Welcome Home

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Hours later around midnight Florida time I am driving to my hometown after leaving the airport and getting into the SUV that Zacky Rented us. Emily is following me in the Range River Syn got for her. I sigh looking into the rearview mirror at my boys sleeping soundly. In sleep they look identical to their father. Same pouty mouths. I grab my phone and decide to call my husband its only nine so he should be awake.
"Hey sexy" my husband says answering.
"Zack I want to go home." I say.
I hear him laugh,"Baby you just got there. How'd the boys do on the plane?" Zack asks me laughing.
"Fine. They did fine. Don't change the subject I want to come home." I say pouting.
"You made it to the hotel already?" He asks sighing.
"No. We haven't even made it into our home town. Oh thanks for the car by the way."
"Your welcome. I want you home too. You know today was nice but its not enough to hold me over for a week." Zack says talking about our eventful afternoon that caused me to need someone to come help me pack and have hickies on my hips.
I laugh,"another reason I want to come home. But seriously I need birth control or baby number three will be here all too soon."
"Ah would that really be a problem?" He says laughing.
"Yes it would be! Then we'd really have no time for anything else." I giggle turning into the hotel parking lot.
"Oh I'll always make time for that Mrs. Baker." Zack says proactively.
"Promises promises." I laugh.
"You know it babe." He agrees.
"You're such an addict you know that?" I say smiling.
"Only for you. Don't hurry up with this shit and come home for round two."
I laugh. "If I could speed up time love if only I could."
"I know the feeling. What do you guys plan on doing tonight since you and Emily are husband free?" Zack asks me.
"You realize it's midnight here right?" I ask.
"No really I didn't my bad." Zack laughs.
"Yeah it is. I plan on setting up playpins for the Vengeance twins taking a shower and then maybe going to bed." I say sighing.
"I really wish I could've gone I feel bad you have to take care of the boys on your own. I could hire a nanny for you to help out." Zack suggest.
"No! That'd make things worse with the family honestly. I'll be fine Zack."
I say almost shouting.
"Liz it was just a suggestion chill. Listen you only have to deal with them a week then you can come home and be back to normal again. It's OK I promise you'll be fine. I already miss you." Zack says sweetly.
"God I miss you too." I say sighing as I open the door to the SUV.
"God I want to go home its fucking g hot here!" Emily says opening the passenger door of the car and helping me with the boys.
"Fuck yes it is. Ok Zack we're at the hotel we're gonna get the boys and head up to our room. I love you." I say sniffing slightly.
"Ok baby give the boys a kiss for me. I love you too." He says hanging up.

The next morning
"You girls look much too skinny! And who spikes their boys hair up? This one needs a hair cut Elizabeth!" My mom says to Emily and me as we walk up to her house.
"Hi mom nice to see you too." I say already annoyed.
"Mom they're her kids she can do their hair anyway she likes." Emily says not even hiding her annoyance.
"Well I guess but you girls never looked like this." Our mother says with her words dripping disapproval.
"Yeah we know Mom. You made sure we looked like angels. Well thankfully my husband is a rockstar so you know we're supposed to look evil." I say grinning at Emily.
"Yes but they look very sinister for such young children." My mom says eying my boys
"My name is Synyster!" My youngest son says sweetly causing Emily to snort with laughter.
"Yes darling I know. I am your Nana. Your Mommy's mom." My mom says to my son as we walk inside.
The house hasn't changed at all. Still cluttered with knock knacks and photos. Same furniture. Everything all the same.
"Welcome to hell...again." Emily whispers to me causing me to laugh.
"Well girls the wedding has been pushed up. Tomorrow. Do you girls have dresses?" My mom asks us.
I squirm knwoing all to well she wants to take us shopping.
"Yes mom we do. So do the boys....well tuxes." Emily says eying me knowing the same thing I do.
"Black I hope isn't the color." Mom asks us.
"No blue actually." I say. Glancing at Emily knowing she hates blue and I look awful in it.
"But blue looks awful on you! You should wear pink that's the brides colors. Besides pink will attract suitable husbands." Our mother scolds.
"Mom seriously?!" Emily half shouts.
"My Mommy is married to my daddy Nana." My son Jimmy pipes up.
"Oh yes Dear but well she deserves a suitable husband." My mother says to my son.
My son looks at me then glares at his grandmother. "My daddy is nice to my mommy. He wuvs her vety mooch. He a good daddy." He begins wailing.
"Thanks mom seriously? Are you insane? You don't talk like that in front of my children. You might not approve of Zack but I do. So give it a rest."
"Honestly Elizabeth. Who marries someone who has 666 tattooed on them? Calls their self Vengeance? And Emily you too! Synyster? Really! Neither of you will be allowed in heaven!" She half shouts.
"My name is Synyster... I like my name....mommy what's wrong with my name?" My son cries.
I glare at my mother "nothing sweetie. There's nothing wrong with your name. Absolutely nothing." I say soothingly to my baby boy.
"But she said I won't go to heaven!" He wails.
"She's wrong." Emily says glaring at our mother.
"I really only meant their husbands." My mom says to my boys.
"That's not nice! You're mean!" My son Jimmy says crying again.
"Mommy I wants to go home!" Synnie cries.
Emily looks at me,"we need to go do some uh visiting and shopping for the wedding gifts for the happy couple." Emily suggests knowing there's nothing more I would like to do than get out of this house. I know she must want to run for the hills if she's suggesting shopping. She hates shopping.
"Yeah the boys need to calm down anyhow. Mom we will see you later." I say looking at my mother.
"What? No! You should stay and not give in to your children or you will have brats" she says sternly.
"Well that'll be the nanny's problem. I have to go." I say defiantly.
"Fine but we're having a family dinner tonight. You need to come." She says.
"We'll be there." Emily says.
"Mommy we go?" Jimmy asks yanking my hand.
"Yes we're leaving. Bye Mom." I call walking out the door.
As soon as we're safely in the car Emily turns to me as we're driving to the nearest mall,"Can you fucking believe her? I mean seriously in front of the boys says we need suitable husbands! What the fuck!" She huffs.
"Em...." I say.
"Ooh Auntie Em said uggy" Jimmy giggles.
"Oh god sorry." Emily laughs.
"I know but seriously I guess she means well its just I can't wait to go home." I sigh.
"Me either. I miss Syn." Emily says pouting.
"But Is here Auntie Em. Is right here!" My son Synnie giggles.
"Not you booger. Uncle Syn." Emily says winking.

We do some shopping finding dresses for the wedding tomorrow and little suits for my boys. We even find a present for the bride and groom.

At the family dinner everyone asks about our husbands and how much of a shame it is that they couldn't meet our husbands. We finally end the night not wanting to go to the wedding but we'll family is family and sometimes you gotta do what's right no matter how wrong it feels....

Zacky V are you still the man for me?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt