One month later.

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"I am so nervous" I say looking at Emily and Val.
"Why you're already married silly girl!" Val says laughing.
"Come look in the mirror you look amazing!" Emily says smiling.
I walk to the mirror and state at my reflection. The girl standing in front of me looks almost like a movie star.
"Wow." I choke.
"Wow is right Zacky will be floored when he sees you." Emily smiles.
"How'd mom take being flown in day of?" I ask Emily.
"Well....ok I guess you'll see her in a bit."
"Where is she?" I ask.
"Already seated. She's a little pissed she's not involved in the wedding." Emily says laughing.
"Ok Liz you have to get going its time!" Val says checking the time.
I hear the music play and I take a huge breath.
"Mommy hand!" Jimmy says reaching for me.
"Mommy you wook bootiful" Synnie says smiling at me. I look at my boys dressed in their little suits hair in little mohawks.
"Oh Val they look adorable!" I smile.
"Thank you! Michelle did their hair figured they needed a touch of rebellion!" Val says smiling. We walk out of the little trailer she had set up on the beach and Syn walks to Emily taking her arm as Lacey and Johnny walk up. Matt smiles and winks at me as him and Val start their way down the aisle. I watch us my favorite people wall down the little aisle towards the alter where my husband waits for me.
"Ready babies?" I ask my boys grabbing their hands on either side of me.
"Ready!" They scream dragging me down the aisle. I laugh as does the crowd and make my way up it not looking up. When we reach the end I kneel so my boys and push my veil back.
Each one gives me a kiss on the cheek and runs to join Val and Emily.
I stand up smiling and look at Zack. He grins at me looking awesome in his black shit with purple silk shirt. He holds his hand out that I grab.
We stand in front of a minister who begins to talk.
"Welcome everyone. We're here today to renew the vows of this young couple. They've chosen to forgo traditional vows and write their own so in the spirit of their speedy union lets begin Zack you first son." The minister says smiling at my husband.
He reaches in his pocket and extracts a piece of paper. "Woo OK Liz, from the day you literally crashed into my life you've been the desire to wake up every day. I think of all the ways you have blessed my life and it brings me to my knees. Everyday you somehow manage to make me fall more and more in love with you. You have the ability to turn a shitty day for me into the best with just a smile. I will gladly spend the rest of my life loving you and I look forward to many more days with you. Thank heaven for seven eleven for it brought me my angel. I promise you from this day til the day I die to love you. Respect you. Give you everything in life you desire to be the man you need and deserve. I promise to protect you,nurture you,and be there for you so you never feel alone. I can't promise everything will be perfect but I can promise I'll do my best every day to make it perfect. I love you baby." Zack finishes smiling at me.
"beautiful words Zack. liz its your turn darling." The minister says smiling.
I take a breath and smile pulling my paper out of my dress. "I didn't have a pocket so I stuck it in my cleavage" I laugh causing everyone to laugh and Zack to wink.
"Lucky paper." He jokes causing whoops from the guys.
I smile,"Zack our road hasn't always been easy....but its been almost easy." I grin looking at my boys who shake their heads. "I never thought I'd ever meet someone who took my breath away at the same time breathing life into me. When I'm around you my life seems so perfect. It hasn't always been so. I use to dream of one day meeting you and when I did I didn't even realize who you were. I'm so glad you didn't give up on me being so slow. I have to thank you for giving me such a beautiful life and family. I thank you for our sons who I could've never dreamed would be so perfect. I can't give you the world but I can give you all the love one world can hold. I promise to be your constant support. A shelter from the storms of life. A shoulder to lean on during hard times. A person who you can always count on to be there for you. I promise to always love you to care for you and to see the good in you when even you don't. I'll always be here for you through everything life can throw our way. I love you Zachary James Baker and I pro ise to do just that until my last breath and even into the Afterlife." I say trying not to cry.
"The couple has also asked me to recite traditional vows as well so we shall begin with a little Zack repeat after me
I Zack take you Elizabeth to be my wife,to have and to hold in sickness and in health,for richer or for poorer,to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live." He says to Zack
"I Zack take you Elizabeth to be my wife to have an to hold in sickness and in health for richer or for poorer to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live." Zack says smiling as a tear escapes his eye.
"Ok Liz same drill." The mister says winking
"I Elizabeth take you Zack to be my husband,to have and to hold in sickness and health,for richer or for poorer,to love and cherish as long as we both shall live." I say smiling.
"Well normally we would say I now pronounce you husband and wife but instead I'll say I know pronounce you blessed with a beautiful union. Zack you may kiss your bride." The minister says.
"About time!" He says causing more laughter. He grabs me leans me back and kisses me passionately in front of our family.
"Oh dear lord!" I hear my mom say
"Mom get use to it! This is nothing you should come on tour with us." Syn says winking at my mother causing me to laugh and grin at my brother in law. Zack stands me up right as our boys run to us and we both snatch one up running down the aisle.

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