriend physically and emotionally abused her. She told him that he threatened to kill her and then broke down in tears. Seth wrapped his arms around her and comforted her.

"I'm so sorry Olivia... I had no idea. So your ex... he attacked you and threatened to kill you."

Olivia wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded.

"If he threatened to kill you, why didn't you leave him sooner?"

"I wanted to when I realized that he wasn't going to change. He would always get drunk and think that he owned me. He wasn't always violent, he only really turned violent when I told him that I was going to leave him. He always told me that he loved me and he kept on telling me that he was going to change and I was foolish enough to believe him. So after he attacked me with a knife I knew I had to get away from him even though I was scared. He almost made me do something that I didn't want to do. So I took off while he was at work. I took a little too long packing my stuff and he saw me when I was getting ready to leave. I ran for my car and barely got away. He said that if he ever saw me again that he'd kill me. Actually he yelled it at the top of his lungs. I thought for sure that he was following me so I got out of Miami as fast as I could."

"Did you live with him?"

"Yes, but only because I had nowhere else to go. My mom kicked me out when I turned eighteen, so for the last six years I've tried to work and pay rent for a house so when my ex told me he loved me, I moved in with him about a year ago because he told me that I didn't have to be alone anymore and that he would take care of me. So now that we're back in Miami, I'm just worried that he will find me."

"He won't... even if he does, I'm not going to let him come anywhere near you. If he even thinks about coming anywhere near you, he's going to have to answer to me."

"I don't know Seth... it just seems like I ran from one problem only to run into another. I was running away from him and then ran into that guy at the gas station. I'm more trouble than I'm worth."

"Don't say that. You've just been through a lot lately. When you were at the gas station, you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time, it could have happened to anyone. Things are going to be different now Olivia. Things are going to change for the better."

"You know Seth... I've got to be honest. When you told me that you were a wrestler, it kind of freaked me out."


"Because when I think of a wrestler, I think of a big, strong guy with anger issues. I was really scared when you yelled at me earlier. I was thinking maybe you would hit me or something, but you didn't even cuss at me."

"I wouldn't hit you Olivia, no matter how angry I got. I probably wouldn't even cuss at you. Plus I already told you that if I ever put my hands on a non WWE employee, I would probably lose my job. So you've got nothing to worry about."

"I know. I guess I overreacted, but I can't help but be a little worried. The fact that I've been in abusive relationships doesn't really help."

"I'm going to be here to protect you Olivia... I promise. Now lets not even think about that anymore. Lets have a good time. Since we're going to be at Raw, why don't I give you ring side seats.?"

"Really ringside seats?"

"Sure. You said you wasn't really sure what WWE was so I thought why not get you a ring side seat so you can see it up close and personal for the first time. Then once the show is over you can come back stage. I'll have security know it's ok and I'll come looking for you. You can let me know what you think once the show is over."

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