This means War

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"Liz don't do anything stupid." Syn says to me pulling up to my house.
"Define stupid?" I say angry as hell.
"Murder for one." He says laughing.
"I can't promise anything." I say jumping out of the car.
"You want me to come with you?" Emily asks me.
"No....not in....uh just no I'll call you if I need you." I say. She nods her head as I walk the steps to my front door.
When I walk in I see Zack asleep on the couch. Hmm I bet he is tired. I slam the front door and stomp up the stairs to my room. I yank open the door looking for the bitch who was here but apparently she fucked my husband and left. Smart girl. Meghean. That's the girl. His fucking ex. I think angirly. I grab a suitcase and start throwing in my clothes. I grab a duffle bag and take all my make up and hair supplies. I walk to my boys room and start pulling their clothes and throwing them into suitcases. I grab their favorite blankets and toys throwing them into a spare diaper bag making all the noise possible. I grab the bags stomping back down the stairs and stop at the foot of them glancing at Zack who unbelievably is still sleeping. I notice a glass of juice sitting on the end table and and throw it at him
"What the fuck?!" He screams scrambling up. He sees me standing there and smiles. "Baby you're home! Where's the boys?" Zack asks me.
"Don't fucking worry where they are you piece of garbage. What the fuck is your fucking problem?" I scream at him.
"What the fuck is yours?! Why are you screaming at me?" Zack yells.
"Don't you dare speak to me like that you bastard. You deserve an Oscar for your video I received last night. Where's Meghean? You had no idea I'd be home today...where'd she go? Couldn't bare to see her in the daylight in our home?" I spit at him.
"What the fuck are you talking about? I haven't seen Meghean here at all. I talked to her last night for a few minutes....well that's the last thing I remember anyways." He says still apparently drunk.
"Oh really? You just talked huh? Don't remember bringing her here to fuck?" I demand.
"I didn't fuck her what are you talking about she didn't come here!" He screams at me.
"I got your little video what was that your idea as a joke?" I yell.
"What video what the fuck are you talking about Liz?" He screams back to me.
"Oh the video your little whore sent me." I yell at him.
"A video of what? I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about?" Zack yells at me.
"Ok I'll play your fucking game. The video Meghean sent me of you fucking her upstairs in our bed! Don't even try to say it wasn't you I know your tattoos. I know what you look like. I fucking know. I hope it was worth it I really do because I am done! Do you hear me done! I will not be cheated on!" I scream yanking my wedding set off of my finger and flinging it at him.
"I didn't fucking cheat on you! I love you! This isn't over what the fuck Liz?!" He says walking towards me.
"Don't touch me!" I scream.
He stops short. "Liz you're out of your mind I didn't cheat on you!"
"Call your whore I'm sure she'd have a different story! Ask her for the video! She was only too kind to send it to me. After I called the phone company and had them send me the video to my email Syn told me the number. He happened to have it in his phone since you were together. He even told me he saw you guys talking last night." I yell trying not to cry.
"Yes Liz I talked to her but that was it. The last thing I remember was calling a cab." Zack says to me desperately.
I laugh,"being drunk isn't am excuse. Nothing is an excuse. I'd never in a million years do this to you! Ever! I thought what we had was more important to you." I say to him.
"Liz it is! You have to believe me!" He pleads with me.
"No I don't the video proved otherwise. I can't believe you!" I scream.
"You're not walking put of my life Liz. I didn't cheat on you. I didn't. Drunk or not I didn't." He yells.
"Watch me! I'm done! You know I could've forgave you for damn near anything. Anything. Hitting me? I would've forgave you. Lying to me? Definitely but cheating? You've got to be insane." I say shaking my head.
"Liz I didn't cheat on you! I would never ever hurt you don't you know I love you?" Zack says to me.
"Yeah you love me so much that while I'm gone you get drunk and fuck your whore ass ex girlfriend in the bed that forty-eight hours prior to you had me in? Yeah that's some love?" I say laughing hysterically.
"That's not even funny?" Zack shouts.
"No shit you fucktard!" I scream.
"You don't have to call me names Liz." Zack shouts.
"Oh its better than fucking killing you! Which is love to do right now. How dare you!" I scream again.
"Liz I didn't cheat on you! Stop this shit! She wasn't here last night." He says to me. His phone goes off on the table next to the couch and I snatch it before he can. There's a text message.
"Zacky call me its important. We need to talk about last night. Seriously. Call me ASAP. Hugs kisses and more Meghean" I read aloud to Zack. I watch his face fall.
"I don't know what that even means Liz." He says to me.
"Really? You don't know what that means? She wants to talk about last night! Funny she remembers fucking you!" I scream at him.
"I didn't fuck her!" He screams back.
"Sure you didn't. I'm done fuck you Zack." I scream grabbing my bags and keys.
"Liz stop you can't do this. I didn't cheat on you!" He yells at me.
"Fuck you Zack. Fuck you! Go call your whore I'm sure she's ready for round two?" I yell.
"This isn't over! I didn't cheat on you I'll fucking prove it!" He yells at me.
"Yeah fuck that. I seen the proof." I say to him throwing my things in the trunk of my car.
"I'll fight for'll see." He says me.
" is a battle field huh?" I say sarcastically.
"You're fucking right it is and this means war baby." He threatens me.
"Fuck you Zack. I'll call you when you can have the boys." I say getting into my car.

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