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I sit staring blankly at a computer screen after my....attempt at a shower.
"You OK you've just been sitting there..." Zack says.
I shrugg and make a face. "I know we said we'd have a wedding but..." I stop grimacing.
"But what you don't want to?" Zack asks me.
"No I do but OK what if we plan a wedding and then I get pregnant..."
"Then you get pregnant Liz I don't understand." Zack says shaking his head.
"Ok get this I won't be able to wear the dress I buy...and I don't know how to plan a wedding." I say.
"Val does. You didn't think of her?" He asks me.
"Actually no I didn't."
"Well there you go call her. And I'm sure she can throw it together super quick. Cuz I bet Emily would kill you if you plan a wedding and she's all big pregnant" Zack says laughing.
"Yeah she would." I laugh too grabbing my phone.
"Calling Val?" He asks me. I nodd and punch in her number.
"Well hello slugger!" Val giggles.
"Hey I have a question for you." I smile
"Shoot boo." Val laughs.
"So do you know how to plan a wedding because I sure don't." I say annoyed.
"A wedding? Yeah I know how to plan one who's getting married love?" She asks me.
"I am." I state.
"Uh don't you have to get divorced to get remarried?" Val asks confused.
"Not if you're marrying the same guy." I laugh.
There's silence for about a second then screaming. "Oh.did you guys work things out?!"
"Yes stop screaming!" I laugh
"Matt Zack and Liz worked it out!" Val hollers.
"Great!" Matt yells annoyed
"Ugh hes such an ass sometimes. He's in the middle of a game and pissed because none of the guys are on." Val says annoyed.
"Zack hook up your game system Matt needs a playmate." I call to Zack as he jumps off the bed heading for his game case. "Well there tell him Zack will be on in a second."
"Oh thank you when is the date?" She asks me.
"Soon how long would it take you to plan it?" I ask her.
"Well not long. We can go dress shopping tomorrow. I can book a caterer tomorrow you can use mine they were amazing ask Zack. Uh we just need a venue." Val says.
"How about the beach?" I say.
"Doable. I know just the place too. Ok so reception?" Val asks me.
"Don't care really." I respond.
"Ok I have a place. It'll be great. So I'll call Emily.."
"No! I'll call her I forgot to tell her and she has the boys so..." I say.
"Oh OK...well you call her and see if Zack and Syn want to chill with Matt and River so we can all go tomorrow. What colors would you like?" Val asks me
"Uh black and purple." I say
"Ok well we can get all that tomorrow. Alright call me back with a time girl and I'll be ready. Ah I'm so happy! I love weddings!" Val giggles.
"Ok talk to you tomorrow babes." I say
"Laters doll." She responds.
I hang up and call Emily.
"Lo sister." Emily says tired.
"Hey you busy tomorrow?" I ask her.
"No why?"
"So I forgot to tell you me and Zack are going to have a wedding..."
"'s tomorrow?" Emily laughs.
"No but we're going shopping for a dress with Val." I say.
"For dresses huh?" Emily asks.
"Yes and Zack will come over there and so will Matt with River so everyone can hang out."
"Ok that sounds cool I'll tell Syn what time do I need to be ready?" Em asks.
"Uh how about ten?" I ask her.
"Sure sounds good. Ok I'm tired we were swimming with the boys this afternoon. I'm sleepy as hell." Emily says yawning.
"Ok goodnight see you tomorrow." I say feeling tired myself.
"Did you get Val to help?" Zack asks staring at the TV shooting something.
"Yeah we're going shopping for dresses tomorrow." I say walking to the bed and laying down. I stretch my legs and yawn.
"Did I wear you out?" Zack asks laughing.
"Oh shut up. It's been awhile since I've you know had sex..." I say yawning
"Yes two weeks is a helluva long time." He agrees.
"Oh yeah you're going to Em and Syn's tomorrow. Matt and River will be there too." I say sighing.
"Ok babe. You going to sleep?" He asks me deep in his game.
"Mmmhmmm" I say yawning again.

