Not So Bad (Chapter 22)

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Olivia was excited. The day before had been a beneficial day. The Shield had basically taught her how to protect herself from an attack. Seth had taught her how to block head on attacks. Dean and Roman had to hold her and act like they were going to drag her away. Seth gave her a few tips on how to escape. After her basic self defense lessons, Olivia decided that she wanted to be a WWE diva. Olivia and Seth went to the training area again. It was early in the morning so not many people were there yet, they had the ring all to themselves. Olivia stepped through the ropes and looked around the ring over at Seth. The first thing he wanted to do was practice running and bouncing off the ropes. Olivia wasn't so sure the ropes would support her so she was kind of nervous about doing it.

"You can do it. Trust me ok... the ropes aren't going to break. The ropes support me, the ropes support big guys like Big Show. Watch me."

Seth demonstrates running back and forth between ropes, Olivia watches as the ropes bounce back with him.

"Now you try."

Olivia was slow at first, but once she got used to the feeling of the ropes, her speed increased.

"There you go, that's better. So what kind of a wrestler do you want to be? Do you want to be a basic mat skills wrestler, a submission specialist, a high flyer or what?"

"Well... I was hoping I could learn a bit of everything."

"I'll do my best, but other people can help you too. You've seen that some of the stuff we do is risky, sometimes we do actually get hurt. At some point everyone gets hurt, I want to know if you are really one hundred percent dedicated to this."

"I am. I do want to be a WWE diva, I want to learn everything that I can. I promise I won't quit."

"I like that kind of attitude, but if things do get too intense let me know and we will stop. If you think you can't handle it we will stop. I won't be mad at you. I don't want you to think that I'm making you do this. You don't have to want to start wrestling just because of me."

"I know. You're only part of the reason. I saw the other divas and it interested me. I know not all of the divas are in this for the wrestling, but there are a few that I saw that really show off their skills. This is something I want to do."

"Ok. So how about we brush up on some of the things you learned yesterday. Believe it or not what we did yesterday can actually be used in WWE. You can block head on attacks, and you and do everything you did to get away from sneak attacks. You can use your head, your elbows, your feet... do anything to get out of the hold without causing a disqualification. So you've been around probably long enough to understand a little more about WWE. Tell me what you know."

"I know that... as a heel, if the ref doesn't see it you can do what you want and get away with it. If the ref sees a low blow, a thumb to the eye or something like that it will be a disqualification. Unless it is a special match, you're not allowed to use anything or it will cause a disqualification. You can't have your opponent in a corner when the ref is counting. If the ref gets to five and you don't back away from your opponent, the ref can disqualify you. You have until the count of ten to get in the ring or it is a count out. The usual ways to win a match is by pin fall or submission. To break a submission hold, a good way to get your opponent off you is by getting to the ropes."

"Ok, you seem to know a lot of the rules, but what if there is no rope break, what if it doesn't break the hold?"

"Then... I guess you would have to find out another way of getting out of it, or tap out."

"Unless you are in a tag match... if you are a heel, your partner will most likely do something to break the hold. This could cause a disqualification. If by some chance the ref isn't looking your partner can do something to help you win the match."

Not So Bad (WWE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora