A little piece of heaven

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It's been two years since the boys were born. I look over at my night stand in my room and see all the pictures. The boys birthdays. Mine and Zack's wedding night. The photo from the day after our twins were born surrounded by our Avenged Family.
"Liz..." I hear my husband Zack also known as Zacky Vengeance call to me from downstairs.
"Coming!" I call back to him. I hear little giggles and know my two twin boys Jimmy and Synnie are awake. I smile knowing Zack let me sleep and got the boys up. I grab my robe off of the foot of the bed and make my way down into the kitchen.
My boys are fully dressed and sitting in their high chairs enjoying a bowl of oatmeal. Zack is sitting at the kitchen table with music sheets in front of him and a cup of coffee. I kiss my boys good morning as seeing me they start squealling "Mommy Mommy"
"Good morning lil guys!" I giggle to my boys walking to my husband. I lean down and kiss his cheek.
"Morning baby cakes." I say smiling.
"Hey Emily called you. She threatened me if you didn't call her back soon so here's your phone." He says handing me my cell.
"Well good morning to you too Zachary!" I say poking my tongue out. Next thing I know I'm pulled into his lap and he smiles.
"Good morning sexy" Zack winks.
"Not in front of the boys." I say slapping his arm.
"Well we could go upstairs." He says wiggling his eyebrows.
"Uh no I'm not ready for baby number three." I giggle.
"Just practicing" he laughs and lets me up.
I put my phone to my ear as my phone dials my sister.
"About time!" Emily shouts.
"Good god Emily I just woke up what's the matter?" I ask impatiently.
"Listen our cousin Logan is getting married. Your mother just called to tell me she RSVPed for us. I'm taking care of air fare for us and the boys buy apparently we're required to go. Before you argue you're going. You haven't been home in two years.# Emily my wonderful sister who's married to Synyster Gates says to me before I can argue.
"Are you serious? Emily seriously I don't want to go!" I argue.
"Look you're not the only one but honestly what else are we supposed to do? Miss another family function? They haven't even met the boys. Our husbands can't go cuz they're working but what better shit do we have to do?" She asks me.
"Nothing I guess when do we leave?" I ask. I look over at Zack as he's watching me.
"Well tonight we're going to stay a week maybe two." She sighs.
"Not two I only after to one." I almost about.
"Look don't get pissy." Emily says to me angrily.
"Fine and I'm not staying at mom's or anyone else's for that matter so I guess I'll look into a hotel for tonight and then somewhere we can rent while we're there because I don't think I can stand to hear mom talk to me about how wrong the boys are being raised." I huff.
"Understandable. I agree. She's already been talking to me about a divorce from Syn. Who marries someone named Synyster? Seriously?! Can you believe she'd ask me something like that?!" Emily says annoyed.
"Yeah I can she's already asked me about a million times why would I name Synnie Synyster Shadows was I trying to scare him for life?" I giggle.
"Hence why if I have a child I won't even tell her the name." Emily agrees laughing.
"Ok call me later with the details I guess I'll get packed and all that. Do you know the colors of the wedding and all that for clothes?" I ask eying Zack. He's watching me like a hawk hanging on to every word knowing that I am planning on leaving.
"No,but I guess we will find out when we get there and have to go shopping." Emily sighs.
"I guess so the boys don't have wedding attire. I mean they were six months old when Johnny and Val got married and I highly doubt their clothes from that would fit." I laugh.
"No guess they wouldn't. Alright I'll call you back. I have to call this travel agent really qick. I'll get back to you. For the record I'm sorry Liz I know you don't want to go but it is Logan and he's always been sorta nice." Emily says her voice full of sympathy.
"I know. I'll see you later." I sigh.
The phone goes dead and I look at Zack.
"What's wrong?" He asks me his face full of concern.
"Well....ok. I guess Emily me and the the boys are going to Florida for a bit. Our cousin is getting married and we're being forced to go." I huff looking at my husband.
"Oh....well. I can't go." Zack says looking down.
"I already knew that. Believe me you don't want to. My family is still extremely pissed about us being married the boys being born and them being left out of all of it. Hell my mom has already tried to talk Emily into divorce." I say completely annoyed.
"Well my parents love you as you know." Zack says smiling.
I smile too."Yes I know. Are you going to be OK?" I ask Zack going to sit back on his lap.
He wraps his arms around my waist leaning his head on my back. "No...this will be the longest we have ever been apart since we got married. This is going to fucking suck." He sighs.
I smile thinking about our time together. We haven't been apart. He's right. We go everywhere together since the dark months we spent apart while I was pregnant with the boys. Everything we do we do together. We ahop together. We play together. I never miss a show. He's an amazing loving father and don't eve get me started on the type of husband he is. I seriously think he would lick diet off of my feet if he thought it would make me smile.
"Zack I don't want to go but I can't leave Emily on her own and to be fair the family has never seen the boys only pictures. Even those I don't want to send. But I got to go. Logan is probably one of the o ly ones in the family I don't mind seeing." I say trying not to give in to despair at thought of having to leave Zack behind.
"We have Skype. I guess. How am I supposed to sleep without you here?" He says kissing my neck.
"I have no clue....I won't be able to either." I say sighing.
"I guess we will have to use unisom." Zack says kissing my ear.
"Stop it the boys are up." I say half sternly knowing all too well I don't want him to stop.
He scoots me off of his lap as I pout at him. He scoops up our boys in his arms deftly cleans them off carrying them out of the kitchen. I follow them out and up the stairs. He deposits the boys into their room with all of their toys looking at me grinning.
"Ok so they're not in the room now."
I wink and run into our room.

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