Can't you help me as I'm starting to burn

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The house phone rings again and we break apart. I'm closest so I grab the phone and answer.
"Hello?" I ask
"Liz? Hey sweetie! I didn't expect to hear your voice darling." Zack's mother coos.
"Hey Mama Maria how are you!" I giggle.
"I'm wonderful! Listen I was cooking tonight and I wanted Zack to come for dinner! Would you please come as well? Are you there with him?" She asks me excited.
"Oh yes I'll come! And yes we're talking. I spent the night uh the boys are with Em and Syn though." I say smiling.
"What's up?" Zack asks me.
"It's your mom we have dinner plans now." I say smiling.
"Sounds cool." He shruggs.
"Oh he sounds enthusiastic.." Mama Maria says sarcastically.
"Doesn't hr always?" I laugh.
"Oh its wonderful to hear you laughing my love" she says to me lovingly.
"Well thank you what time do we need to be there Mama?" I ask her.
"Six I'll let you guys get back to talking. I love you both!" Mama says to me.
"As do we mama see you later." I say hanging up.
Zack coughs and I look at him.
"Do you want to really do this?" He asks me.
"What do you mean?" I say confused.
"Have dinner with my parents they'll be expecting us to say we've worked things out..." He trails off.
"Zack please yes I want to go. And so what if they do?"
"Because we have no answer for ourselves how can we answer them?" He asks me.
"Simple. We don't we be truthful." I shrugg.

At Zack's parents' house

"Oh Liz your hair!" Mama Maria says hugging me tightly.
I smile,"you don't like it?"
"No I love it! You look amazing my love! Not that you don't always but that just looks amazing. Don't you think Zack?" She asks her son.
"Of course I do mom. She could be bald and I'd love her all the same but that hair makes her look like a freaking model." Zack grins.
"Maybe she could be the new VU model lord knows she has a better figure than the last models." Maria says winking at me.
"That's an idea Mom" Zack smiles
"Oh get inside Zack your dad wants to show you something. Liz want to join me on the patio for some wine? Dinner is still cooking." She smiles at me
"Sure mama I'd love some." I say following her through the house to the back patio. Zack stalls off to find his father.
"So I know how my son is and won't tell me squat so you tell me what's going on?" Mafia asks me as she pours me a glass.
I sigh,"I really don't know. I'm not mad at him anymore. I forgive him really but.." I say lost in my emotions.
"But you what? What's wrong?" She asks concerned.
I take a few sips of wine. "Mama how do we move on from this?"
"Ah I see the problem." She says knowingly.
"You do?" I ask
"Oh yes I've been in your shoes my love. Zack's father cheated on me too you know."
I gasp."no way!"
"Oh yes when the children were very young. Except I caught him red handed in the bed with the woman."
"No way! That'" I choke flabbergasted
"Oh yes my dear. I had a hard time with it too. After months of being alone we started talking again but when I tried to stay in the house all I saw was elthat woman everywhere. Especially in my bedroom." She says to me.
"Yeah...that's exactly what it is. I see that house and its like a scene of a crime. I woke up in my own bed last night and I felt my skin crawling knowing she had been in that bed. Everything feels tainted."
"Yep! And you want to move on but being in that house you feel so trapped so lost. Nasty gross and second best am I right?"
I take a sip OK more like a huge gulp of my wine and think. Yes that's exactly it. Everything feels so wrong because I know that's not a place we share with just us. He's shared it with others before and even now.
" is....exactly how'd you move on though?" I ask her
She smiles. "Easy I told him to sell the house and we moved. Simple as that. I sold everything that reminded me of her and started brand new. I couldn't smell her anymore I couldn't see her anymore and all I could see was new beginnings. Oh I also had another baby" she says winking.
"Well you had me until you said no baby" I laugh.
"New baby? I'm all for it" Zack says joining us.
"Oh god" I say rolling my eyes.
"I hear Syn and Em are expecting." Maria says smiling.
"Wow good news travels fast!" Zack says shaking his head.
"Oh chill son your mother and I ran into Val at the market this morning she told us." Zack's father says laughing.
"And she didn't tell you I was with Zack? I'm shocked." I laugh.
"She probably thought you went back to Syn's and Ems place." Zack says.
"Well it makes much more sense for her to be at her own home. Zack honestly have you thought about selling that place and getting you two and the boys something new?" Maria asks him winking at me.
"Yeah actually I have but itd be up to my lovely wife." Zack says looking at me.
"The market is good Liz and I know the guys would like for you to stay in the neighborhood there's quiet a few very nice places around you." Zack's father says.
"Actually I think a new house would be a good idea." I say smiling.
"You do? But what about? I mean we...I thought that..." Zack says excited and ci fused all at once.
"You know a new baby doesn't sound bad either." I grin at Maria.
"Oh darling that'd be lovely maybe a little girl this time!" Maria says laughing knwoing exactly why I am saying these things.
"But Liz what...about well you know this afternoon." Zack says to me.
"Uh hunny I think they need a minute" Zack's father says picking up some vibes from his son.
"Oh yes I need to check on the food it could be done by now." Maria says winking.
Once they're safely back inside Zack looks at me "are you being serious are saying all this for my parents benefit?"
"I'm serious. Zack part of the problem with me trying to move on is I look at the house and all I can see is....that whore there. I don't see me anymore. I don't even think I can sleep in our bed anymore because I know she was in it. I can't loose what we have so we have to try something. Anything." I say to him
"Are you serious? You want to work it out?" Hr asks me excitement filling his once dead eyes.
"Of course I want to work it out. Goodness Zack I love you more than anything besides the boys. If I can forgive you why can't we at least try to be together?" I smile.
"But OK so you want to sell the house?" He asks me.
"Yes..." I say.
"Ok I'll call the realtor I used to buy the house. Maybe he has some good listings." Zack grins.
"Ok that sounds good or we can sell it and find us something in the same neighborhood. I like living close to everyone."
"They'd kill us if we moved away even if she stayed in the same town they'd be pissed if they couldn't stalk us every day on their way home." Zack jokes.
"I know...are you OK with this?" I ask looking at Zack.
"Of course I am Liz. I'd do anything to keep you anything..." He stands up and pulls me out of the chair kissing me.
I break apart laughing "you didn't say anything about the other thing I said." I grin.
"A new baby?" Zack smiles
"Yes a new you really want one?" I ask him.
"Of course four remember?" He jokes.
"Ok so we can practice for that too." I giggle.
"Mmm practicing sounds fun. But what will we do for a bed tonight?" He asks me.
"What do you mean?" I say confused.
"The house makes you uncomfortable so we're not going there tonight. Where do we go?" Zack says.
"A hotel duh." I joke.
"Oh you two look so great together!" Maria says bringing a roast out to the table. I smile at her
"Thank you mama" I say. I hope she realizes just what I'm thanking her for. Her answering smile shows that infact she does know. She winks and starts filling our plates

As me and Zack start to leave Maria hugs me.
"Liz hunny he loves you.." Mama M says looking at her son.
"I love him too mama I swear." I say.
"Oh my love I know. It's very obvious. You two are meant for each other. Yours like two halves. You fit together and make it whole." She says to me affectionately.
"He dies make my world make sense." I say smiling at my husband. I catch his eye and he grins that same breath taking smile that melted my heart from day one.
"You two will be just fine my love have faith. Love like you two have conquers all." Maria says kissing my cheek softly letting me walk to my husband's truck.
"You two behave yourselves and just be in love to hell with anything else." Zack's dad says to us as we pull out if the driveway.

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