Twenty Three

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"Kaya. Kaya wake up. Wake up!" Someone was shaking me awake but I didn't want to wake up. Eventually though I gave in.
"What?! I was sleeping peacefully." I say. I'm not very happy. I look over at my clock. 10am. Ok now I see why.
"Looked at the time recently?" Ki asked.
"Yeah I have. Now. Thanks Ki." I say. Sitting up in bed. How did I sleep for so long? Ki chuckles and I hit him over the head with my pillow. I laugh too at his reaction then stop. I remember my parents are still here.
"You ok?" He asks. Sitting down on the bed next to me.
"Ha. No. I wish my family was happy." I say and rest my head in his chest.
"It'll be ok." He says and rubs my back.
"Katie!!" Dylan.
"I guess someone needs me." I say then run downstairs where Dylan is waiting for me.
"What?" I ask.
"We're going to the movies. Wanna come?" He asks.
"What movie are we watching?" I ask. Maybe I can torture my mum. If we see a horror movie.
"The purge 2." He says. I smirk.
"I'm in. And we should bring my parents." I say. He smirks too. He knows my family all too well. "Well I should get ready." I say. I go upstairs and get ready for my day.
"What time do you want to go?" I ask Dylan. Brushing my hair.
"I was thinking 5:00. You know, a time where hardly anyone is ever there because it's so late." He says. I nod in agreement. It was also really hot and the pool hadn't been getting much use...
"Pool. 12:00." I say and he smirks. Reason why: we are evil in the pool. Splashing wars never end. I usually end up pulling him under the water.
"Deal." He says. We check the time. 11:00. I hour.
"I'll tell Ki. He likes these kind of things." I say and Dylan agrees.
"Ok it's settled I'll tell Thomas." He says. I agree to that. The plan is that everyone will spread the word and hopefully we'll have everyone in the pool. It is pretty big. Even my parents but, that's what's going to make this day fun.

Soon an hour has passed and everyone knows about the swim in the pool. I'm going to call it a pool party because there is going to be music. Some that my mum hates and the best thing is that she can't do anything about it. Haha.
"Ok let's get this show on the road." I say. I press play on the stereo and bomb into the pool which already has Dylan and Will in it.
"Jesus Kaya for a girl you don't act like it sometimes." Will says. Wiping his face from the water I splashed.
"Hey." I said. Splashing water at him. Soon Ki jumps in the pool. Then everyone else follows. My parents being the last. Well my mum. My dad just dived in. And there was still room in the pool. Like a lot of room.
"How do you have a big house and a massive pool?" Ki asks me.
"Hey get a house this big then you wouldn't be surprised at how big everything is." I say.

A couple of hours pass and we decide to get out. Cooled off and sick of swimming around we get out. The next three hours are just going to be laying around until we decide to go to the movies. Me and Dylan decided that my parents won't come because Zac wouldn't be allowed to watch the movie with us so we're just going to go as friends.

When the time came to 4:30 it was time to head off. Hopefully my parents aka my mum don't steal anything. Or something like that.
"Kaya hurry up." Ki shouts through the door.
"Ok I'm ready." I shout back. Opening and closing the door. I say goodbye to Zac and my dad then go to my car which can thankfully transport all of us.

"Hi what movie would you like to see?" The cashier asks.
"Uh the purge 2 please." I ask. The boys are ordering the food and drink so hopefully I can get my food too.
"How many tickets?"
"5 please." I ask. She tells me the amount and gives me the tickets. "Thank you." I say and walk off. Seeing the boys I run over and give them their tickets then grab my food.
"Cinema 3 for the purge is now open." Someone says. We walk over and give them our tickets.
"Time to scare you guys." I smirk. They laugh sarcastically. But we walk into the cinema anyway.
The ads started and to pass time I just ate my popcorn. The boys looked at me weird so I threw popcorn at them. Good thing we were in a cinema otherwise we would've had a popcorn war.
Then the movie started and I put on my excited face which is really weird. Let the fun start.

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