Carry On

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In my sleep I hear a phone ringing. I open my eyes and see the sun filtering between the blinds. I groggily sit up forgetting for a second where I am. I panic.
"Babe your phone is ringing." Zack mumbles. I smile now knowing. Ok so I haven't been kidnapped and I did make up with my husband. Awesome.
I look to my left and there's my phone. I smile at the screen.
"Hey Em" I say yawning.
"Where are you?" She asks me.
"Uh at a hotel." I say kind of annoyed.
"Why are you there you're supposed to be at Zack's working on your fucked up marriage why the fuck are you at a fucking hotel?" Emily shouts.
"Because I don't want to stay in that house for a second longer" I snap back.
"Where's that fucking husband of yours? I went over there and the pussy didn't answer the door. What the fuck did he do to you?" She demands.
"What the hell are you talking about Emily? Who said he did anything to me." I ask
"Well Syn said you called and wanted to talk to me that you were going to a hotel which I hope you put on his card and you're in a penthouse suite...oh and that you had paperwork to do." My sister says through clenched teeth.
" I really didn't explain myself. Zack's with me. I can't stay in that house anymore which is true because it just reminds me of the fucking whore bag so we're selling it." I say smiling as Zack rolls over and yanks me closer to him. Laying his head in my lap and pushing his hand up my shirt.
"Zack's with you?" Emily asks me surprised.
"Yes...we worked everything out like you and Val knew we would." I smile trying to push Zack's hand away.
"Well...why...oh the house. Y'all are selling?" Emily asks me.
"Yes." I huff between Zack trying to yank clothes away from my body. I push the phone away. "Would you stop I'm on the phone." I laugh
"Oh god what...never mind you might end up pregnant again so he better stop." Emily says
"Oh well yeah I need to talk to you about that..."
"Good lord she's got some lungs." Zack says laughing.
"Tell him to shut up." Emily says annoyed.
"She said shut I'm not pregnant but would you be pissed off at me if I were to become pregnant?" I ask sort of scared.
"No. Why would I be?" Emily asks co fused.
"Because you are...and I just don't want you to feel like well you know like we're stealing your thunder." I say.
"Oh god Liz seriously?" Emily says laughing.
"Well yeah I mean it's sort of you know your moment." I say almost in a whisper.
"Oh god Liz c'mon! I would love it if you're pregnant with me. It'd be cool. And if its what would make you and Zack happy that'd be great because I love you both and of course I'd be happy for you if that's what you it what you want?" She asks me.
"Yeah...I'd like to have a girl. I really would and yeah I think a new house a new baby would be great way to start over." I say smiling. Zack looks up and winks at me before trying once again to get his hand up my shirt.
"Well great now this moving thing..."she begins but is cut off.
" WHO THE FUCK IS MOVING" I hear Syn scream.
"Liz and Zack and you idiot you jumped to conclusions! Her and Zack are together! They got a hotel room! You had me thinking she was divorcing him!" She yells at him.
"Well...she didn't sound too happy..." Syn mumbles.
"Oh cut him a break it was my fault I did make it sound like I was depressed." I say laughing.
"Well anyways where do you two think you're moving?" Emily demands.
"Not fucking far! That's for damn sure they can't take off with my nephews." Syn says annoyed.
"Oh god we know we're going to look in the neighborhood." I say laughing.
"I told you that no one would let us move far." Zack laughs trying again.
"Yes you did now stop I'm on the damn phone or I'll break that damn hand." I say.
"Well I'm glad y'all sound back to normal." Emily says laughing.
"Yeah me too..."I giggle.
"So OK I'm thinking of Sullivan for a boy name we can call him Sully..." Emily says.
"Aw really? What about a middle nam" I ask.
"Owen. I know we already have Jimmy but you know he was Syns best friend and I just feel like we should attempt to honor him you know?" Emily says.
"Yeah I get it I really do. I like it" I say.
"Well good. So what'd y'all do last know what never mind y'all are talking about babies so yeah don't tell me." Emily laughs.
"BABIES? SHES PREGNANT?!" Syn screams.
"No doofus! They want to have another baby would you stop screaming the boys are still sleeping. God I will never get any sleep when our baby is born this dumb ass will be waking it up every twenty minutes yelling." Emily says laughing.
"You two are such a loving couple I laugh. And trust me he'll change when he's got a newborn sleeping in the house. Zack's loud. I remember when we first brought the boys home and this time when they were about five months they were teething and Zack kept shouting down stairs and would wake the boys up. He stopped once I made him go take care of it." I laugh.
"That sounds like a legit plan." She agrees.
"How are my monsters? You changing your mind yet?" I ask
"No...they're great really. I think Syn is having more fun than the boys. Last night Jimmy told Syn he goes Unkie Syn can I please have my truck? I be nice and gave you turn now you be nice it my turn I about died laughing." Emily laughs.
"Aw well see. I told you he'd make a good dad." I say smiling.
"Ok OK OK I admitt it you're right and I was wrong my bad OK." Emily laughs.
"I think I'm about to die of shock Emily admitted she was wrong." I giggle
"Yeah you better record it probably won't happen again" Emily laughs.
"Well I gotta go. We have to meet the realtor here soon and do all of that." I say.
"Sure you do you just want to start trying. I know Zack's trying to molest you ask we speak." Emily laughs.
"He is but he ain't getting any" I laugh and Zack stop dead and pouts. I bust out laughing harder.
"Ok on that not I'll let you go. Talk to you later." Emily says hanging up.

Two hours later I'm sitting in an office listening to Zack and the realtor talk about houses market prices and other crap that makes no sense to me.
"So Mrs. Baker do you have anything in mind that would make you happ" the realtor asks me.
"Uh...a large kitchen and I'd like a hot tub." I say shrugging.
Zack laughs.
"Ok so a big kitchen well that can be done. The hot tub well do you understand what we're doing here?" The realtor asks me.
"Not a word of it but if it makes Zack happy or whatever then I'm cool." I say shrugging.
"Ok...then...uh..." The realtor stuttuers.
"She's not into this mind of stuff." Zack laughs.
"I see that. Well I'll look into some open houses for tomorrow. Are you guys wanting to sell first and buy later or.."
"Buy first." I blurt out.
Zack laughs,"You heard the lady."
"Ok open houses tomorrow OK well I'll get back to you guys." The realtor smiles I grin back and Zack stands up so I follow his lead.

Back at the hotel.
"So am I really not getting any?" Zack says as soon as we walk back into our room.
"Nope." I say
"Nope I'm not or nope you lied?" He asks me innocently.
"Nope you're not I need a shower" I say walking to the bathroom.
As I'm washing I feel the draft and know I'm not alone.
"I said no" I say laughing.
"Won't get pregnant like that" Zack says joining me.
"You don't play fair." I say to him wrapping my arms around him.
"I told you this is war." He laughs pushing me against the wall.
"Mmmm I like this type of war games."

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