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"Let's all welcome Mr and Mrs Zack Baker!" The DJ calls to the crowded hall.
We rush in smiling at everyone and Zack leads me to the dance floor for our "first dance" as the beginning notes of Staind's Tangled up in you plays Zack kisses me in front of the crowd. "I chose this song. I knew you didn't know one and it seemed kind of gay to use Dear God so I chose the only other song that makes me think of you" Zack says pulling me close to him with his arms around my waist. I smile and lean my head against his chest smelling his wonderful cologne. He twirls me around the dance floor showing off his stellar moves softly singing into my ear. Every single time we move I look into his face smiling. As the song finishes the crowd jumps up. Zack leads me to my mother who's standing with Emily and Syn looking grumpy as Syn holds Emily.
"Hey mom thanks for coming." I say smiling.
"You're welcome. Is this Zack?" She says eying my beautiful husband.
"Yes ma'am its nice to finally meet you. I see where Liz and Emily get their looks from" Zack says smiling.
"They look like their father. I'm not so sure he would approve of you." She says eying his tattoos.
"Oh man get over yourself. Zack yes he would our dad was biker. " Emily says rolling her eyes.
"Elizabeth where are your sons?" My mom asks me.
"Michelle took them to her parents house for the night so we can enjoy ourselves. It's almost their bedtime any how." I say shrugging.
"Really I have to ask what did you do to your hair? Blonde purple and black? And skulls on a dress?" My mom says nudging.
"Yep. In case you haven't noticed mom we're different. And the skulls are important so seriously give it up me and Emily are grown women either you can embrace our lifestyle or get out. I can't take this shit anymore mom." I say getting surprised looks from my sister husband and brother in law.
My mom opens and closes her mouth like a fish begging for air then finally speaks "well I can't so I guess I will go. Good luck and when you get a divorce don't come to Florida." She says to me and Emily turning and walking out.
"No wonder you left..." Zack says shaking his head.
"Yeah I couldnt ever understand how we got these awesome chicks to stay in Cali now I see why...that was bizerk." Syn says shaking his head.
"Let's not ruin a good night..." Emily says smiling as I watch our mother leave.
"C'mon Liz lets dance!" Syn says yanking my arm and dragging me to the dance floor.

As we serve the food the best men speeches begin.
"Ok so since I was the first married and these idiots totally embarrassed me its my turn..." Matt begins.
"So when Zack met Liz I was skeptical. He told us she was a fan a big enough fan to have the deathbat tattooed in her. But our little sweetheart here supposedly had no idea who he actually was. Which I found odd. But I'm glad she didn't because Zack fell so hard in love with her it was unbelievable. I mean the guy talked about her constantly. O actually had begun to hate the name Liz... I mean every five minutes I heard well Liz likes this song cuz and we should do this but why do I have to this Liz blah blah blah. But I've known Zacky for years and I had never seen him so excited over a girl. Liz brought things out in him none of had seen. He started laughing all the time. So thanks Liz for that. And girl I'm so glad you're around. I don't know if you guys know this or not but Liz has a mean streak. She decked a girl about a month ago...fucked her up pretty bad. She can drink like a man and throw down in the kitchen. Zack you're a lucky man dude you're wife is awesome and I'm so glad you two made it! Love you guys!" Matt says sitting down.
"Ok my turn!" Johnny starts. "So I'm glad I'm not the shortest in the bunch anymore. So thank you Zack for finding an almost midget.!" Johnny says as everyone laughs
"Shut up we're the same height!" I laugh.
"True we are but no seriously. When Liz went on tour with us I thought it'd be a disaster. But I was surprised. Liz turned out to be one of the raddest chicks I've ever met. All of us got to see her come out of her shell. Being around Liz and Zack is an opportunity to see one of the world's rarest wonders people so deep in love that nothing else matters. It's amazing to see. I'm sure you've all seen it....especially tonight. I just want to say I'm honored to be included in your life together and you give me hope for my own relationship. You guys are the into relationship goal. Congrats guys! Love you!" Johnny says smiling.
Syn clears his throat and stands up,"So Zack is my best friend. Liz is my sister in law and if Zack wouldn't have met his wonderful wife I wouldn't have mine so seriously thanks dude for going for cigarettes that's afternoon and Liz thank you for not watchingwhere you walk!" Every laughs, "no seriously you twk are amazing and I'm so happy for you! You have amazing little boys and I only hope that me and Emily are as good parents as you guys are. Love you all!" Syn says hugging us.
"Ok so Liz is my big...little sister" everyone laughs as Emily smiles at me. "Liz baby you've been my best friend since birth. I love you to the stars I'm so happy you found that bad boy guitarist you used to say dream about back in Florida. Zack I only have one thing to say to you I stand by my word if you hurt my sister I will break your fucking skull into a million tiny pieces to the point that dental records won't help identify your body and a closed casket will be your only option. But no pressure! Love you guys!" Emily says smiling.
"So my turn. I've known Zack for years. For a long time I was the only girl and I had to deal with these idiots on my own. I always wondered if Zack would ever find a girl who could complete him and keep up with Him. A few had tried and it was never a good fit but something about Liz told me she could from the first time I met her. She was cool to let him do his thing. Somehow she understood exactly what he needed and could be it. Zack you have a special girl here and I have to say Liz and Emily have become my best friends the best girls I could imagine for the guys I consider my brothers. To both of them I love you bitches" Val says tearing up.
The rest of the night continues like this. Everyone dancing taking pictures and laughing. As Staind's song So Far Away plays me and the A7X family hold each other in a huge group hug and scream the words. Laughing all the way.
I look around at all the happy faces and smile with tears falling. I can't believe my luck. I ended up with the most happy loving people in the world. We enjoy each other love each other and will always be there for each other. I watch Syn trying to force feed Emily shouting something about the baby is hungry she told me herself. I smile as Emily shakes her head and takes a bite.
I feel an arm snake around my waist. I look up and see Zack smiling. "You ready for the big announcement?" He says grinning.
"Yeah lets do it." I say
We run to the stage and Zack gets everyone's attention.
"Hey guys we just wanted to say thank you for coming and we hope you had a wonderful time!" Zack says smiling.
"Yes thank you! We have an announcement though..." I say smiling.
"So everyone knows that we have twins boys but we're happy to announce that.." Zack says handing me the mic.
"We're expecting baby number three!" I giggle.

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