Lets have a wedding

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"Emily?" I ask into the phone
"No this would be your breath taking brother in law" Syn chuckles.
"Hater! How you holding up?" I ask Syn as me and Zack drive to a hotel.
"Oh great the boys are laying down for bed after they had steak and steammed veggies for dinner..I cooked." Syn says to me.
"Ok well tell Em to call me I need to talk to her." I say to my brother in law.
"Sure I will. What you doing? I don't see any lights in over there." Syn says and I know who's peeking at us through a window.
"That'd be because we aren't there." I say rolling my eyes.
"Oooh! Where you guys at?" He asks.
"Nosey much?" I laugh.
"Well yeah this time a week ago you and Zack weren't talking why does it sound like you're driving?" Syn asks me.
"Because I am." I state
"Where are you going?"
"A hotel" I spit
"Oh man Liz is everything ok?"
I sigh,"yeah I'm fine. "
"Ok....do you want to come home?" Syn asks me.
"No I'd rather be alone." I say winking at Zack.
"Ok Liz did you guys talk?"
"Syn you ask a hell of a lot of questions." I say trying my best to sound annoyed.
"I just care about you guys that's all so did you?" Syn asks me again.
"Yes dad we did. We have a lot of paperwork to do." I say trying to sound heartbroken.
"Oh man Liz...OK well I'll let you go." He says sounding very sad.
"Ok Syn tell your wife to call me." I say
"I will...just remember we're here for you baby girl mkay?" Syn tells me.
"I know miss the boys for me g'nite."
Zack starts laughing "what was that?"
"Well I like keeping them on the edge. I feel like I should talk to Emily about us having or at least trying for another baby. I mean her and Syn just got pregnant I don't want her to feel like we're stealing their thunder." I say
"You know I didn't think about that. Everyone is always just so happy for good news I never thought about it like maybe there's jealousy or anything." He says sounding guilty.
"Well she probably won't care but I just think it's right" I shrugg.
"Ok but to ask her that wouldn't you sort of have to explain we're going to work it out?" He laughs.
"Yeah I guess I would but we will get to that." I smile.
"I'll be expecting a phone call. She'll be ready to rip my throat out after Syn talks to her." Zack laughs.
"Well he's the one who jumped to conclusions. I never said the d word i said paperwork...which we will have to do." I say laughing.
"But you also said that you wanted to be alone." He smiles.
"I did but I didn't say if I wanted to be completely alone or just alone with you." I giggle.
"Ok good point." Zack says turning into a hotel parking lot.

Later that night after we get into a room we lay in the bed and Zack sits up on an elbow looking at me.
"What?" I ask him
"I am sorry you know." He says looking into my eyes.
"I know you are Zack. Just so you know uh....well." I stop feeling guilty.
"What Liz? What happened?" He asks me staring intently into my eyes.
"Ok so this morning I went into your office I don't even know why I did it I just do but I turned on your laptop and I sort of read your emails." I say looking at the sheets.
"Liz why do you look so guilty you didn't do anything wrong." He laughs.
"But I only read the emails addressed to me." I say wringing my hands around each other.
"Ooh..." He says to me looking down.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have. But I'd be lying if I said that it didn't help with my decision."
"What do you mean?" Zack asks me looking at me again.
"I didn't think you really was all that upset and you were sticking to I didn't cheat thing." I say
"Oh...well....I was for the first forty-eight hours but after talking to people and the doctor it was a little to obvious. And then well...." He stops talking.
"Well what?" I ask.
"It crushed me. I mean worse than when you got all scared and hauled ass on me."
"Yeah I seen that. Why didn't you send them? Why didn't you come to me and say that?" I ask.
"Seriously? You never listen even when you're not mad at me you don't listen." He says.
"That's not true...OK maybe a little true but then why didn't you send the emails?" I ask him.
"No words seemed right. It didn't seem good enough. Liz I can't take back what I did even if it was not supposed to ever happen."
I let the conversation drop and I think. In the beginning I never thought I was good enough for him and here he is thinking nothing sounds good enough for me. How could this happen. How could this impossibly beautiful man think I am tok good for him?
"Zack are you serious? You're more than anyone could ask for I mean you're just you...you made a mistake. I get that buy part of my reasonings for maybe not trying to work it out was you're you....I mean how can I ask you to not be all sexy rockstar when oh man I love sexy rockstar" I giggle.
He laughs."Liz you look like you should be modeling old cars or rock star clothing."
"Maybe we should be together you think I'm better than I am and I think you're better than you think you are." I sigh.
"Or maybe because we love each other and we've proven twice now that it hurts worse to be without each other." He offers.
"Or that." I agree.
"I love you." Zack says.
"I live you too...but I have an idea." I say smiling.
"What?" He asks me curiously.
"Let's have a real wedding."
"A wedding?" He asks
"Yes with all our family and friends. I'll even invite my family."
"Let's have a wedding" he agrees

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