"Val nothing in here I like." I say staring at endless dresses.
"Liz you'll find something I swear they're amazing." She responds.
"At least we found the bridesmaids dresses." Emily says smiling.
"You don't think they're too over the top?" I ask.
"No I love the dark purple with the black belts. The deathbat belt buckle is a good touch." Emily says.
"And they're short so they can be worn again. I'm proud of you Liz!" Val says smiling.
Just then a dress catches my eye. It's a beautiful simple greek style dress. "There that's the one." I say pointing. Once I try it on I'm in love.
"Oh Liz you wow." Emily says tearing up.
"Oh girl you look beautiful!" Val says laughing.
"Well I can dye my hair again to match the colors!" I say smiling.
"Oh yeah that'd would look so cool!" Emily says.
"Oh is this the dress Liz please say yes?" Val says smiling.
I look in the mirror. The way it hugs to me and I can't say no. It's perfect. So I smile. "Yep its the one!" I smile.

Later at a restaurant we finish the plans to the wedding down to the food the cake everything.
"Liz we have to plan whos coming. Obviously Zack's family but..." Val says trailing off.
"We can invite mine. When you send the invites on there's be sure to say airfare is covered. Zack and Mama Maria was admiment on that." I say.
"Dude are you serious? You know how mom is. She will be...well mom." Emily says.
"I'm sure." I say.
"....ok Liz just email me addresses for everyone who's going to walk you down the aisle?" Val asks me.
"Hmmm...I don't know." I say.
"What about I'd you have the boys do it?" Emily asks.
"Oh that'd be so cute!" Val responds.
"Yeah that would. Ok." I say agreeing with my friends.
"So how does a month from now sound? The dresses will be ready then. I have the venues booked we just need to get the supplies and well the guys clothes. Don't worry I know their sizes and just so you know they'd kill you except Zack of course if you put them in suits." Val says laughing
"Well that's all fine I was thinking that nice pants and like a blazer would look good. Black of course." I say
"With purple shirts" Emily says.
"Great that'll work. So I think you're all set babes." Val says smiling.
"Awesome thank you Val I couldn't do this on my own. I'd be planning a wedding for years." I say smiling
"No you wouldn't I would've found out then stepped in" she says laughing.
I happen to glance to my left and stiffen up. Clenching my fists on the table. Anger ripples through me."
"Liz sweetie what's up you look super pissed did I say something wrong?" Val asks me.
"Uh no the whore squad just walked in." I say pointing to the door.
Meghean sees me and walks over with her busted lip and black eye. Gena continues to head to a table.
"This bitch has balls" Emily days.
"Liz...can we talk?" Meghean asks me timidly.
"About what?" Val demands.
"I believe I said Liz." Meghean says.
"And I believe she asked you about what." Emily says fuming.
"Meghean if you have anything to say say it now because I can't guarantee I won't slice your throat." I say
She swallows ,"Look I just wanted to apologize. I really fucked things up and you're right I had to drug Zacky to even get him to really talk to me. Just so you know during...uh...our encounter all he did was call your name. I'm really sorry. Please don't leave Zacky because of me. I won't lie I'm still in love with him but you have his heart and well you're his wife and his kids mom so yeah I'm just sorry." Meghean says hanging her head.
"You should be. But just so you know you didn't break us up you didn't ruin anything. You just helped us to be honest. I'm just warning you stay the fuck away from my husband. If you ever come near us again I can't promise you'll walk away." I say.
"Take her seriously because we will turn into the murder squad faster than you can drop roofies in a drink" Emily threatens.
"Or open your skuzzy legs." Val agrees.
Meghean nodds her agreement and stalks off.
"Some nerve that bitch has." Emily spits.
"I wonder if she's going to press charges?" Val asks.
"I couldn't careless....well except for Emily" I say
"Oh I'll be fine. I'm a private pediatrician any how. So it'll be fine." She says smiling.

As I walk through the hotel doors Zack looks up at me from his computer and smiles "Hey baby"
"Hey" I respond.
"You guys get everything planned?" He asks me going back to his laptop.
"Yep. Whatcha doing?" I ask curious.
"Oh the realtor sent over some pictures for a few houses one is right in between Val and Matt's and Syn and Emily. It's larger than our current digs. Then there's one on the next street over but I don't like it." He says
"The one between the guys. It's just too right at least our neighbors would already be use to loud noises and shit." I say giggling.
"Ok I'll email him back and tell him to make an offer."
I smile and may back. "Zack?" I ask.
"Hmmm?" He calls typing madly away.
"I love you." I respond. I hear him stop typing and next thing I know he's holding me.
"I love you too." He days kissing my cheek.

Zacky V are you still the man for me?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن