When Planets collide

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As the wedding ended and we make it to the reception Emily is on the phone with Syn.
I try to call Zack for the millionth time to no avail.
"Em has Syn heard from Zack?" I ask trying not to sound worried.
"He said yeah he's with him but he's in the club. There was some kind of label party tonight. He's cool not drinking much just is really loud. Syn said when he goes back he'll tell him to call you." Emily says.
I nodd and try to smile as we pull up to the venue where the reception.

As the party wears on there's still call from Zack.
"Emily seriously he hasn't called." I say glancing at her.
"Liz I really don't know why. But we kind of need to talk." She replies looking nervous.
"What's the matter?" I ask her.
She sighs and looks guilty. "I'm pregnant." Emily states devoid of all emotion.
"Are you serious??" I say smiling.
"Dead serious." She says looking not at all happy.
"What's the matter?" I ask.
"Oh nothing except my husband doesn't want kids and here I am knocked the fuck up." She spits.
"Oh that can't be true does Syn know?" I ask.
"Of course not! Why would I tell him? He doesn't want kids!" She almost yells.
"Then how do you know he doesn't want kids? C'mon Emily are you even sure?" I ask her skeptical.
"Elizabeth I am a fucking doctor. Yes I am sure. Three tests and no period yeah I'm positive." She says seriously.
"Em you need to tell him it's not like you can hide it forever." I say to my sister.
"Oh yeah that'll be an awesome conversation right before he divorces me." Emily says sadly.
"Emily when did he ever tell you he doesn't want kids?" I demand.
"When you and Zack split up while you were pregnant."
"Well there you go. He probably thinks you'd do the same."
"No. He doesn't. He said he doesn't want kids. That they make people crazy."
"Emily.... Be reasonable."
"I am don't you get it? That's part of the reason I wanted to come back to Florida for awhile...I can handle it here and he'd never know."
"What? No! Are you insane?!" I yell.
"Keep your voice down. No I'm not insane." She says sourly.
"Thank about this." I cry.
"Liz I want to have kids but I love him more and I don't know I can't loose him. I just can't but I don't know what else to do." Emily says with tears in her eyes.
"Then think about this. Syn loves you. You know he does. He would love anything you want and if its a baby he would be all for it. I seen him with my boys. He's just scared you'll go all batshit crazy like I did and haul ass on him. You need to talk to him before you do anything stupid. If he doesn't want kids then you can think about alternatives but until then I wouldn't do shit." I say to her.
"How'd you feel when you found out?" She asks me.
"Well things were different for me. Me and Zack had only been together months. Just a few months. I was totally shocked." I say remembering all to well the getting sick and being forced into the emergency room.
"Well how'd Zack take it?" She asks me.
"Well same reaction. We didn't even talk about it. Then we went to the sonogram room and I don't know he just changed and all this concern was on his face. Then it was like he was all for it. And I know for a fact he didn't want any children." I say smiling.
"Zack loves you so much even then." Emily says smiling.
"He does. I don't know what I ever did to deserve him but thank god whatever it was I did it." I say smiling.
"Do you really think Syn would be OK with it?" Emily asks me.
"You think Zack loves me? You should see Syn with you. Oh my god he watches you like a hawk. You're his whole world. Everything about you he loves. I don't think you could ever do a damn thing to change that. Only make him love you more and more." I say to her tenderly.
"Can you believe this? I am going to be a mom...." She trails off.
"You are! Are you feeling ok?" I ask her remembering the days when the smell of food made me want to die. The swollen ankles the gas.
"Honestly I feel great! I don't know what the hell you were complaining about." She laughs.
I roll my eyes,"how far along are you?"
"Well about two months. Give or take." She shruggs.
"Oh wow! Well damn! That's amazing Why'd you wait so long to tell me?" I ask annoyed.
"I don't know. No one else knows so don't you dare tell a soul and that includes your husband." She says sternly to me.
"That's not fair you know I can't keep secrets from him." I say poking g my tongue out.
"No seriously. He'll tell Syn and I'd rather be the one." She says to me. I nodd my understand and check my phone. "Still nothing but its two am we need to get the boys back to the hotel" I say nodding to my boys slumped over in sleep in their double stroller.
"Yeah we came we saw I think it's safe to say we can go." Emily says standing up.

As we lay the boys down at four am my phone goes off alerting me to a text message.
"Thank god!" Emily says.
I smile and look at my phone. It's a video and not from Zack. It's from a California number but not one I know.
"It's not from Zack its a video." I say confused.
"Well watch it. Who knows it might be from a record person or something." Emily says shrugging.
I sit down and open the video. I notice its a dark video and there's music playing but the whoever took the video took it in my room. My bedroom. At home. In California. O frown at the screen as two people come into focus.
"Oh god Zacky! That's wow." I hear a girl giggle. My heart stops. I see my wonderful husband kissing another girl.
I watch as he lays her down on the bed he shares with me as tears start to fall. I shake so violently the phone falls from my hands as I hear the moans knowing all to well what the fuck it is that they're doing. Fuck is the actual word. They're fucking.
I pick my phone up and throw it across the room smashing it against the wall.
"What the fuck was that?!" Emily says coming out of the bathroom.
"I can't fucking believe this." I scream.
"Liz what's the matter?!" Emily demands.
"I'll fucking kill him. Who the fuck does he think he is?!" I scream again.
"LIZ DAMN IT WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Emily screams at me.
"Oh Zack loves me so much he's fucking some girl in my house probably as we speak. Fuck this fucking trip I am going home now!" I yell.
"Liz are you sure?" My sister asks me and I stare at her.
"I know what my room looks like. I know what he looks like fucking naked!" I say sobbing.
My sister comes to my and wraps her arms around me. "Please calm down. Let me call Syn. We'll leave on the first flight." She says to me as I sway back and forth.
"Syn...we're coming home. When was the last time you saw Zack?" I hear Emily say. She goes quiet and I glance at her face as she covers her mouth.
"He was talking to who? You've got to be fucking kidding me! Oh well we're coming home because someone but I guess I now know who just sent Liz a video of them fucking Zack." She spits into the phone.
"Oh no that whore was fucking him he was fucking her." I yell.
"Yeah Syn she's sure wouldn't you be? Exactly! No don't fucking call him he deserves what ever the fuck it is she feels like doing. Call and get us on a plane. We gotta pack and get the boys in the car. Well no she's not OK how would you feel? Yeah? Join the club! Look ill talk to you soon. Get on the plane tickets now and don't speak a word to anyone or I swear to god I'll hurt you just as bad as I want to hurt Zack." Emily says ha ging up the phone.
"All my stuff is still packed. I just need to get everything for the boys ready." I say looking around hopelessly.
"We will be home soon maybe I don't know I don't even know what to say." Emily says to me.
"There's nothing to say. Just have bail money ready." I say.
"Oh no hunny I'll be right there with you Syn will have to have the bail money. What're you going to do with the boys?" She asks me.
"Let me use your phone I'm pretty sure mine is fucked." I say pouting to the smashed bits scattered at the foot of the wall I threw it at.
She ha ds me her phone and I dial the only number I can think of.
On the first couple of things even though it's one in the morning the person I desperately need answers sleepily.
"Mama Maria?" I ask
"Yes...Liz sweetie is that you?" My mother in law asks me.
"Yeah listen I am so sorry about how late it is but I'm just super home sick and need to come home. I want to surprise Zack is there anyway when I get back into California you could take the boys for a day maybe two?" I ask as cheerily.
"Sure sweetie. I know Zack has been going stir crazy since you guys left. Do you need a ride from the airport?" Maria asks me.
"No I got that covered. Thanks I'll call you when we land ok?" I say.
"Sure baby girl see you soon." She says and hangs up.
I hand the phone to Emily. "Well that's taken care of and she won't call Zack. Val might have that's why I didn't ask her."
Just then Emily's phone rings "Syn you better have....OK we will be on it see you in a bit meet us at the airport." Emily hangs up and looks at me"We have thirty minutes to go. Our plans leaves at fife thirty." She grins.

We land in California.
"He's going to wish he wasn't born." I say leaving the home Zack grew up in

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